Resolution 00718RESOLUTION ITO. 718. SURMITTINOiCEBIAIL PROPOSALS BY Td COUVOIL FOR ANENDING THE CHARTER OP THE CITY 0? ALAMEDA, SAID PROPOSALS TO DE VOTED UPON AT A SPECIAL ELECTION TC BE REID IN SAID CITY ON SIAP,OH lith, 1924. IFEREAS, the Council of the City of Llameda desires to submit the proposals hereinafter set forth for amending the charter of said city, sale] proposals to be submitted at n special election to be held in ssid city cn Tuesday, March 11, 104, NOW THEREFORE, IT T3 HEREBY RESOLVED as follopme' Section. 13. A special election is hereby called and. ordered to te held. in the Cdty of Alameda, State of California, on Tuesday, liarch 11, 1924, for the purpose of submitting. to the qualified voters of said city certain proposed amendments tc the charter of Said city, in words and figures as follows, tc-wit: PROTMITION 00. 1. That Section 1 of Chapter T., Article TV, to amended to read ne follow's; Section 1 AdDITOR. AS; auditor shall be cleated at to general, municipal election. 7e shall hold office for four years, and until his successor is elected and qialificd. He shall Le ex-officio assessor. 0'52 com- pensation for eating in both capacities shmil be 33600.00 per annum, He may appoint one or more deputies, for whose eats he and hie bondsmen shall be responsible. PROPOSITICV NO. 2. That Section 10 of Otheiter II, Article IV, be amended to read as followe See.. C TREA,SURER. 1. treasurer shall be elected. at the general municipal olection. He shall hold office for four years, and until his successor is elected .and qual- ified. He shall be exec tax cellector, die coos.. penston for aatins in Loth capacities shall be i..1600.00 per annum. He may appoint ore or more deputies, for whose acts he and his bondsmen shall be responsible. Sec. 2. The special election hereby called and ordered to be heLd shall be held and conducted, the motes cast thereat received. ant canvassed, end the returns thereof male and the result thereof asaartalned, determined and declared as herein provided, and in all particulars not recited herein, according to the lases of the Slate of California providing for ayd cioverninc elections in the City. of Alameda and the polls for soon election shall be and remain open daring the time required by saie laws. Sec. 3. The election precincts for the holding of said special. election shall be the snme 8.6 thyse established by the city council of the City of Alameda for the holding of the proposed school bond election, and the polling plaose for said precincts evil Ihs election officers thereof shall be the same as those appointed for said school bond election to be held in said city cn said. day. The city clerk Is hereby directed tc procure all supplies that may to necessary to properly and laisfully conduct said election. The city. clerk 15 also directed to reblidni the foregoing proposed amendments once in the Alameda Times-Star a tally newspaper of general ciresuation published ana circulated in said city; he shall also have copies of said amendments printed in convenient pamphlet form, and shall, until the day fixed for the election upon said . amendments, advertise in the foregoing newspaper a notice that such copies may be had at his office epon application 4; or Ne shall also or a propyr and suf- ficient synopsis of sald amendments on the sample ballots and the official 'ballots to be used at said election, as reouirod by law. I, the underoigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Reeolutlen wa s. duly and realarly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda, in regular meetimg aosembled on the 5th day of Pry, 192d, by the following vote, to-wit; XTEE: Councilmen Adams, 'Lothar, rtubEt, Tilden and President NOEE: None. REENT: Fihne, TESFIFONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set TT hand an] affixed the official seal of said it this 5th day of Fttruary, 1`,?211. W. E. VARCGE, City Clerk of the City of Alameda. (Seal of the City of Alameda). I hereby oortify that the foregoing is a full, true and. correct eopy of "Ro$olutEan. Now, 716- SubirGitting Certai. Fropcalo by the Council for amending the Chart of the City of Alaruada, said Proposals to be voted upon at a E.:pct.:Rol Election to be helh. In naid city an Khroh llth, 1924', pasoad by the Council of the 'City of Alameda in regular meeting. aseenlled on the 5th day of February, 1994. mat' City. Clerkvbf the City of Alamada.