Resolution 00825RESOLUTION' ND.825. RESOLUTION 02 IN721G7iON Fes 75, NEW SERIES, DREVIDING 201 NEE CLOSING OF EFETON STREET FROM THE FERTE LINE OF SHERI, V1574 AVENGE YORGREELY TO THE MAIRSHLAND .11,121, ALSO TIors OH EAGLE AVENNE ADJACENT TO AND SOUTH OH SAID MARSHLAND LIME DEIINEEN REBELL AND ARBOR STREETS AS SAID SibitOR STREEY WAS FOR- MERLY SAID ONT, ALSO JAY S7REET NORTHERLY FROM THE DOETBEEIT LINE 02 ;RUMBA VISTA 11 OUNNE TO 7HE MARSHLAND nilE. 3E IT RESOL,THUL That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Ainmeds. now 4eclared to order the closfng up and abandoning of Denton Street from the north line of Buena Vista ATenue northerly to the Marshland line, also all portions of Ealc Avenue adjacent to and south of said Marshland line between Senton Street and Arbor ;Streets as said Arbor Street was formerly laid out, also Jay Street northerly from the northerly line of Buena Vista Avenue to the Marshland line, as appeags from the annexed. alat showing' said streets as Parcels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6; the same being public highbay's in said City of Alameda, RESOLVED, that the land to be abandoned for street and. highway purposes is more particularly shown upon a plat hereto annexad and made a part hereof. RESOLTED, that no land is deomad necessary to be taken in the work of closing saii. streets, and that the exterior 30 2- of the district of lands affected and to be assessed to pay the damages, costs and expenses thereof, are the corporate boundaries of the City of Alamada. The Street Superintendent shall cause to be conspicuously posted along- the liras of said. contemplated mori, at not more than three hundred feet ill dis- tance apart but not less than three in ell on each street, notices of the pass- age of this resolution in the time, form and manner required by lawn He shall also cause a notice, simglar in substance, to be published for a period of ten 'aye, in The Efehiug 'Eras Stag and Alameda Daily Argus, a newspaper of general circulation nublished ann allculated in said. City ann. hereay dasignated by the City Council for bnat purpose— Any person interested, '0," 1' to said work or imbrovemont, or to tra eggent of the district of lands to ba affected or benefited thereby, and to be assessed to pay the cost and. the expenses thereof, may make bgitten objections to the sena; within ten days after tre expirtion of the time of tha publication of said. notice, and daliver the sama to the Clerk of the City Council as required by lanm All the herein ore:posed work of alosing sand streets Jr ;darts of streets aforementioned shall be done under shod in pursuance of the promisions of the Act of the Legislature entitled, "An Adt to provide for laying oat, opening, extending, widaninn, stralehttnihan Or closing up in. wholo or in. part any street, square, lane, alley, court or place within, municipalities, and. to condemn and acquire any and all property necessary or convenient for that purpose," approved March 6, 1839, nod the subsequent C1'11 '1 thereto. __Ass I, the ahnersigned, hereby certify thag the foregoing Rasolution was duly and regularly introduced and 11 '1 by the Council of the City of Alamada, in regular meeting assembled on the 23,, day of January, 1525, by the 'following 9 ate, to wit; Resolution No. 225. AYSIS: Councilmen Imtharm Reiss, 'Probst and fresident Otis, NOES: None. ABS:CBS: Councilman Tilden, (1). IN TESSITIANY CHERAOF, I have hereunto set my heed and affixed. the official seal of said city this 7th day of JallUary, 1925. W. C. 7A:800E City Clerk of the City of Alameda. (Seal of thp City of Alameda.) I hereby certify that the fhresping io a full, true and corredt copy of Resolution No. 825. Resolution of Intention No. 75 Net Series, Providin,s for the Closine of Bentoe Street Prom.the North. Line of Buena Vista Avenue Northerly to the Marshland hifm, Also Portions of Rupele Awenue Adjacent to and South of Said Prshland lire Between Benton and Arbor Streets as saii Ar.Or Street was formerly laid out, Also Jay Street Norther1 y. from the Northerly lino pf Baena Vista Avenge to the Marshland line," pawsed by ths Council of the City of Alamhda in reTilar meeting assembled on thh 6th day of Janmry, 1825. Oity J031 of the City of Alameffa.