Resolution 12070CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO.12070 CERTIFYING FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (IS-90-13) AT FOUR CIVIC CENTER SITES FOR THE PROPOSED NEW MAIN LIBRARY AND ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the City of Alameda has considered the Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) regarding a proposal to construct a new main library building at the southeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Oak Street with associated parking facilities at one or more of three alternative sites, and the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the Carnegie building at 2264 Santa Clara Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) dated October 18, 1990 was submitted to the State Clearinghouse for comment by State agencies (State Clearinghouse No. 90030601) on October 18, 1990, and was circulated for public comment between the dates of October 19, 1990 and December 3, 1990 in accordance with CEQA and the City of Alameda EIR Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board held a public hearing and accepted testimony on the Draft EIR on November 15, 1990, and accepted written comments on the Draft EIR through December 3, 1990; and ; 03. WHEREAS, a Final EIR document, which consisted of theo cri Draft EIR with certain modifications to its text and the'- incorporation of a chapter containing comments and responses torrr;,;;; comments, was prepared, circulated for public information, and ' provided to the Planning Board on December 28, 1990, and to members of the City Council and other interested parties during the week of December 31, 1990; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board at its January 14, 1991 meeting considered the Final EIR and voted to recommend Certification of Adequacy for the Final EIR to the City Council based on the following finding: 1. The Final Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the City of Alameda EIR Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final EIR, including the revised Summary Table S, the revised Figure 7, and the revised page 81 of the Final EIR, pursuant to Section IV.(c) of the City of Alameda. EIR Guidelines; and 1 WHEREAS, Section 21002.1 of the Public Resources Code and Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines require that the City Council make one or more written findings prior to approval of a project for which an EIR has been completed that identifies one or more significant effects of the project, along with the facts supporting each finding; and WHEREAS, Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code requires that a mitigations monitoring/reporting plan be adopted for the significant effects identified in the Final EIR; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Alameda that: 1. The City Council finds that the Final EIR has identified all significant environmental effects of the project and that there are no known potential environmental impacts not addressed in the Final EIR. 2. The City Council finds that all significant effects of each development alternative are set forth in the Final EIR. 3. The City Council finds that for Development Alternative 1 (66 space parking plan), for Development Alternative 2 (130 space parking plan), and for Development Alternative 3 (408 space parking plan), the Final EIR identifies certain environmental effects that will result if any of these project development alternatives is approved. 4. The City Council finds that for Development Alternative 1, the Final EIR identifies certain environmental effects that can be avoided or mitigated by the mitigation measures incorporated in the Final EIR. These mitigation measures pertain to (a) visual quality; (b) air quality; (c) noise; (d) geology, 'soils and seismicity; (e) hydrology; (f) public health; (g) cultural resources; and (h) population and housing. Each measure is summarized in Revised Summary Table S of the Final EIR and constitutes a change or alteration that has been required in, or incorporated into, Development Alternative 1, thereby avoiding or substantially lessening the significant environmental effect as identified in the Final EIR. The rationale for each mitigation measure is provided in Revised Summary Table S, where warranted, and in the body of the Final EIR. 5. The City Council further finds that for Development Alternative 1, the Final EIR identifies certain other environmental effects which cannot be avoided if this development alternative is implemented. These remaining unavoidable significant effects, set forth in Exhibit are found to be acceptable when balanced against the facts 2 set forth in the Statement of Overriding Considerations attached in Exhibit "II". 6. The City Council finds that for Development Alternative 2, the Final EIR identifies certain environmental effects that can be avoided or mitigated by the mitigation measures incorporated in the Final EIR. These mitigation measures pertain to (a) visual quality; (b) air quality; (c) noise; (d) geology, soils and seismicity; (e) hydrology; (f) public health; (g) cultural resources; and (h) population and housing. Each measure is summarized in Revised Summary Table S of the Final EIR and constitutes a change or alteration that has been required in, or incorporated into, Development Alternative 1, thereby avoiding or substantially lessening the significant environmental effect as identified in the Final EIR. The rationale for each mitigation measure is provided in Revised Summary Table S, where warranted, and in the body of the Final EIR. 7. The City Council further finds that for Development Alternative 2, the Final EIR identifies certain other environmental effects which cannot be avoided if this development alternative is implemented. These remaining unavoidable significant effects, set forth in Exhibit "I", are found to be acceptable when balanced against the facts set forth in the Statement of Overriding Considerations attached in Exhibit "III". 