Ordinance 1622Ordinance No 1622 AMENDING THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 11)- 239,1 THERETO, .PROVIDING CONDITIONS FOR ISSUANCE Di' SPECIAL EQUIPMENT INSTALLER'S PERMIT BY ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Section I. 'I'ha r the .Alameda :Municipal ('ode 1-' 1tereby amended by adding Section l0- 2 :39.1 thereto, to road as fol- lows.: c' r _ Spec ial Eut Opulent 1 t>st.aIl('r•'- Per- Mil. 'The' l•'Ir,•trical 1)e+part- rnent may Issue a :special equipment installer's permit . to arty person not 1icetsed . under this chapter but duly 1 ieensed by the City of Ala- meda to engage in the busi- ness of installing, fixed elec- trical equipment as a duly licensed limited specialty contractor, I1) Faaeh such special permit s11a11 only authorize the holder and his bona, fide employees to 1[1.- stall a single electrical unit., its Cornpoue;ats and the necessary branch circuit eV- tension for supplying such fitted el3- 'ct11(3a.1 coin pment from an existing branch cir- cuit not ENceedint` 20 am- peres rating: (.2) each such :;pedal permit shall o(Ver and be Valid ' -'c'1 work only on the pr'Pmisc- tit one loca- tion: (:3) eatci sire!) special permit, the I' .Idcr• thereof, and the We> >>, performed thereunder, shall 1•e subject to and shall 3ornply- with all applicable I.)roy.4ions and re- quirements 01 I his chapter Nvhieln are not in conflict with any expressly stated provi- sion) or requir•0ntent of this section: (4) every i)3'1' 011 do- siring 10 (Amain siren special permit -;hall deposit and maintain on deposit with the Electrical I):'partmcrnt the scam of s25.00 in cash, which cash deposit shall he subject . to all the provisions and con- ditions, inclladin<„• return of deposit after completion of the work, as pl oser•It(d i.ra Section 1O-22:a of I Ins chapter 'with respeel to similar cash deposits mode l)”,` 1ic•!'11500s 011(101 this ehal)tet: (;li I'r.es to be elaarged for s.lcb sp'- cical permits and for i1aspP('- tiora5 of w0r•1. I >0rf0r•mod thereunder, and the payment Of such fees, shall he in ac- cordance with and shall hP subject to all cn.1(1 t ir)ns and provisions 1 3311111 3(3 d j>1 �('(•- Lions 10- 2:31(1 c)11 10-'':d9, boar inclusive or this c•Ilanpler- Sect ion 2. This ordinance shall be ifl fall force and effect . from and•r 1110 expiration of thirty i :i(l) nays from the date of its firtari paassagc. Terry La Presiding Officer of the Council Attest: Irma L..Neli01> City Clerk 1, the r.111(13 rsi rnerI, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordi- nance was duly' atncl regularly adopted arid passed by tire Council of the C'it■: of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the. lt31 -h day oi' ,lune, 1970. by the followl3113' y rlte, to wit: AY 1 +,S: Councilmen Fore, Levy, McCall and President LaCroix.,J.r• „(•i_I N( }l;5: ABS ENT: Cott nc.il maa.tl Long. Aker, ('1). IN Vv l'I Nl ESS W1-1 EH f?O h' T have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of Said City t his 17th day of.1u no„ 13-)70. (SJ'.AI» Irma l... Nelson City Clerk of the City of :Alameda A -772 — Publish .111110 19, 1970