Resolution 00018REST-SUTTEE No. 18. (TEDERIES. HEMS AND BEECITECATIONS FOR TUE IMPROVEETWIT OP THIRD STREET BETWEEN PAC= AVENUE AND BCOSH STREET UNDER HOSOTETION NO. 37, EC' SERIES. amoavED, that the City Ewineer tile City of Alameda be, and he is here- by ordorea propare plans abe. siwnhigEhtArions fbr the following work to be db.do aid Impabwemett to be wade in said City,. to wit: The improvemot of Third dtreetg from the northerly line of Facifa. Avon te to the Southerly line of Brush. Street, and inehtaing the crossings of Cypress Street and Spruce Street with Third. Street, an fellows: That the entire ',width of pada street, between said. limits, be graded to thb official graWb; tVwt concrete cusitnals. eiglIt Roches by fourteen inches in cress-section diwbnsion, bb cuttftructea on. the curb lines of said street and on tine carved eornerR of the CrOSSiSSZS between said 11mitsg that concrete '(1 '4, two and one-adif feet in: width. ana of the "flat pattern% Bt. cahRitrneted. along t Ise tearaway' side of had contiguous to sada. eurtittg; that ouperete gutter bridges Bob hha orie-half ilest in width be opiwAstaBEtea at said curbed. corners; that corrugated irct. culverts be consdnu(ctbd in. eabh of said crossings; and that 1, he f 44 p s rt fan of' tie re adway of snit st tb et, between said 1.1R1) ts wad including said. tontnovitwo, be paved 'with ell macedam, siit inches Rs thick.- hubs. Adopted. by tne Council of the City of nistadatt this Oil. (lay of March, F. HT Eartleitg irosiding Officer cs? the Council. E „ Besshta,(1, City Cie Wk. 3 70 S ars) egypt a ve d. by MS t 6t. h. day 0 7t C. .1-1 7 1917. „ Hartle tt „ mayor of d I. neraby certidaw that the fooR8nwing ROSO 0 A. SS doily and.. reantlar iptro- (laced. and.. abottbd. by tihd ObbAyuil. of' thb Cit.y of Alameda, in.. rAtaulaw meatrisig assembled on the 3th day of Enron, 1917, th.o following vote:- dyes:Councilmen. dlicR, Hattania Majors, nerriS„ trobet, 3Ri4/ h and. Stewart and Arebident Ruth, ( 0 ) Noes :Rohe . ent Coptic i Isiah maaacl,, (1), aaa furthar er tiify that said' Resolution was presehtea to (dna. approved. by. two Mayor on. the 6th day of" Mexch, 1911. S ea 1 of 't ( Sty 3.77 4 t030 e Oa, ) E. Bosshard, City Clare of Alas:ea:b. 2Psolution No, 18. I' hereby Certify that the 8fregoing is. a. fall. true nrn. softest coy of "Besintion No 18, Ornehims Plans ami Specifications for the DMrTaVe- ment of Thifd. Street Between 11noific Avenue and Brush. Street, under Resoln- tfun No, 37, New Supiesc passee. by tlw Cuuteil. of thp City of Alameda in reguAar meeting assembled on the eth day of MaT011 1917, ann. said Reso- lution wat presonten to ann approved, by rhe Mayes on the 61h day of' March, . 1817. City Olbek of the City of Alamena,