Resolution 00895RESOLUTION 1O. 895. RESOLUTION ORDERING TEE WORK. (West End Streets) WHEREAS the City Coancil of the City of Alameda. did.. an the 7th day of April, 19E5, pans its Resolution of Intention No. 77, N. 2. to order the hereinafter described witek to le done una improvement to be made in said city, which Resolution of intention was duly and legally published as required by law, as appears from the affidavit of E, Erwin Crane now on file in the office of the city clerk uf said city; and whereas, hotinbs of the passage of said Resolution of Intentio ri NM, 77, N. 5., headed "Notice of iamrovement" were duly and legally posted along the line of said contemplated work end improvement srd in front of all the property liuble to be assessed therefor, and on and along each and every open street and highway in the assessment distridt described in said Resolution of Intention, Jr time, form, manner and . number as required by law, after the passage of said Resolution. of Intention, as appEars frivid the affidavit of Ienh O. Nelson, who personally posted the same, and who, upon the completion of the posting of said riptides, forthwith filed. said affidavit in the office of the city clerk, malnhog oath that he completed the posting of said notices on the 14th day of April, 19E5; and whereas, all protests or objections Presented have been. heard and disposed of to time, form and manner es reqhired by law, and said council having now acqoUred jurisdiction to order the proposed improvement, it is hereby RESOLVED, that the public interest and convenience require the work herein described and the City Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the following work to •le dune and improvement to te made in said city, to-wit: c.ot Santa Clara. Ayenue from the wait curt line of Third Street to the south. corb line of Pacific Avenue, Haight Avenue from the west curl line of Third Street to the south curt line uf Pacific Avenue, rind Lincoln Avenue from the west curb lino of Third. ;Street to the north.. curb line of Main Street, to graded and have concrete curbs, gutters, gutter briages and sidewalks constructed tier ; also that corrugated iron culverts be constructed therein; also that the roa dway thereof be paved with a six-inch oiled macadam pavement. All of the said. W,717k. shall be done in. accordance with thn plans and specifica- tions adopted. therefor and now on file in the office of the city clerk. NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that serial bonds shell te issued to represent unpaid assessments of Twenty-five Dollars (,)j25.10) or more, which bonds shall extend over a. period of nine years from the secnnd. day of January nemt succeeding their date, and an even annual proportion of the priopipnl sum thereof shell be papilla, by coupon, capon the second. day of January every year after their dat5 . until the whola is paid. Said serial tonda shall bear interest at the Tate of seven per dent per ,3 1111.11m, which interest shall be payable semi-annually, by cod:pon, on the second days of January and July, respectively, of each year, prihcibal arid interest to be paid it the office of the treasurer of said city. The City Clerk is hereby instramted to post a notice of said work, together with the plans onh _specifications thsrefor, conspicuously for five days on or near the council chanter door, of said odty inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordemed, Sedd din:TM is also directed to -Publish twice, a notice inviting' such proposals, and referring to the specifications posted or on file, in the Alemoeida Times Star, a. daily -3 r' published and circulated in ssid aity and here1 y designatedqfer that purpose. 411 proposals Jr bids ahall to accompanied by a check payolle to the City of Alamedo certified by a responsible bank for on amount which shall not be less than. ten per cent of the age7regate of the proposal, or by a bond for the said amount and so pay able, signed by the tidder and two soretioa, who shall justify, before any officer com- petent to administer an oath, An doable the said amount, and over and above all statutory exemptions, Said sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the city clerk of the council of said city, on or before 5 o'clock, L. m., on Tuesday the 2nd day of Jane, 1925, said time Lou nw sot less than ten days from the time of the first posting and publication of the notice of said work and Inviting sealed proposals, On wifich day and hour all propocals or bids will be publicly opened by said. douncli. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly ond regularly a:Col:tad by the Coancil of the City of Alameda at a. reralar reefing thereof held Tiny 5th, 7I25, by the following vo te, to-vit: Couscilmmn Neiss, Noble and President Otis, (4). NOES: None. ABSEiTiM Gonscilinan 'Probst, fl). Therestos it was filed in my ofice on the same day, amh recorded on page 1, Vol. 22 of the record. 'M. E. TEEGOE, iLeal of the City of Alameda). 1 hermby certify that the foregoing is a fMMI trae and correct copy of "Resolution No. 895, Resolutdon Ordering the Work. (Nest End Streets), passed by the Coundil of the (Mty of biameds in regular meeting assembled on the 5th day of May, 1926. ommmhbong fmrshrgyi .Yomme "no C o: alamen