Resolution 00398PESCIDTICE NO. 398. A A A C, 61 eda did on the RESOLVED, that whereas the City Council of the City of eries, to order 0, 0 its Resolution of I 17th day of May, 1921, the heteinafter described work to be done and improvement to be made in said city, which Resolution of Intention wne duly and legally published as rognired by law, as appears from the affidavit of A. A. Hobe, now on file in the office of the city clerk of notions of the passage of seid Resolution of Intention lo. 59, A A A 4, Tt1T" were duly and legally posted along the New Series, headed "ECTICE OP IMPRO' in front of all the property liable to be plated work and imprevemeut and 0 assessment district umber as required manner and and every street and uses uo pue 'soya-con. 90930000 " described in said resolution of intention, nage of said Resolution of Intention, as appears from the by law, after the d who, upon the completion cf the C. E. Hickok, who personally posted the same, a posting of said noticeo, forthwith Tiled said affidavit in the office of the city clerk, making oath that he completed the posting of eald notices on the 25th day ef May, 1921; have been presented to the City Council 8) 0 011 0 '091. therefore, it is hereby ; 4) against the doing of said work and making said terest and convenience require the work hereinafter TECOIVED, that the public 1 Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the following work to he 0 described, said city, to-wit done and imprnvement to be ma southerly from and parallel with the That WAILIVT 2TRE9T, from. e line southern line of Clinton. Avenue to the existing concrete wall located at or near the that an oil macadam pavement be constructed. southerly end of said street, be in the roadway thereof between the gutter lines; also that Portland cement concrete curbs and gutters be constructed on both sides thereof, and that Portland cement concrete side- walks five feet in width be constructed on both sideS thereof, between the limits afore- lines and of said work already done to the official with the official plans and speci- 0) 4, Oo office of the city clerk, and 4 4-, 48 4Tt 4-4 8-4 8 48, Lt g 8 84 4, qr.; ?, 43 0 11 03 42 H 0 • 8040, O 4,43 1 2: tions for further particulars and a description and specific is hereby made to mild p work and improvement. 0' ated work and improvement lz, in the opinion • A 44 aa rg 0 0 a, city council, of more than local striet said council thereof chargeable upon a district, which 4g1 - 0 0 ,..,4 m- VAtAad,,,,p, . 4 P 4C g ' 4 A r'' p a a ; k- ab O 01 0 aa H 0 N g 0 Htat vat 0 2 a N 0 0 0 Pa ag 0 : 1 o 0 1 60 00o A A 0 A 30 % P g 0 A A 0 .„%0*, H 42 0 4,3 GA 14 E 0 0 13 42 0 0 0 04 0 0,0 0 0, g 24 4.. -44 ps 141 ..s. 4Z 844,0-313 0,344'-. .. .- k; s. 0) 04 0 4) 4 44.'- 0P' 1 i a: aa t a.40 p' ,4 a °at 0 C 4a VI 4 9 3F29;ig 0 0 , 54, 0o 1 m0g t 1 iE t ,gd .gi 9 :ri V $.4 r: , ,9 g-, 2 9!902:2!, o .. ara ata 0 at tat H !+94,,'.999'= 0 Pi 00) 0.03 pi 0 0 1. 0 ks pi 0 sk, 0 ' 49.5),944'4 ' 49 0 A 0 0 0 .4 — 0 0 O kg 0 04P.S. 400 Pto 0 9299)99949,049 . 0.0,40.940 0 .0.40 . 08)00 84 m440„.4„..,,,,4 .ii ,F, 1 . .• 4 4' 9 4 'AI) ,".'434Fit..,0 A ''A. 944,403.°90:40t 04 0 4. P 4. vs Pi 0 4. 0 al o 0 0)- 0 A A g A 0 a 0Aal 0 0±,. o 0-3 ,04 d 0 0 k A .A 41 *4)4Q'4*4)4Q'444404308) 0 440 4-34 PA p4,44,6834,33 q,AA . ad0A 'd,,A, g., 0 g 2rd.0,04..9: 924 0 044000434, 0 m 0 72 44 -44 4. 0 0 g,0,-, 10 42 ri 00524-4-4I -PP 4.4.44, SO -.. Pi 4 0 0 P 0 O ft+4, a 42 , 01 A . 4,04) d ,F c „a gt 4. '10 0° 0 e 0 0 a at + 3 0040 0 2 0 0 0 P . 0 0 00 0 43 43 Os. 0 4 44 49004 00m E999.A4,90tqm aq 0, °OA 04 4,04,04)000, 093.4,L3- .4.S' '14',-; 44'.4 7'") '.2% 40" ''R4 2 ..»' 4? 14 0 0 Pa 0, 0 tt 0 0 al .4 p .... k a 0 so cc. ,...,4 0.-t03H d t.4 .,-I rl 0 atat 0 g g 0 lr The City Clerk is hereby directed to post a notice of said wnrk, days on or near with the plans and specifications therefor, conspicuously for sealed proposal or bids for the council chamber door, inviting He is also directed to publish twice a notice inviting such proposnls, and referring to the specifications posted or on file, in 'Alameda Times Star", a daily newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in enid city, and hereby designated for that purpose. that the foregoing ree I hereby certi me introduced and adopted by the Council of the Cit of said council held the 7th day of June, Councilmen Adams, Latham, Pro z 43. 35. 53.5 44 44 000 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of passed by the Council of the Ordering "Resolution no. 098. Fesolutio City of Alameda 111 their regular meeting assembled on the 7th day of June, 1921. 0, 44