Resolution 00703TRARETEERIEG $3450.00 FEW THE ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND TO THE CEESPAL FORD. EREMEATED, by. the Cour:oil of the City of Alameda that there be abd thera heresy trabaferrbd from the Electrie Eand. to the General Fund the sum oaf :Tour hundred end nifty and 00/ICE (460.(E) Dollars , EaTle being mbnthly instalimente of ()150.00 per manth, far the. Alameda City Health. Center for the three Tonths ending March. El, 1924e. The EmAitor and the Treasurer axe haraty authorized tb make said tran9fer uyea thaix reorectiye Looks. the undersigbel, hereby certify that the foregoing Reseluttba was dgly ana. regularly intro tinned and. adopted, Ey. the Counail of the Cgty of Alameda in regalar meeting astabmbled en the 2rd day of JETUnmy, 19f4, by the fbllewing vote, to wit: AbObl: Couireilmob Adams „ Ratharb Probst, Tilden nnd ThresiEent Otisb (7). iniEEt AP,`:ZI!'22 None. IE TEETIEERY WHEREOFU I nave horeUflt0 et my hand. and. affixed. the; of :Plc 1E11 seal this Emd day of Jaarb,my 1924. Ei. EE VARCOE, Cbty Clerk Of the Eity of Alameda. (Sbaa of %-C of Alameda). hereby. certify that the. foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution. 110. 703A Tranafbrriny EA:50.00 frog, the Electric Right Rand to the Coneral FunA", bassal by the 111. .$1 of the City of Alarbda in regular meeting assembled or the 2nd Cary of' lanuaty, 1924. Cleidz aid 7 heb.7; 7 0 f Alameda.