Resolution 00631RESOLUTION 7T A RESOLUTION CABLING AND PROVIDING FOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SP20IAL ELECTION TO DE HELD IN ThE CITY OF AiiMEDAL STATE 02 OALIMORNIA, ON TUESDAY, THE EIGHTH DAY ON MAY, 1923, FOR 2 PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID CITY, A PROPOSI- TION 1 GRANT CERTAIN TIDE AND SUBMERGED LANDS TO THE UNITED STATES OE AMPRICA FOR THE PURPOSES 1 A FAVAI E. WILLEZAS, on February 5, 1920, the City of Alameda did srant, give, convey and alienate unto the United States of America the certain tide and submerged lands hereinafter clescrib3d for use as a naval base, which -grant wan authorized and approved by vote of a majority of the electeru of uaid city at pcciai election held in said city on the 31st day of January, 19211, ANU WEETZAS, said grant was made upon the condition that 'unless the actual work of development is commenced thereon before January 1, 1924," said lands should revert to the City of Alameda, AND Rh:2E3AS, it appears that said grant has not yet been accepted by the United. States in the .manner required by law, and thut the actual work of devolbpment thereon cannot be ocznencen before January 1. 1224, as re:pi:rod by said doed, geL WiteiVoaS, the Wan :Francisco ahenlor of COMMEX0e has requested the City Of alageda to call a special election and again sabmit to the elbotors of said city the proposition to authorize another grant of said lands upon the condition that sold grant be accepted by the United States and tee actual work of development FIR commenced thereon before January' 1, 1925, AFD WHWREAS, said Chamber of Oommerce has also agreed a. ray thr entire cost of said opecial election, now therefore IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the. Council of the City of Alameda as follows: Section. 1. A special election is hereby called. and ordered to be held in the City of Alameda, State of Galifornia, on Fuesday, the eighth day of May, 1923, for the purpose of submdtting to the qualified eleotone of said city the proposition to give, grant, oonvey and alien foreveg t the United States of America all those certain tide and sahmer.:,:od lards belonging to the 6ity of Alamela lyira and being in said city and mere particularly described an $0c- tO Wit: Beginning at the nerthrest corner of the City of Alameda, thence. easterly along ti s northerly boundary line of the City a point Cue north. of Station 179 of the Peralta Grart Lino, au and. line age shown on that certain. map entitled. "Map of A:Lamed filed July 30, 1900, in Map Book 23 on pages 74 to 70, Alameda and running of Alameda to said station • • a Marsh hand," County Records. Thence southerly following along the said Perulta Grant Line. to a point where said. Peralta Grant Dine 13 intersected. by the northwesterly boundary line of 2roo hand Lot Number 6 in Section. 10, Township 2 South, Range 4 Nest, az said line and lot are shown, on that certain map entitled 'Yap No. 2 Salt Marsh and Tide Lards, situate in. the County of Alameda, State of Californa," as surveyed under the direction of G. FL Allardt, Chief Engineer, end filed in Li-o office of the Surveyor General of the State of California. Thenne southwesterly in a direct line to the most. westerly corner of Tide Land Lot Number 16 in Section 9, Township 2 South, Range / West, as ohaon on said Tide Land Map. Thence in a direct line southeasterly to the most westerly corner of Tide Land Lot Number 6 in. Section 14, Township 2 t3outh, Range 4 VieSt, as shown on said Tide Land Eap. Thence due south to the south boundary line of tho• City of Alameda; thence westerly along said . south. boundary line to the southwest corner. of the City of Alameda: thence northwesterly along the southwest boundary line ofethe 3ity of Alameda to the point of beginnins, ccntaining approximately 5340 acres. Saving, excepting and excluding therefrom seventy acres, more or leas, of said lands, owned by the City of Alameda, which are now occupied and used by the Southern.. Pacific Company, as said excepted and excluded lands are now shown and delineated on the official map of said dity of Alameda. ,sreal he hold OCC. 2. The spabial election hereby called and ordered to be hell/end con- ducted, and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns therebf made, and the result thereof ascertained, determined and declared a heroin provided, and in all particulars not recito d. herein, according to the laws of the -tut e of California providing for and governing elections in the it of Alameda. The ballots to be used at aaid special election shall to ouch. a2 may to re- quired by law to be used thereat and. in addition to any other matter required by law to be printed thereon, shall appear thereon the followingu MUNICIPAL T ICKET To vote in favor cf tha proposition, and thereby authorize and approve the granting of sold tide and submerged lands to the United Otstos, stamp a cross (X) in the voting square to the right of the word =S." To vote against tae bropbsition and thereby refuse to authorize and approve the granting of said tide and submerged lands to the United States, stamp a cross (X) in the voting square to the right of the word Yo,, aj a. marks, except the cross (X aro forbidden. All distinguish- ing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void— If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the Inspector of Election and obtain another. Also said ballot shall have thereon i the following: PROPOJITION that the City ............ of Ziamada give, grant and con- . . vey to the United dtated a± America forever, 5540 uorea, aoproximately, of the tide and . . submerged lands lying,' in the . western part of said city, for oam.rna.,,,,o.ea.4,aa naval 'ease purposes; brovidd, . . however, that unless the actual work of development is ocoumenced . NO . thereon before January 1, said lands ohall revert to said . city. . 