Resolution 00643RESORPTION ro. 643. RBSEITESEEP. ar IEBNIITITEN NO. 64, New Ceries. RECOLITED that it is the intention of' the Couheil of the City. of Alameda to order the following Mork to bb done aLa ImurEvement to be aade in said city, t- wit: That the crossing of Bay Island Avonue and Parh Avenue, also the crassEng of Bay Island AVOLUG and Begbnt Street, be improved by grading mud constrouthng thbreas „ornerot.e.ourbs, gutters sidevslks, corrugated Iron culverts, and an oil gatiodan pavement. All of said worb shall be done in accordance with. thb plans and speciffhohtlEhE adopted therefhr and nbg on file ir the office of the street supegintbndentw NOTICE IS) PREERY GIVEN that on. Tuesday, the third day. of July, 1923, at eight oiclosh mw, in the ocharbil chabter of the counil of' said eityc any and all persons. having any objections to thb Errposed work or improvement may appear before said, sou-hail and show catis why said iv:repaired improvement should not le camried out in accordance with this resolutian. The. clerk shall ;Jonah this resolution of intention to be plaiefired twice in thb Alambdb Times Stars a daily newspaper of general ontrotlation published ona ciabnilated. in said. city and hereby designated for that purpose by the city council. The street eaperintendent shall cause to be thobricubusly pootbd. along the line of said. contemplated work' and Improvemont, at not mbre than three hundred. J3021 feet in dlatance apart, but not dais than three (2d in all, and in front of each quarter block or Citresulot' Mock liable to 'be asseased, notices. of thE passage of' this rnsolu- tion, in. the time, form and manner required. ty lags Al l of the heroin proposed WOTk and imhrovevEnt shall bo . done in pursuance of an. act ER the Rbgislisture of the State of CElifornlah designated th.e "Inrrovement Aot of irliar, approved April 7s 1911, and amendments thereto. the undersigned, Clerk of tho City of Alameda ond. excofficia clerk of the council of sald city, hereby certify that thp faliegolny resolution of intention. was duly akd regularly introdubed and passed by thE council of the Bity of. Plamoda at a regular rEstisg of saia council held in the conhhil charahr of the city hall of calla city fuesdny evening, June 5, 1927S by the followlitg vote, topwit: AYES, and br favor of thE resolution, Councilmn Aftan, Latham, Prolht and Preciaent cr. (.4) . BOSS) rare. A.299151), OtunciRman Tllden, (1). I further certify Moat sald rasolatIon was then riled. with. 7,0 on Junop.i, 1923s ana tast record of the hos:some of. the chnm is set forth or page W14)))/2,521 of the 'Record" or kfrtte Book of shtd city nourbil. IR TBSERINAT7 47NREOF, I hasb horeunta Eet my hand and affixed the official seal of said city this 3th day of Cane, 1923. d. E. PARNCN, City Clerk. (Coal of the Cita of Alameda). liesolation No. 643. T hereby oestify that the foregoing is a full, true abd obrreot espy of "Resolution :No. 640. Resolution of Intention bo., 64, bow iieriesh, pasobd by the Council ol the Chit7 of Alansda reghlar seetirn sieshilbled. on tbn Eth day of bane., genhbbible) RibPr sinilic 1. 4:7 0 f. Alamo cl.a.