Resolution 00848RE313INICIOG NO. 848. IHM,SLLATIel ,CI C-73 PHOVAPI:b AIHCFIGT WiEICD2De RESOLVED, that the forty-five election prpoliccts laat hegetofore established by the Board of Supervisors of Alamedw County, for holding state and county elections, be, and they are hereby established as the election precincts for holding the general municipal election to be held in the City of Alameda on Tpesday, March lOth, 1825. '13 13 FURTHER, that the board of elections for each said election precinct shall consist of onw inspector, two judoess and three clerks. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the location of the pwlling places for said election pre- cincts and the names of the officers to conduct sald election therein, are as follows: PRECINCT MCe I, Polling Place: Tent, S.E. Cor. High St. & Enoinal Are. Inspector: 'Iwo. A. Davies, Judges: Mrs. buoy H. lehereaum and MTS. Carrie N. Gifford. Clerks: Mis. Annie L. Davies, M, s. Rose Estes and Mrs. Delia 2. LAneleye PRECINCT NOe 2. Polling Plawe: Tent, 3.D. Oor. High St. & Central Axe. 0'3 7/': Chas— A. Wilhelm, Judgws, Joseph C. 3/ C$' awl . Mrs. Iwuise Coffman, 11 913' Elmore Be. Zapffe, Hrs, Alice W. Langford ono Mrs. Sallie Le Haley. PRECINCT NO, 3. Polling Place: Tent, S. E. Core High St. 2 Garfield Ave. Inspector: Henry Elmore. Judges: Mrs. Gwnevieve MX Harris and Wm, EL Riddell. Clerts: Mrs. Mary B. Matthew, Mrs. Jessie M. Holley and. EPse Martha Haible. PRECINCT MO. 4, Polling Place: Tent, N. W. Core Central Ave. b Mound 31.. .111 Mrs. Emma Bartel. JudEes: Mrs. Emve T. Werner and Mrs. Ethel M. Smith. Clerks: Mrs. Flora IL Wood, MTS. Betsy Rosenthal and Mrs. Eliza A. Boot, PRECINCT NO. 5e Pulling Place: Tent, N. 2, Core Mound Jachson Sts. Inspector: Yrs. 71. 13 B. Fish. Judges: Mrs. Leona L. Marshall and Mx, John H. Lorbere Clerks, Mrs. Helen B. Knox, Mrs. Alicia 3e Ford and Ers, Julia C. Powell. PRECINCT NO. 6. Polling Place: Tent, N. E. Cor. Mound St. b San Mose Ave. Inspector: Daniel H. Knox. Judges: Mrs. Nettle Clark and Mrs. 'Barbara A. Rose. Glerks: Mrs. Masie H. Waterhury,Mrs. SaraE Bennett and Sr. John L. Gilbert. PRECINCT MO. 7. Polling Place: Tent, M. E. :lore Pearl St. b 5an Jose Kr.. Inspector: Edwin Aaufman. :lodges: Mrs. 1319 Clark and Trederick K. Chadea5ne. Clerks: Mrs. Lucinda Stapenhorst, Lrs. Ivy M. Gilbert and Mrs. Mina H. Durkee. PRECINCT NO. 8. Polling Place: Tent, S. E. Cor. BruaAway 4, Central Ave. Inspector: Augustus J. Purgnere 0' 13 Mrs. Margaret E. Blakeslwe and Miss Ida Jacobs, Clerks: MTS. PreSsie Davies, Mrs. pearl M. Kraal and MTS. '"9 7' Jacoby. PRECINCT NO. 9. Polling Placem House, 2421 Webb Ave. Inspector: Edward A- Freeman, Judges: N. X.. Startweather and ?ranee A. Hardwick. Clerks: Mrs. Anna C. Eckhardt, Hiss Emma W. Ward and M133 . Evelyn G. Linehan, PRECINCT' NO. 10. Polling Place: Tent, N. W. 10r. Broadway • Buena Vista Ave. Insoacior: Louis T. Ward— Judges. MTS. Anita E. Kellogg and Wm. J. Short. Clerks: MTS. Julia Wiedenbeck, Mrs. Kathryn Vorheis and Mrs. Helen Murray. PREOINT NO. 11. Polling Place: Tent, N. E. Cor. o3. Vista A70. & Sim St. Inspector: Wm. C. Wooh" Jughs: Mrk. Clara A. Schwind and Mrs. Elizabeth C. Doming. Clerks: Miss Rebecca Crummey, Mrs. Blanche Walton and Mrs. May H. 001193 5r139 RRECIAKK Polling Place: Tent, S. W. Car, Santa Clara & Oak St. Inspector: Walter W. Coggin. 