Resolution 00390of the City of Alameda to RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the Co e following work to be done and improvement to be made in said city, to-wit: ington Street, frau the easterly line of Broadway That the southerly half of fa six-inch oil feet easterly and parallel therefrom, be graded; also that a a line 140.17 utter line and the center of between the outside constructed thereo 3. o 40 E concrete curb and gutter Le constructed thereon, the street; also that a Eortland semen all between the lines aforementioned. hall be done in accordance with the official plans and apeci- 3D ‘1-1 0 F-1 in the office of the city clerk. fications heretofore adopted therefor and now on file the 7th day of J 80 .0 0 ■•? 3D 03 of said city, p. m. in the Council Chamber of the Counni or improvement May appear before said Council and objections to the proposed work cause why said proposed improvement should not he carried out in accordance with said resolution. published twice in t iOu of intention to be The clerk shall cause this es dtar", a daily newspaper of general circulation published and circulated 31 City Council. in said city and hereby designated for that purpose t shall cause to be conspicuously posted alonp the line The street superintend of all the property liable to be of said contemplated work and notices of the passage of this resolution of intention, in time, form required by law. The herein proposed work shall be done under aud in pursuance of the provisions State of California designated the "Improvement Act of that act of the Legielature of 1911", approved April 7, 1911, and amendnmnts thereto. e foregoing reeolution was duly and regularly introduced I hereby certify that by the follow- and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda the 17th day of May, 3. Probst, and ?resift ES: Councilmen Adams, ENT: Tilden Attest: W.