Resolution 00860RESOLUTION IIC. 860. R250171710T OF INTENTION NO. 76. N. S. (Calhoun Street) PREONILND, that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda. to order the following wbrk to be dont end. i:rdprovembuf to hm made in. said. city, to-wit: That the; followlmrt portions of Calhoun Ntreet be graded, carted, guttered end paved, th -wit: The gartherly half of Calhoun Street between a. line-dream parallel with and distant 140.06 feet easterly from the easterly line of Broadway; Tha noithmrly half of Ca:Rebut: Ltreet betumen the easterly line of Versailles lvegue affl tht westerly line of' Noilmgc Ibunlate: and Thb morthmrly half of Calhoun Street .1rtNeen a line dteasn pars:lied with and distant 110.45 feet easterly from the easterly line of College Avenue, rgnning theses easteriN 109.34 fEet. That the' following portions of Calhoun Street le graded, guttered and paYed, to-wit: The northerly half cf. Calhoun Street between a line drawn bearallel atth ar; distant 9C feot eveeturly from the westerly linL of Rmatri Street; The northerly helf of Calhoum. Etreet leteves.n E line drawn bwaRte.d. 7.1.th and distant J.28.50 feet easterly frou; thee easterly line of Pearl. Street; and The northerly half of Calhoun Street between a limn drawn. parallel with and df stance A1.15 feet westerly from the mesterly line of Versailles geNEente and running thenpe wmstetNy 43 feet; Rhat the intersections of Ttarl Ntret and Calhoun Street, Versailles A7CAUG and dulhoun Ltreetn College arcense crud Oalhocm Street, and. Lecwrld Street amd Calhoun Sttmet, It graded, carhed, guttered, gatter-bridEmd, payer.: and buys dortaguted dram culverts onLtrumted thereon— All of said amrE. shall be done Le ;accordance with the plans and abmoi fl au- timns elcbten) therefor sad l'In117 on fll e im the offtioe of thm city clerk. ROTIOE IS RERIET NIVE)N that. sere:ma bonds shall br iseuted to reDrmsent unpaid assesammnte of fuecty-five 'Callers (EINE:ROO) or MOTO, stfiES hdnede shall extend 07eT S perled of alum years ftrom the second day of January rtmfet Eacceodlug their date; and en sten at:rectal protemrtion of' the prinvibal scm thereof' shall be payable, by ....;OP:,..p,,,,Y)., Ur On the secomd day of OhdtufE; every year after thetr date until the alufl e is pa lg. Said seriER bondm she. 1 ] lnyer interest at the rate of SeVCh per demt pen ammu, which intRteat obeli be peryulle semthaEbucily, by coupon, on the second days trf jandarty and jbly, reaptctively, of each year, prirmipal ared interest to Le paid at thm offime of the treaarrer of said. city. IVITICE IN tetEERII e)IIVEN that on Tuesday, the ifith lay of Earmh, 1925, at 6 o) adman bn Mt , in the CoaacRI Chmmler of thm City Noutoil of' said et). ty , any and dedl cur:oche '''''.7',,Er any otections to the rropmcmd worn or iM,pro'remmut may abguNbr befoMe said. council card shou eauwe why the snmb shogad not to curried out. in accordacce with this resolution. The clerk sh(sid cause this rdsolation o s intenition to 1,e published Maice im the Albenedo Tir.0.68 Star, .(o. agidj eucuipaber published and niro alated in sad d city and haraday decignatcd for that parpose br the City Ccanoil, Chb street osiderinteddani shall abase to be cohbbiehberly postda oliong the) line of' amid cas,tedgriatel clophe gied igproccaest sad in feoht cf ell the. propertr( libbla to ler gussocodo natfoes of the :passage (md thas recoliAion of fsteatior in Ord mgsher end form, recorad br Dee, (rho herein heaidoced errh shall be done .re paraabhoe of mg act of' tbc shd a mehagent s M. er to doily and bechcarly introduced and. adhTtiod b:),7 the Ccancil cf t() Sltr of oboscrtlbd on the ifth dby of Fdbargry, (D25, by the following rote, to obit, add3S, 6ochoilmon Lathom, Probgt and itoesident Otis, M3). 6066, 63he, ded36)nb, Gonhodlmen and. Tilden (SY., offichil caul cf said ditr thio leth bar of 1U25, (City dierb of the Gity c).17 Alameld„ adoeMar edrtify tbmt the fabbs(edotg ) 6 a fall, lance bud correct copy of 'Rea albtian no. 660,. hasolat ibu o f ibt chi! ca c),, 76, ip,„ 6. Godhead Str se t) budded. lab the 00,j2n31.1 Pf the Jity oC Slobtaad Ma bcFailbh meeting,. ossegligd, en. Vas Sity dijegail dile City wf Adams-do.,