8. The City Council finds that although the Final EIR identifies certain significant environmental effects that will result if Development Alternative 3 is implemented, all significant effects that can be feasibly avoided or mitigated have been avoided or mitigated by the mitigation measures incorporated in the Final EIR. 9. The City Council finds that the Final EIR has described all reasonable alternatives to the project that could feasibly obtain the objectives of the project. Further, the City Council finds that a good faith effort was made to incorporate alternatives in the preparation of the Draft EIR and all reasonable alternatives were considered in the review process of the Final EIR and ultimate decisions on the project. The project, as approved by this action, is included in that range of alternatives. 10. The City Council determines that a monitoring and reporting plan as required by California Public Resources Code section 21081.6 shall be implemented as follows. The plan shall include adoption of mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR and summarized in Revised Summary Table S of the Final EIR. The Planning Department shall prepare an annual report on the implementation of the measures. The various City 3 departments shall implement and monitor the mitigation measures according to the responsibilities of the department. For example, design review mitigation measures shall be monitored by the Planning Department, TSM mitigation measures shall be monitored by the Engineering Division, traffic and parking mitigations shall be monitored by the Engineering Division and the Public Works Department, and project design and construction mitigations shall be implemented by the project architect and contractor and shall be monitored by the City's project coordinator. 11. The City Council finds that a good faith effort has been made to seek out and incorporate all points of view in the preparation of the Draft and Final EIR as indicated in the public record of the project, including the Final EIR. 12. The City Council has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final EIR, pursuant to Section IV.(c) of the City of Alameda EIR Guidelines, and has considered the recommendation of the Planning Board as to the adequacy of the Final EIR. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that said Council hereby certifies the Final Environmental Impact Report (IS-90-13) for the new main Library and associated improvements project as complete and adequate in that it addresses all environmental effects of the three development alternatives for the proposed project and fully complies with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, the State CEQA Guidelines, and the City of Alameda EIR Guidelines. Said Final Environmental Impact Report is comprised of the following elements: 1. Final EIR dated December, 1990 2. Revised Summary Table S, Revised Figure 7, and Revised Page 81 of the Final EIR 3. Planning Board Resolution No. 2145 4. Planning Board Staff Reports, dated November 15, 1990 and January 14, 1991 5. City Council Staff Report, dated February 6, 1991 6. City Council Minutes 7. City Council Resolution 8. Comments and Responses received prior to final actior and not contained in 1 through 7 above. 4 EXHIBIT I CEQA STATEMENT OF FINDINGS AND FACTS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT IS -90 -13 SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS WHICH CANNOT BE AVOIDED IF THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS IMPLEMENTED, FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO SAID EFFECTS AND STATEMENT OF FACTS IN SUPPORT THEREOF, ALL WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED CERTIFICATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED NEW MAIN LIBRARY AND ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS BACKGROUND CEOA Requirements The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines (Guidelines) promulgated pursuant thereto provide: "No public agency shall approve or carry out a project for which an EIR has been completed which identifies one or more significant environmental effects of the project unless the public agency makes one or more written findings for each of those significant effects accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for each finding. The possible findings are: 1. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the Final EIR. 2. Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency. 3. Specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final EIR (Section 15091 of the Guidelines)." Discussion of Alternatives CEQA Guidelines require the discussion of a range of reasonable alternatives to the project, or to the location of the project, which could feasibly attain the basic objectives of the project. Further, the Guidelines require the evaluation of the comparative merits of the alternatives. Section V of the Final EIR evaluates the following CEQA project alternatives: (1) No Project; (2) Expansion of the Existing Carnegie Building; and (3) Development of the Library on an Alternative Site. 1 However, by virtue of the City's proposal being a public project, and one which has been widely discussed over a long period of time in the community, the City has gone beyond the basic requirements of CEQA in analyzing alternatives to its project. In response to basic CEQA requirements, the City has looked at a number of options, including the development of library facilities at alternative sites, for achieving the library program. Of those alternative sites, the LinOaks Motel site is felt to best meet the objectives of the project. However, going beyond the requirements of CEQA, the City has further evaluated various options for achieving the library program on the LinOaks Motel site. These options relate