Resolution 00640RESOLUTION PO. 640.: INSTRUNHING TEE ASSESSOR AID RTIS TAX COLIEOTOR TC OARCEL THE AS:SWSSISINC, TAEATIO5 AID 3Ar3,or CERTAIN LANDS HISLORG- ING TO THE UNITED STATES '671ippriTG BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET 00E205'5'0E. WHEREAS, since July I, 1919, the assessor and the tax collector hare asseheed and levied taxes upon lands Belonging to the United iSitaAes Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Crparation, described ae follows: Lots 1 to 12, BlocX 7, in Otia,cin Tract, Lots 1 to 16, ". 7, it Bartlett at nr. mtlotio:k Station. Lots, 7 to 28, " 9, in adapin Troht, Also the parcels of land. deseribed as follows on the tax bills t piece sef land bounded Werth. 15f Marshland, East by land of Tull-oh, out by lend of Y. T. Cole, West by 9th Street and land of Alameda Investment Company. Map of Alameda. Marshland. All that portion of Tract 24, West of aentsr line of St. Charles Street extended North. Tract 25, r14 of Alameda. 'Marsh Land. Tract 95, Map o'' Alameda Marsh. Lend. Begioning at a poixt CL the West property iine. ef Bethlehem Ship- building Corporation at interseetien. Q,Efli-,er line of Tynan Avo., sest 341 foelx thanes at 90.° arigiP 0 Southerly direction 523 feet to. North- west coiner Cafeteria Build , which is point of beginning at Forth- vest cornxr of Cafeteria Bu1ldArl4r, and proceeding 106.5„a feet East- erly, thence at 90° angle South. 25.5 feet, thence at 90. angle East- erly 45 feat, thence at 90°. angle South. 17 feet, thence. at 90e angle. East 30 feet, thence at 900 aogle South. 85.7t feet thence at 90°. angle. West L84.9 feet, thence at 900 angle Korth 11.947i feet to teginningh Piece of land beginning at Staticn 162, thence Northeasterly 454.97' feet to Station 161, Northeasterly 150.49 feet, Southwesterly 208.75 feet, Sautheasterly 208.75 feet, northeasterly 20.8.75 feet,, Southeasterly. 714.65 feet to Station 159, Southeasterly 220.9.5 feet to Station 158., Southeasterly 427.34 feet to Station 1570 Southeast- erly 509.48: feet, South. 143.9.5 lecA to nen, rioxhaad line established in 1917 thence northeasterly along said line 2499.49 feet to Station. 162 and point cf sommencement. A piece of land commencing 963.81 feet South from, South line cf Trent 20, runnIngs thence South 60..32 feet Zamt 1739.59. feet, North 9o.aa feet, Wert 1750..29 feet to beginning. A piece of land commencing at the Southwest corner of Tract 30. South 845. le" East 262.46 feet to Station 12 of the Peralta Grant line, therco Smuth 97° 34' East 726.55 feet to Station 174, thence. South 84° 04' Hest 512.69 feet to a paint, thence North. 12 43' 15" East 91.02 foot to a poirt, thence 849 SO' 45" East 542.36 feet to a point, thenae Earth 20 25' 00" East 26.78 feet to a naint, thence South 86° 52t Eamt 1539497 feet te a. rhint said pmlut being the Southeahterly corner of, Tract 300 thence rorth 3P 08' East 1578.73 foot te a eclat on Pierhead limh as established in 1917, thence North 590 94 107 Wert alxmg Plerhead line 2176 feet to a point thence S 1° 437 15"" West t to a nxitt, thence South 892.1 10 West 300 feet le 43 point,, therse North ' 15" Eaat 80.0E feet tx a point therms South 89' 104 Weut 1750.28 feet to a point on the Southwesterly line of Tract 30, thencx 5° 55' West 171 feet to 7')' of beginning, containing 164.732 acres except strip containing 3.205 acres assessed to United Stateh Shipaing Hoard EXhrgency ?lest Corporation, Piece of land Beginning at a point at the Southeast corner. of Tract 32, thence Northerly 102.0'9 feet, Easterly. 436.23 feet, South- erly 100.55 feet, Easterly 449.74 feet to point of beginning'. AND WEEREAS„ the taxer on sail lands, being unpaid, the same were, on July 8, 19X0, also on Otly 5, 19E1, atia again on July 5, 1922, dehlared sold. to the city for the mahunt sf. said taxon ard the penalties for delinquhncy, AND rTmls, on September 5 19E2, the United States Circuit Court rendered t tax United Stateo Shipping Board. Emer71,:y Fleet Covicoratian a ilcm.:21°Y1 hI51°2m s 'eg m • e United States, where:Sem ,s lands were hot wan. crested. and. owned entirely ,y eur s ubj oat tx taxation. 7,E3CIDITIOF io. 639.. TRAnSEETISING 02,416.38 FROE STE ELECTRIC LIGH7 FEED TO THE GENERAL FEED: RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, t there he and there is hereby transferred frow. the Bleu:trio Light Fund to the. General Fund, the bum of Two Thbusand, Popm hundred. and Sixteen and. 38/i00 (02,413.38) Dollams, same being an gmount equal to the oity lighting bill for the month ending. Faxon 31st, 1823h The Auditor and. the Treasurer are hereby authorized to make said transfer apon their reabectire oo)bs- I, tbe undersigned, hereby certify that the foregbing Resolution was duly and regwharly introduced and adoptud by the, Council of the City of Alameda in reghlam maating assembled, on v- 5th day of June, 1923, by the following votek to wit:. AMT EL: Colmoilmuu Adams, Latham, Probst and Presihunt Otis, 4 NOES: Fone- ABSETT: CUuncilman Tilden,. (1). a TESTIMON. 44ERE3F, I have hereunto set my hand and.. affixed the official seal of. sail eity• this 6th day of June 192.34 ARCTD, City Clerk o4 the CGty of AlambIa. (Seal of the City of Alameda). I hereby certify that the foregming is. a full, true and correct copy of '"1 -1 DU. 659 . TMans4erring 02,414.38 from the. Eleotri4 Light Fund to the General lebnd0, parbeed by. the Council of the Chty of Alameda ih regular mweting assembled on the 6th day of juTle, 1923. ntiF00,-.044A Es- Ilerb 4,Fthe City of Alameda.