9 . 0 9 . . g V • g Sample ballots containing the above ratter required to be printed thereon shall be supplied to the electors of said City by the wiry clerk, but o failure to receive such oample ballot shall not he held to invalidate 9a id election or affect in any mariner tha legality o± any grant that may be author- ized thereat, Any qualified elector of the City of Alameda may vote at said special election for or against the proposition herewith submitted, To vote in favor of, and thoreby authorize and approve the granting of said tide and submerged lands to the United dtatea for use as a naval base. as proposed, he or sLo shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting square to the rigtt of tie word 'YEN" printed opposite said proposition. Ts 70t0' against, and thereby refuse to authorize the granting of said lands to the United :States as pro- posed, he or she shall stamp a cross in the voting square to the right of the word "NO" printed opposite said proposition. A cross (X) stamped in the voting square to the right of the word "YES" shall be counted as a vote in favor of, and to authoriz'e and approve, the giving and granting of said tide and subirrged. lands to the United dtates for the parpose aforesaid, whereas Ja-0.:,,S (X) Stardrea 1M the voting soda:re to the ri.Ot of the WOrd . n70" shall be counted as a vote nct in favor of, and a refosal tp authorise, the giving and granting of sold lands to the Uaited 3tates for the purpose aforesaid. See, 4- ibe elodtion predindta and polling places for t8 holding of said special election shall ba the SFIITR as those eptablished by the Board. of Supervlsors of Alameda County for holding the special odanty elwetion. which will be held on that day throughout Alameda County, an9 . the election °Meets for conducting said spehial eleption shall be the same as those appointed by the Board of fapervisors of said county for holding said special county elestdon, and said election precincts, polling places and election officers axe hereby established and appointed. for the special elec- ticn hercty The city clbrk is hereby directed to procure all sapnlien that may be neces- sary to properly and lawfully condhket said special election. The polls for said special election shall ba opened. at six o'clock a, my of the dhy of said election and shall Ce kept open until seven o'clock b. mg of thp same day Tiber the nulls shall be closed, except as otherwise provided. in. section 1164 of the Political Code of the State on Oulifornia. When the polls axe closed the officers of election ehall 'count the ballots oast thereat, and canvass the votdo cast respeotively for and against the proposition herein stated, and shall make return to the Cohnoil of the City of AlameCa in time, form and manner a9 sdeaired for the. dounting, oanvasaing and retudming of votem at other municipal elections held La oaid city. 3ec. "Sig If at sald special election, it shall appear that a majority of all the electors of 3&la city voting anon said broncaltien, voted in favor thereof, then said. preposition shall. be deemed to hare been 91 99 and aBfienred hjf thf electors of seld sity, and a deed shall. thereupon bo made, exbouted and delivered by. the :Mayor of said sityn on its behalf, giving, grantinm, conveydry: and alienating said lands to the United. States of Arbrisa forever, for naval bass purposes, including fa. yardu, dohka, repair shoos and all other public works connected. with like naval estab- lishment of the Unated. States; provided, however, that unless the artuni 127Ork of de- vhieninent is sommgrased thereon beforc ternary a, 1925, said lards shall report to said city. 3ec, 6, The city. clerk is hereby directed to publish. a notice of said election once a megk itlir each week prior thereto in the Alameda Times ttax. said notice to be substantially in the following foxs4 303IBE OF EdECTifff 9N NYWBh BABB SITE' Notice is hereby given that a special election abhil be held in the City of Alamecia on Tuesday, Bay 8, 1923, on thh prongsition that the City of fabyneda grant to thn Urited. States of America forever 5340 acres of the tide and milomerged lands belongsIng to and. lying westerly and south- erly of the highlands of said city for fah as a naval base, provided. thgt uniems said lands are absented by the United States any thg astugi work of dushdanniert is commbnced thereon be.fgru January I, 1925, said .ferurt to sald city, By Order of the City Council. W. n, VagagfEh City Olbrk, Resolution No. 631. the una.evaiwngd, hereby certify tbxi: the foregoing' Resolutfmn was duly and. regularly introduced and adopted by the Council, of the City of Alameda in special meeting assembled on the 9th day of atria, 1923, by the following vote, L) wit: AYES: Councilman Adams, Latham, Probst and President Otis, (4). Neini; None. ad.UNNT: Sounoilitan Tilden (1). IN TiAlTIKONY IIIERESTU I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal af oict city this lOth oaj of 42711, 1923 VV. VARO3I,,'„ Oity Clerk of the City of Almeaa, (6eal of the Sity of Alameda). I hereby certify that the foregoing 12 a full, true add, correct aopy of "Resolution No. 631. A Resolution bulling and providing far, and giving notice of a special election to be held in the Oity of Alameda, dtate of California, on 'Tuesday, the eighth day of Tow, 1923, far the purpose of submitting to the eleetars O f said city., a proposn to grant certain tide and submerged lands to the Nnited States ef Amemisa for the purposes of a naval base," passed by the Council of the City of a:lamed-a in special meeting assembled on the 9th day of aprit, 1923. migsf3t( iligrk 0 T-th9(City of Alameda.