Resolution 00735111.10IDTION 7:35.„ THAlheiNTITIEG H22,536.00 FRCE TH3 EIFOTRTO LIGHT FUPD TO THE GENIDRAL FUND, Re1u,Von, by the Denbo ii of the City. of Alconohn that there be and thhbe is hereby transferred. fboin the Dlacchric Fund to the Cenci-col Fend, tho nUM oF Tventy-two Thousan,l, Six bunbred ang ThIrty-his and. 00/100 Dollars, IN,11.6,56.001 ah a. diviCend. The nedietor and. the TrePsurhr aere here1y- Pothorical to wage sa15. treneTer upon their respective. booke„ I, tbe undo:reigned, hereby .,or tify that the felvDeerIng ,Peolotion ups 1,..4ly and regularly intreduced and, alopted by the Ceohoil of the City of illappelbe in regular MOO tin- ossabled on the 1st of ApTil, 1924, by. the following vote, tc ANT1e C cone iimbh dpres $__ 1- Tiller and Pbeci dont Ot le , 11T,Ing none 1111.11,T;-, bone. IC fungi:N.0NY cAuRhuf, I ba:ve hereunto set my- hand chg. affixed the cfniolea seed of sold hity this Ord day. of 1914. obec7 Cleru of the 0:ity on bleb:oho- atett et the City of Al cheep) „ I here- y aggtify theat the foregoing la a full, true and cobbact copy" c.f bReggiution 73,5„ Trehefrring D2.2v61.5,00 From the Slectrio Hight to the Dencre Thrgle teeeFed. b.y the Council rof t Citv of Alereeda in reguleve meeting-, OS- zemblel On Inne t jay (7 f „t1.1)1' 1924, '3 ty en the C I t, y Alarm d ch