to the number of parking spaces provided and the design and location of the parking facilities that would serve the new library. The parking options constitute the three "development alternatives" evaluated in the Final EIR and referenced below. Project Description The City of Alameda is considering approval of a request to permit the construction of the proposed new main library and associated improvements. The project includes: (1) the construction of a new main library building containing 46,918 square feet of floor area, to be located at the southeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Oak Street; (2) the construction of parking facilities at one or more of three alternative sites; and (3) the rehabilitation, including seismic upgrade, of the existing Carnegie building located at 2264 Santa Clara Avenue. Three development alternatives exist, with the primary difference between each alternative being the location and design of the parking facilities that would be developed in conjunction with the the new main library building. Development Alternative 1 would provide 66 parking spaces, Development Alternative 2 would provide 130 parking spaces, and Development Alternative 3 would provide 408 parking spaces. Because the proposed actions constitute a project under the CEQA Guidelines, and because the City of Alameda has determined that the project may have a significant effect on the enviroment, the City has required the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). This EIR has identified certain significant effects which may occur as a result of the project on a cumulative basis in conjunction with other past, present and reasonably foreseeable future projects. Further, the City desires to approve this project and, after determining that the EIR is complete and has been prepared in accordance with CEQA and the Guidelines, the findings set forth are herein made: Ultimate development of the project under Development Alternative 3 (408 space parking plan) will not result in any significant unavoidable adverse impacts to the environment. However, ultimate development of the project under Development Alternative 1 (66 2 space parking plan) or Development Alternative 2 (130 space parking plan) will result in certain significant unavoidable adverse impacts to the environment, as indicated below and in the Final EIR. With respect to those impacts, the City Council of Alameda makes the findings as stated on the following pages. FINDINGS AND FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDINGS FOR SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE PROJECT SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS WHICH CANNOT BE AVOIDED IF THE PROJECT IS IMPLEMENTED -- DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 1 (66 space parking plan) The following effects are those determined by the City of Alameda to be significant environmental effects which cannot be avoided if the project is implemented. All significant environmental effects that can be feasibly avoided have been eliminated or substantially lessened to a point of insignificance by virtue of mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR (Revised Summary Table S) and incorporated into the project. The remaining, unavoidable significant effects are acceptable when balanced against the facts set forth in the Statement of Overriding Considerations For Development Alternative 1 (Exhibit "II" of the Resolution), giving greater weight to unavoidable environmental effects. Traffic and Circulation Significant Effect Implementation of Development Alternative 1 (66 space parking plan) would adversely affect parking and circulation in the project area. Specifically, the project would result in a 103 space parking deficit. Some of this unfulfilled 103 space demand would be transferred to area on-street parking, already nearing capacity. Increased congestion and spill over parking into neighboring residential areas would result. Findings 1. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the Final EIR. 1. Specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the project alternatives identified in the EIR (Section 15091 of the Guidelines). Facts in Support of Findings The significant effect has been substantially lessened by virtpe 3 of Mitigation Measures identified in the Final EIR and incorporated into the project. These measures include the following: 1. Promote the City TSM program to library employees. 2. Provide off-site parking for library employees at one or more of three sites in the vicinity of the project. 3. Reallocate to library patrons any City employee parking spaces near Site A (new library site) that are made available due to implementation of the City TSM program. 4. Provide bus shelters at all stops within a two block radius of the new library, and permit the sale of AC Transit passes at the library. The significant effect has been substantially lessened to the extent feasible. However, specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the project alternatives identified in the Final EIR and set forth in the subsequent sections of this statement. 