3)1 1313: Mrs, Louise Kruger and Mrs. Alice ML Combs. Clerks: Mrs. Adelaide Murdock, Raymond Kruger and Mrs. Elisabeth L. Eads. PRECINCT NO. 13. Pollin/ Place: Tent, S. W. Cor. Alameda. Ave, & Oab St. Inspector: Yrs, Hazel E. Blanchard. judges: Mrs. Bertha Telelhammer und Mrs. Adelia E. Durkee. Clerks: Miss Agnes H. Clawassen, Mrs. Mary R. Robinson and Mrs. Minnie Hewitt. PRECINCT NO. 14. Polling' Place: Tent, S. W. Cor, Pork Are. M Encinal Ave. Inspector: David W. Martin. 1d -s' Ralph W. Warren and Mrs. Elsie G. Combs,, Clerks: Mgs. Eleanor Sublette, Mrs. Elizabeth Volimar and Mrs. Cecilia T. Isaacs. THEOIKCT NCL 15. Polling Place: Tent, S. E. Cur, Reghnt St. & San Jose Ave. Inspectmr: Mrs, Ethel B. Martin. Judges: Mrs, Anna B. Clintsmam and. Mgs. Anba D. Kenny, Clerks; Mrs. Alva. Jarvis, Mrs. Nellie W. Hieronymus and MYS. Celina E. Dalton. PRECINCT NO. 16.. Polling Plabo: Tent, S. WM Cor. Clinton. A70. & Laurel St. Inspector: Mrs. Mary J. Thompson. Judges: 3, rs. Marcia B. Bowen and 3133. Josephine M. Snyder. Clarks: Mr, . Helen. Carroll; Mgs, Mary 0. Riester and Mrs. Tlorence Allen, PRECINCT NO. 17, Pealing Place: Tent S. E. air. $ an Antonio Ave. e Willow St, Inspector: Samuel Harvey. Judges: John D. Moran anb Mrs. Mary 1r 'Y Clerks: Mrs. 13 11"h 7. Chevalier, Yrs. Vivian Tibbetts and Mrs. Rose KrurlFer. PRECINCT NO. 18, Polling Place: ot S. E. Nor. Central Ave, Fe Willow St. Inspector: E. E. Deming:. Judges: Mrs. Alice S. Hinkel and MTS. Mabel C. Smith. Clerks: Mrs. Bridget M. Lyons, Mrs, Dora J. Beivel and Mrs. Catherine T. O'Brien, '11 12 NO. 19. Pollina Place: Tent; N. E. Cor. Willow St. & Pacific AV0. Inspector: Troderict O. Schuman. Jadgesi Loretto Du. Moses and Mrs. Matilda S. 7/lastly. Clerks: MTS. Zaidee 7. Marvby, MTS. Hilda O. Simpson snb Mrs. Regina C. Malley. bRECINCT NO. 20. ?oiling Place: Tent, N. W. Cor. Stanford St. & Siena Vista Ave. Inspector: Albert L. Foster. Judges: Mrs. Cora — Schumacher and Mrs. Margaret E. Rogers, Clerks: Yrs. Matilda Morton, Miss Marion Foster and Mrs. Mildred Stone. PRECINCT NO. 21, Podiing Tel ace: Reit, S. 3. 'jar. Central d'M'M Milim77 St. dn0700MOIM DOMA]d A. Cohen. Judges: Ichn H. 13113 113' snd Mrs. Mary Kelly. Clerks: 1 , Mary H. Iberpont, Mrs. Kettje E. RoFers aid Mrs. 3:1 lo E. ThrLer THROINCY NO. 213',. Polling „Place: Tent, S. W. Cot'. Willow St. & Encinal Ave. Inspecter Geo. W. Kelly. judges: Louis A. Rmlay and Mrs. Margaret Smith. Cilrks: 33 rs. Katherine S. Minthicum, Mrs. Katharine Y. Borden 13 nd Miss Rose A. Ryley. PRECINCT NO. 23. As Polling Place: Tent, S. E. Cor.Cheetnut e San Antonio Awe. Inspector: Mrs, Dmma A. Stauffer. Judges: Mrs. Elsie M. Wilson and Mrs. Kathleen E. Mansfield. 11:868: Mrs. Rose Schetter, Mrs. Hortense E. Messenger and Mrs. ICI 131 Po Rose, £.'.''