Koster 7002. Ju risdiction of {offi (Check at least o ne box) F� State Judge or Court. Commissioner (Statewide Jurisdiction) F Multi- County County of f City of Other 3. Typ of Stat ers" e i (Ch at least o ne boxy Annual: The period cohered is January 1, 2011, through Leading office: Date eft December 31, 2011. Ct eGlr 00e or. The period covered is I through 0 The period. covered i J 1, 2011, through the date of December 31. 2011 n leaving offices Assuming Office: Date assuri7ed g CQ The period covered is 1 through the .date of leaving office. Candidate: Election Year Office sought, if different than Part 1: 4., Schedule Summar Check applicable schedules or lone. Td al number" of pa ges I [d o Ot cove" pag Schedule A -1 Investments schedule attached El Schedule C Income, Loans, Business Positions schedule attached F❑ Schedul.e A -2 Investments schedule attached Schedule D Income Gifts schedule attached F Schedule :B Real Properly schedule attached Schedule E Income Gifts Travel Payments schedule attached or Cl one No reportable interests on any sch 5E Verification MAILING ADDRESS STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE (Business or.Agency. Address Recon mended Public Docui?7ent} DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBE�i E -MA ADDRESS (OPTIONAL e n J R I have used all reasonable diliger ce in preparing this statement, l have reviewed this statement and to the t of nay knowledge the information contained herein and in any attached schedules is true and complete, I acknowledge this is a public document. I certify under penalty of perjurer under the lags of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 4. 4. Date Signed g month, d year) Si �i1 h x ri i� t. Y (File t g s a.emenf with your filing €�fficiel g FPPC Form 700 (2011/2012) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661275 -3772 www.fppc.ca.gou