1. The project represents the best use for the specific sites and for the project area. 2. The project as proposed satisfies the three primary objectives stated in the Final EIR, namely (a) the construction of a new main library that will adequately provide library services and programs for the Alameda community through the year 2010; (b) the enhancement of the Civic Center by introducing a building that is consistent with the area's urban design and with other land uses in the area, and (c) the seismic upgrade and preservation of the historically significant Carnegie building for a new public use. As such, the project as proposed represents an invaluable public resource that will serve a broad cross section of the community from a convenient Civic Center location, whereas none of the CEQA project alternatives identified in the Final EIR satisfies all three of the primary objectives. The remaining unavoidable significant effect is acceptable when balanced against facts set forth in the Statement of Overriding Considerations. SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS WHICH CANNOT BE AVOIDED IF THE PROJECT IS IMPLEMENTED -- DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 2 1130 space parking plan) The following effects are those determined by the City of Alameda to be significant environmental effects which cannot be avoided if the project is implemented. All significant environmental effects that can be feasibly avoided have been eliminated or substantially 4 lessened by virtue of mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR (Revised Summary Table S) and incorporated into the project. The remaining, unavoidable significant effects are acceptable when balanced against the facts set forth in the Statement of Overriding Considerations For Development Alternative 2 (Exhibit "III"). Traffic and Circulation Significant Effect Implementation of Development Alternative 2 (130 space parking plan) would adversely affect parking and circulation in the project area. Specifically, the project would result in a 49 space parking deficit. Some of this unfulfilled 49 space demand would be transferred to area on-street parking, already nearing capacity. Increased congestion and spill over parking into neighboring residential areas would result. Findings 1. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the Final EIR. 3. Specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the project alternatives identified in the EIR (Section 15091 of the Guidelines). Facts in Support of Findings The significant effect has been substantially lessened by virtue of Mitigation Measures identified in the Final EIR and incorporated into the project. These measures include the following: 1. Promote the City TSM program to library employees. 2. Provide off-site parking for library employees at one or more of three sites in the vicinity of the project. 3. Reallocate to library patrons any City employee parking spaces near Site A (new library site) that are made available due to implementation of the City TSM program. 4. Provide bus shelters at all stops within a two block radius of the new library, and permit the sale of AC Transit passes at the library. The significant effect has been substantially lessened to the extent feasible. However, specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the project alternatives identified 5 in the Final EIR and set forth in the subsequent sections of this statement. 1. The project represents the best use for the specific sites and for the project area. 2. The project as proposed satisfies the three primary objectives stated in the Final EIR, namely (a) the construction of a new main library that will adequately provide library services and programs for the Alameda community through the year 2010; (b) the enhancement of the Civic Center by introducing a building that is consistent with the area's urban design and with other land uses in the area, and (c) the seismic upgrade and preservation of the historically significant Carnegie building for a new public use. As such, the project as proposed represents an invaluable public resource that will serve a broad cross section of the community from a convenient Civic Center location, whereas none of the CEQA project alternatives identified in the Final EIR satisfies all three of the primary objectives. The remaining unavoidable significant effect is acceptable when balanced against facts set forth in the Statement of Overriding Considerations. PROJECT ALTERNATIVES Findings 1. The City;s proposed project has been designed in a manner so as to provide the greatest public involvement in the planning and CEQA process. 2. The following provides a brief description of project alternatives. 3. The project alternatives have been rejected in favor of the current project proposal. 4. The rationale for rejection of each project alternative is provided below. 5. The rejection rationale is supported by the public record but not limited to, the Certified Final EIR. Alternative 1 -- No Project Alternative The No Project Alternative provides for no new development in the project area. 6 Findings Specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the No Project Alternative described in the Final EIR in that: 1. The No Project Alternative would not meet the three primary objectives of the current project proposal: a. Construct a new Free Library that will adequately provide library services and programs for the Alameda community through the year 2010. b. Enhance the Alameda Civic Center by introducing a building that is consistent with the area's urban design and with other land uses in the area. (Note: The No Project Alternative would also not achieve the beneficial land use and visual quality impacts to the Civic Center associated with the demolition of the LinOaks Motel, the upgrading of the Carnegie building, and development of new commercial and parking space on Santa Clara Avenue (Site D) or on Park Street (Site C) c. Seismically upgrade and preserve the historically significant Carnegie building for a new public use. Alternative 2 -- Expansion of the Existing Carnegie Building The Expansion of the Existing Carnegie Building Alternative consists of two different plans. The first, a plan sponsored by the City of Alameda and prepared by the firm of HME would demolish several structures on adjoining parcels and construct a three story, 22,000 square foot addition and a 77-space parking lot. This plan would provide a total floor area of 33,550 square feet. The other preliminary plan, prepared by the Committee to Retain the Carnegie Library, would result in construction of a three story 28,850 square foot addition to the Carnegie building