+. +2 NO. 24, Tolling Place: Tent, S. E. Cor, San Anteinio Ave. & La 2. St. Inspector: Edward Iannone. Judges: Miss Isabella J. Rosenberg and Mrs. Mamie D. TosS, Clerks; Miss Mabel A. Hardin, Mrs, Mary Tyke and Miss Esther S. Crooks. PRECINCT Polling Place: Tent, N. b. Cor. Central Ave. AS Lafayette St, 1'. "or Wm. A. Underhill. Judges: Wdo I. Stone and James J. Eelehera Clerks: Mrs. Helen B. Jackman, Mrs. Elorence E. Doelber and Mrs. Emma C. Mauls. 'PRECINCT Polling Place: Dent, S. W. Chr.SchilleT St. Baena Vista lye. Inspector: Mrs. Ann S. F. Thomson. Judges: Mrs. Anna 3111 (1 and Mrs. Mary Wells. Clerks: Mrs. Rase Y. kurshij, Mrs. Hatkaryn Meleher and Mrs. Lena M. Walker. PRECINCT NO. 27. Polling ?lace: Tent, S. W. Cdr, Stanton St. Pi 'Pacific Ave. 3,.r 033,02181(1 Wilson. Judges: Bernard Jacobs and MTS. Mary T. Wilson. Clerks: Mrs. Lena M. StromIabg, Mrs. Antoinette M. Seebeck and Mrs. Alwira Fisher. PRECINCT EP, 29. Tolling Place: Tent, N. W. Cor. Stanton St. G Santa Clara .Ave. Inspector: Alfred Harris. 21 2'C0 John D. Hendry and Mre. Irene (1 O"1, Clerks: Miss Isabelle Thompson, Mrs. Marie Weeein and Las. Nellie Lewis. PRECINCT NO. 29. Tolling Plane: Tent, N. E. Car, Central Ave. Pi Crash St, Inspector: E. H. Levy. Judges: Mrs. Mary F. Carpenter and Mrs. Frances Levy. Clerks: Mrs, Jassie M. Tuttle, Mrs, Iva P. Fraser and Mrs. Marie A. Banta, PRECINCT NO. 00, Polling Place: Tent, 3, E. Cor. Sas Antonio Ave. b Grand St. Inspector: Dee Miller. Judges: Mrs. Luzan Ballock and Karl F. 1:r (3 Clerks: 'Miss. Mash W. Goctsman, Mrs. Edna M. Van linTne and Mrs. Marion Now. PRECINCT NO. 31. Polling Place: Tent, S. E. Cur, San Antooio Ave. b Morton Et. Inspector, Miss Charlatte A. Dens. Judges: Mrs. Omma A. Shear and Mrs. Mary 0. 8') p6, Clerks: Mro. Cora Satherlane, Mrs. Clotilde Trothero and Miss Olivia Pale, . PRECINCT MC. 52. Polling Place: Tent, 7 W. Oar, Sherman St. :Pi Santa Clara Are, Iossector: Oswald J. luhbock. JUdFT: MTS. AlIos E. Dierks, and Mrs Minnie Bartlett, Clerks: Mrs, Louise Arehmke, Mrs, Grace N. Hahr, 1 LTS Irene C. 1:oSt PRECINCT NO. 35._ Tolling Alue: Tent, S. W. Car, Say at. Pacific Are. Inspectora em, L. Robertson. Judges: Mrs. Marjorie W. '8' 92 and MTS. Mennie P. Mihn. Clerks: Mrs. Alice Caton, Mrs, Mae V. 01,. 00 and Mrs. josephine May raiactE NO. 54, Rollins' Place: Veat, N. J. Cor, Chacin St. 1 Taoleic Awe. Insprotor: grans:: G. 8''') 3' Judges: Mrs, Kate M. Grasby, and :23. Augusta E. Asher, Clerks: M.T. Sylvia 7. Hammond, Mrs. Ada A. Stoddard and Mrs. Josephine V. Anderson. PRECINCT NOL 35. Polling ?lace: Tent, N. W. Cor. Mozart Et, J. 3(31 3. Clara Awe, Inspector: Mrs, Edwina Meyer. Judges: Mrs. Irene C. Dickey and Mrs, Agnes Reid, Cleras: Mrs, Christine Hesse, MTS. A6 nes S. Shiprendall and Mrs. Mildred I. Molly. Resolution No. 848, PRECINCT NO. Polling Place: Tent, S. W. Cor. Taylor 167e & Carolinh St, Inspector: Mrs. Laura E. Tisher. Judges! MTS. Margaret A. Robinson and Miss mma Steinmetz. Clerks: Mrs. Gertrude G. Ray, Henry H. Ormsby 'and Mrs.Matilda E. Nottebrock. pRECINCT Polling Place: Tent, N. E. Cor. San Antonio ATM. & Bay St. Inspect:or: Dahie10. Ervin. Jupes ,Tfl M W11110 L. Cutte and Mrs.Anita Tilhman. Clerks: Mrs. Slorence B. 31 3r, Edith A. Brewer and Mrs. Marie A. Anderson. PRECINCT GO. 38. Polling Place: Tents S. T. Chi'. 