Resolution 00808REROLUTION NO. 808. TRAPS-PEERING .e9450.00 PROM THE ELECTRIC LIFT TO EIE GENERAL, ERNI( , ESC)3hGA/EiD, by the Council. of the City of Alameda. that there be aad thmre is hmmurby transferred from. ths ectric light Fusa to the General Fund the sum of Pour Hundred ana fift; and. 00/.100 (4.50.00) Dollars, for the Alameda City Health Carter, saes being monthly installments of '(.::..1.5.0400 per month for the three months enhing December 31, 1924.. The Auditor and the Treasurer are heretT author:Musa to nakm sal a. transfer upon their respective books. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resonation was attly regularly ihtroducea and adopted by the Council of thm City of Alameda. in. regular meeting assembled. op. thm 7th. day of Octmher, 1924, by thm following. votm, to wit: AYES Cobh:ail:mon IsMhum, Noise, 'Probst, Tilden ataa President Otis, (5). Ebnual: l(Mnm. ARNMENT: TERTIMONY vaua:ayaa, I hare hareantm set my hand end affixed. the official seal of sold eity thks 9th day of Octotmr, 1924. H, DUDGEOhL City Clerk pro tem of tbm City of Alameda, (Seed of the City of filermaa',. hereby eartify that the for agming fm a foil, true and. correct copy of. 7Resolatior No. 808. frareferrih„)17 4450.00 from. the Elmetriu Light Fund to "atm Cermral Fund", pamsea by. the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 7th. aay of October, 1924— City Clark 2ro Tam of Pio City of Alameda-