entirely on City-owned property. Parking would be accommodated at an off-site location. This plan would provide a total of 41,300 square feet of space. Findings - Plan 1 HME Plan Specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the Expansion of the Existing Carnegie Building Alternative described in the Final EIR in that: 1. The Expansion of the Existing Carnegie Building Alternative (HME Plan) would not meet two of the primary objectives of the current project proposal: 7 a. Construct a new Free Library that will adequately provide library services and programs for the Alameda community through the year 2010. (Note: The Library Space Needs Study, prepared in 1989 by Mr. Rob Richard, recommended a floor area of 46,918 square feet to meet the needs of the library through the year 2010. The HME plan provides only 33,500 square feet. b. Enhance the Alameda Civic Center by introducing a building that is consistent with the area's urban design and with other land uses in the area. (Note: The HME Expansion Alternative would also not achieve the beneficial land use and visual quality impacts to the Civic Center associated with the demolition of the LinOaks Motel and development of new commercial and parking space on Santa Clara Avenue (Site D) or on Park Street (Site C). 2. The HME plan for expansion would result in a significant parking deficit, the loss of housing units, the loss of a professional office building, and potential impacts to cultural resources associated with the design of the expansion. 3. The City has stated that it would not acquire the Church of the Nazarene property which would be required for purposes of expanding the Carnegie building. Findings - Plan 2 -- Committee to Retain the Carnegie Library Plan Specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the Expansion of the Existing Carnegie Building Alternative described in the Final EIR in that: 1. The Expansion of the Existing Carnegie Building Alternative (Committee Plan) would not meet two of the primary objectives of the current project proposal: a. Construct a new Free Library that will adequately provide library services and programs for the Alameda community through the year 2010. (Note: Absent detailed plans for the Committee's proposal, it is difficult to assess whether this proposal could adequately provide library services and programs for the Alameda community through the year 2010. b. Enhance the Alameda Civic Center by introducing a building that is consistent with the area's urban design and with other land uses in the area. 8 (Note: The Committee Expansion Alternative would also not achieve the beneficial land use and visual quality impacts to the Civic Center associated with the demolition of the LinOaks Motel and development of new commercial and parking space on Santa Clara Avenue (Site D) or on Park Street (Site C). 2. The Committees's plan for expansion may result in potential impacts to cultural resources associated with the design of the expansion. 3. The Committee's plan would result in a parking deficit of 132 spaces, which would be considerably greater than any of the City's development alternative parking space deficits. 4. The Committee's plan would result in a less efficient facility requiring relatively greater staffing when compared with the City's current project, given the three-story configuration of the addition proposed in the Committee's plan, and it would lack on-site parking. These issues are primary considerations for a proposal to be favorably evaluated under the Proposition 85 Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act Funds program. Alternative 3 -- Off-Site Alternative The Off-Site Alternative would include the construction of a 46,918 square foot library and a surface parking lot providing approximately 86 parking spaces on the Portola Triangle, a site located approximately 1.5 miles southwest of the Civic Center. Findings Specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the Off-Site Alternative described in the Final EIR in that: 1. The Off-Site Alternative would not meet one of the three primary objectives of the current project proposal: a. Enhance the Alameda Civic Center by introducing a building that is consistent with the area's urban design and with other land uses in the area. (Note: The Off-Site Alternative would also not achieve the beneficial land use and visual quality impacts to the Civic Center associated with the demolition of the LinOaks Motel and development of new commercial and parking space on Santa Clara Avenue (Site D) or on Park Street (Site C). 2. The site is located in a low density, predominantly residential area that is remote from the Civic Center. 9 3. The site is not located on a major arterial road, has only limited transit service, and is relatively inaccessible when compared to Civic Center site alternative. 4. Development of this alternative would result in a parking space deficit of 64 spaces, which could impact the adjoining, predominantly residential neighborhood. 5. The development of this site would significantly diminish or block views of the adjoining parklands and bay from residences located north and east of the site. 10 EXHIBIT II STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 1 The California Environmental Quality Act requires a public agency to balance the benefits of a proposed project against its unavoidable environmental risks in determining whether to approve the project. The City of Alameda has determined that the remaining unavoidable risks of this project are acceptable when balanced against the facts set forth below. In making this determination, the following factors and public benefits were considered: 1. Development Alternative 1 fully satisfies the three primary objectives for the project: a. The new library will adequately provide library services and programs for the Alameda community through the year 2010. b. The project will enhance the visual and functional character of the Alameda Civic Center by introducing a building that is consistent with the area's urban design and compatible with other land uses in the area. The project will also result in beneficial land use and visual quality impacts in the Civic Center associated with the demolition of the LinOaks Motel and the preservation of the Carnegie building. c. The project will seismically upgrade and preserve the historically significant Carnegie building for a new public use. 2. The proposed project represents infill redevelopment located in an urban area where adequate facilities and services exist. 