'Central Ave. AjCarcline St. Inn-hector: Miss Mary j. Dunleavy, Jadges: YTS,. Hattie Hurley and Mrs. Sadie E. Kostering. Clerks: Mrs. Annie Tilliams, Mrs, Hulda ,de' l and. Mrs. Sadie Craner. BRIGGINIT NG. 39. Polling Place: 23 t, S. T. Cor, Central Ave. ,23 3. Ct. Inspector: frederics Srandt. Judges: Mrs. '23 10 3. Pisk an1 lire. Marion heaxrave. Clerks! Mrs. Anna M. iIortier, MrnP Mollie J. Dabovich and Mrs. Clara A. Richardson PRECINCT Polling Place: Tent, S. PM Cor. Haight Ave. & Eighth St. Inspector: Mts. Marjorie Prase1P judges, Mrs. Mary E.Taldron and Mrs. Adelina Jacobs. Clerksr MTS. 'Bernice Martin, Mrs. Alberta Oakes and Mrs. 23 '23e G. Champlin. PRECINCT, NO. 41. Polling Place: Tent, N. PE cor. Pac Ave. h Eighth ht. Inspeotor: Mrs, Hattie 3 Mahgdon. Judges: Mbs. MIMS A. Barney and Mrs. Mamie Collins. Clerks: Mrs. 'Sadie 5. Slhascn, Mrs, Effie L. Buxh and Mrs. Mary j. PRECINCT NO. 42. Polling Place; Tent, N. E. Car, Lincoln Ave. & Sixth St. Inspector: Mrs, Clara 5. Rogers. judges: Mrs. Amelia Kiselich and Mrs, Ethel E. Stain. Clerks: EffMe 'Ridley, Mrs. viola Gingprson and Mrs. Anna J. Wood, PRECINCT NO. 43. Polling. Place: Tent, S. X, CO'.. Santa Clara. Are. A Sixth St. Inspector: Peter HoliIngs. Judges: Mrs. Mary AM J. Dell and Mrs. Henrietta ET„, Gar:mak. Clerks: Prs. Helen Y. Aitchison, Ere, Lmona Vhn Nest aEd Mrs. hulde Gibbs. l'ECISCI MO. 14, Polling Place: Tent S. E. Cor.5anta Clara. Ave. & Fourth St. Inspector: Judges: W. A. Tulloh and Mrs. Mary 2. Winters, Clerks: Mrs. Mabel E. Weller, Mrs. Xlorence C. McCallum and Mrs. Mary MM Lawrbnce. PRECINCT NO. 45. Polling Place: Tent, 5. E. Cor. Panific Ave. A Fourth St. Inspector: Mrs. Lucia Perrero. Judges: Mrs, Lillie O'Brien and 1 MArharet Rich. Olerhs: Mrs. 1;:tyry Wilbkr, 13s. Clara Dempsey and 'YTS. myrtie J. Mc Petoniel. fne City. Clerk 'shall publish the names of the election officers and the location of said polling places in the Alamedn Tighs Star Eh:1 three successive issues at least one week.. before the dxy of election. He shall also mail notices of axEcintment to thE inspector for each precinct as required by section 1145 of the Political Code. I, the undersigmed, hereby certify that the foregoing Eesolution was drily and regularly introduced and aRocted bx the Chuncil of the City of Alameda in od:lourned regular meeting assembled on the 10th day of Tebruary 1925, ly the fealowing vote, to wilt: AYER: Councilmhn fathom, Neiss, Probst and fresident Otis, II). NUCES: None. APSENTb Councilman Tildhr, (1) . IR TESTIMNY WEETSEff, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city this lith day o 'rr, 1925. W. E. VARCOE. City Clerk of the City of (1 o' of the Clad of Alameda.) I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and torrent copy of "Resclu- tics. No. a48, Resolution Establishing Precincts and Providing Election Officers", passed by the Council of the City of lad in 113 el regular d,eeting 1, 11 on the 10th day of Tebraarg, 1925. City CleaXfaf the City of Alameda.