Ordinance 1619ORDINANCE 1619 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING OFF- STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1277 N.S. BE IT ORDAINED D RY iu i COU NCiL OF TEE tr, (ITY OF ALA M: EDA as follows: SECTION I. He'etions 11d235. 11-14C 1, 11 -1-iC5 at id 11.11(;7 of Ordinance Nn. 1277- N.H. are hererhy amended to read a.s follows: Section 11-1285 "Parking Space"' shall mean permanently surfaced area of not- less than nine (91 feet 1;y r�'frt�• f:.;(f6 feet in sue, clear of obstruction with unrestricted ace( Ln a public ritTht of way, located in areas as specified 111 11.1107. Section 11-14C-1 \least 1rermerat. Standards (e) Fractional Measurements — When units or me;o-astirenaents determining the number of required off - street pnr•ki1lg and off - street loa.cling spaces result in a requirement of a fractional space, any fraction up to and including (I 0 -half (€ ) shall be disregarded, and fractions over one.-Iralf (H) shall rcigtri •tr onc efft - .iireet parking or loading- spi-n•e°. Section 11d -1( 7i hechrle of Reclnired Minimum Oft'- Htreet Parlc.i ng 4pace (a) One-fa rnil} c1 veiling (b) Two- family ins (cl Yiultiple fa.rrlily c1 vell- in Two (2) spners 1x dwelling: unit One and nne-I1alt (1, 1 spaces per clwerling nr;it One and one -half (1 1°9 spaces per dwelling unit Seetio11 11.1 --IC7 Loe ation of Parl:i ng-pares (a) Residential uses: Parking spaces may be located as specified below or in conibi.nation thereof: 1. Covered parking ‘vit:hi -n a main building or accessory building in ac•e•ordarrce with the•• red( Iiremr11t of ttrr,. Ord ]nsrnr,e; nr- Open I)rrr1-ir1L' sli.t)l he iwrinit11(1 001, upon rear one, -half (' =i of 0 rot; or: Open parking 5p1-1c1rs shall he permitted upon the front. one -half 1' of a lot provided that: (a) 00 space shall he estahlisl1ecl within the requirc,c1 front yard area; (h) :.i. I,a.rrdsraped orerI of 111 1c'.tast five 151 feet in "kith is provided hetvv'eer). parking area and any rntr.iu r>r accessary hniidin (s); x119 IC) ray. nmasonry walI ('fr equivalent material), (enee nr• t•nrrrpac ( cr-eI fe e n Ir, •l of not less tt>ara four (t) feet in height be proci're•e! :alne,f the side, :rnd front of such parking facilit- ter: incr e=..itranwos U1 not greater than twelve and one -half (112 .,r feet in width. :3. SECTION ''.'[his ordinance shall he in full force alai effect from and rafter the expiration of t hit-1y (110) days from 1 he date of itsfinal passage. I "1t'.1-tR\ 1.:1 C1{OI\. JR.. I'rc'sic-iirag (lffieer c>f 111071 :1•I'JEST: 11i,i1.A 1 A I'.i, el,v City Clerk 1, the undersigned. hereby cer't.if} that. the foregoing Or- dinance was dilly and regularly adopted and passed hE t of the City of Alameda in regular meeting 0-,'— mble:.d on the 19th day of May 1970, by the following vote to wit: AY El.-3: Councilmen fore, t,evv. I.nnt'aker, McCall and P'reside'nt I,a (; rol x, .1 i - •:3). NO 11 E: Not ie. Ali'-; 1 ' I -: Norte. IN WiTN F — — W11 E11 LOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the offici 1> seal of said i its` this 20th clay of Via-V. 1i -170-