3. The intensity of use represented by Development Alternative 1 is appropriate for the proposed sites and other properties located in the vicinity of the Civic Center. 4. The proposed new main library represents an invaluable public resource that will serve a broad cross section of the community for many years to come. The proposed design and location are essential for the facility to function in a manner that will satisfy the needs of the community. In addition to providing space and opportunities for research, study and recreational reading, for which vocal demands have been expressed in the Alameda community, the facility will provide critically needed public space for meetings and events in a convenient Civic Center location. 1 5. Mitigation Measures identified in the Final EIR and incorporated into the project, pertaining to the parking deficit that would result from the implementation of this development alternative, substantially lessen the significance of this environmental effect. 6. The City has developed several proposals to construct a parking structure on Oak Street between Santa Clara Avenue and Central Avenue to serve the parking needs for Civic Center facilities and other users. Currently under consideration is the 408 space structure analyzed in Development Alternative 3 of the Final EIR. This design would satisfy expected cumulative demand for off-street parking in the vicinity and even lessen on-street demand for parking. It is anticipated that a public parking structure will be developed by the City at this site, or possibly at an alternative Civic Center site. Construction of such a facility would reduce to a level of insignificance the parking-related effects that would result from the implementation of Development Alternative 1. 2 EXHIBIT III STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 2 The California Environmental Quality Act requires a public agency to balance the benefits of a proposed project against its unavoidable environmental risks in determining whether to approve the project. The City of Alameda has determined that the remaining unavoidable risks of this project are acceptable when balanced against the facts set forth below. In making this determination, the following factors and public benefits were considered: 1. Development Alternative 2 fully satisfies the three primary objectives for the project: a. The new library will adequately provide library services and programs for the Alameda community through the year 2010. b. The project will enhance the visual and functional character of the Alameda Civic Center by introducing a building that is consistent with the area's urban design and compatible with other land uses in the area. The project will also result in beneficial land use and visual quality impacts in the Civic Center associated with the demolition of the LinOaks Motel and the preservation of the Carnegie building. c. The project will seismically upgrade and preserve the historically significant Carnegie building for a new public use. 2. The proposed project represents infill redevelopment located in an urban area where adequate facilities and services exist. 3. The intensity of use represented by Development Alternative 1 is appropriate for the proposed sites and other properties located in the vicinity of the Civic Center. 4. The proposed new main library represents an invaluable public resource that will serve a broad cross section of the community for many years to come. The proposed design and location are essential for the facility to unction in a manner that will satisfy the needs of the community. In addition to providing space and opportunities for research, study and recreational reading, for which vocal demands have been expressed in the Alameda community, the facility will provide critically needed public space for meetings and events in a convenient Civic Center location. 1 5. Mitigation Measures identified in the Final EIR and incorporated into the project, pertaining to the parking deficit that would result from the implementation of this development alternative, substantially lessen the significance of this environmental effect. 6. The City has developed several proposals to construct a parking structure on Oak Street between Santa Clara Avenue and Central Avenue to serve the parking needs for Civic Center facilities and other users. Currently under consideration is the 408 space structure analyzed in Development Alternative 3 of the Final EIR. This design would satisfy expected cumulative demand for off-street parking in the vicinity and even lessen on-street demand for parking. It is anticipated that a public parking structure will be developed by the City at this site, or possibly at an alternative Civic Center site. Construction of such a facility would reduce to a level of insignificance the parking-related effects that would result from the implementation of Development Alternative 2. 2 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in special meeting assembled on the eleventh day of February, 1991, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Thomas, Withrow and President Corica - 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this thirteenth day of February, 1991. Diane Felsch, City Clerk City of Alameda