Resolution 00795EaSfusfillidi Nei lefi EST112125121C edfni UT 952 TETER- 6MC115C 0'1 Talia iifliETT ill gal T2M21(5 efflnEE. 259211127ED, that the of ficifel curb grade at the intebsectiou of ?ark Street anti iioy rod. enue be and the same is goor aim( fixed. end meta lielie, ies edimiu „ 5 feet b 0 'V ffitaial datum plane f the City f Elam edam I, the umabrai sued, hereby certify that the foregoing' Resclatinn oime Mild? um regularly introduced. and adopted 1,-,y the. Council of tile Miley of alumoda in resell as mee ting' assembled on the 19th (lay o f Augue a , 19 24, ty the follouC nm vot e , to wi ti effilS: Councilmen Latham, 5aisie, ?rubel, Tildes, and 9mesideit Otis, (51i ITOES: None- :232E2T: TESTIMPTii 2EllbECE, I home, hesonnto set my hand apei aff dimd the effimici seal of sold city this 20th day of ibigust, 1224. W. E. VAHCCE, City Close: of the (2114 of eilamode, (.3.efi1 of the City of Alameda. ). 1 herely certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolutian no. 795. Establishing the Official Curb Grade at the intersection of lark Street and 3ay island Avenue", passed ty the Council of the dity of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 19th day of August, 1924. 'de Clerk of the City of Alameda.