Resolution 00738RESELUTCh0 0.. 73, STEERET ND `,;:''.,3500 ,00 MCI: THE :MEC !HEW LIGHT lihrhaa TO Tim 0,FEEEiiii aTiamiiTmM :by the mono of tee Chit y of' Al nine ev. that, t hero lie hug there is hoir y 'tor ef cure d. fro ri ehe eeeeer Le Eight ;hung, to the Nara Tal Fond the any. of Throe Thousand Pive Fun due ar di 001100 (3500.00) Do 1 s T.he Auditor he, Tre s ur er are here hy author I. e d, -to rualrE sal. trona f lag) on t he ear ea give hocks , the orderhigrae a , hureby c ertify tigot the fo re go ing Peacluti og was dray an a regularly iutu od. we, e ar ohion tee,. 'by th.e C ourno 1.1 of the C y of Alameda in re Foliar me V rig ono errial d en the lot day of Igorri 924, 'by t he fo 1 1 o in vo te to: wit 7. nag; C unciln Latham, Piro hot , Tilden an d President ot „ (.5 1010Erga T: hone.. iiiihOTTLOONY have hereunto, so t my hand and af fixed the of f lc ial seal o sal d. c ty t his Ey day of Apr II 1.924 C y lora of te- C it y Al age 0 , 0hea4 of he, Cit of hinged:a) herety eir,a11fy thhit the 4- ougvulrg is a full, true aria Troc t c ogry of 'Re eolut ign No iEfe Trago f e rh in g ':3500 .00 frinu thE Tilev trih Light t o the haorroral rungi% paused by the Ochre 1 f the City of Alameda. in regular avet 2/ 4/ avuomble or. the 1st day of Aprll 1924. City C einh, Ogf the C ity of Al ow 0.