Resolution 00911RESOLUTION NO. 911. DECLARING PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISI- TION OF A LOT ADJOINING THE muNIcipAL ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT ON PARK STREET, AND AUTHORIZING TUE MAYOR TO SUBSCRIBE TO A COM- PLAINT IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FOR TRIT ACQUISITION OF SAID LOT. REseIVED, by the Councii of the City of Alameda, that said Council has found and determined, end herety finds and determines, that the puhldc interest and necessity rouire the acquisition by said City of Alameda, for use o1 its municipal electric light plaht, a puhlio utility olated and operated by said city, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lyinp and tedng in said City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of Galiforcia, and more particularly described an follows, to-wit: Lot 0 in Block 29, as said lot and block are delineated and so desig- nated upon that certain .'nap entitled "Alameda Park Homestead" and filed May 30, 1674, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda Cuunty, California, in. Boot 17 of Maps, Page 72. T, the undersigned, harety certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introdfaced and Adopted ty the Council of the City of Alameda at u regular meeting thereof bald, Tueoday evening. July 21, 1925, in the Council Chamber of tha City Roll in aadP city, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Noble, Latham, Neieo and PrObst. MOMS: None, ASSENT: Councilman Otio. IK TESTIMONY WREREOF, I have heropAto sot my hand and Alfixed tha official seal of said City of Alameda the 2flot day of July, 1925. E. VARCOE, City Clerk and 'Ex-officio GlerK of the Council of the City of Alnmeda. (Seal of the City of Alameda). 1 hereby certify that the foregoing dp a full, true end correct ropy of "Resolo,tion No. 911. Declaring Public Interest and Necessity Require the Acquisition of a lut Adjoining Ire Municipal Electric Light Plant on Park Street, and Authorizing the Mayor to Subscribe to a Complaint in condemnation proceedinge for the acquisition of said lot", passed by the Council 10 the City of Alameda in repo:lax meeting assembled or the 21st day of July, 1926. City Glerk'ofithe City of Alameda,