Resolution 00966RESOLUTION 55j. 965n RESOLUTION 15 EX ALAMEDA BELT LIME. MEACEXAS, the applications in the matter of toe acquisition and extension of the Mbhicips1 Railroad o AIsmefla• by the Alamada Belt Ltne have been Bet for oral. argument beforx thspinterstate Commerce Commission at Washington, D.B1., on. D6CGM,I,Gr 12, 1925, end it is. inexpadikft for tho city attorney to attend in person; AED SEERfAfit Mx. Allan p. Mattheam Attorney for the Enbinal Terminate), has agreed to also appear for thk city attorney, now therefore, be it REBOLVED , by the Council of thE City of Alameda that the city attorney ba anb nn is nerehy authorized to affpotst MX. Alran Pb matthbw •to enter an. appearance for the city attornay and speak in. his behalf at said hearing- I, the undersigned, hereby cartify that the foregbiny Resolution was duly an5 remplarly introdnbad and adopted by the loanoll of the City of glamkda in regular meeting sshembled on thk ist day of DeCCTME,T, 1925, by tha folloktng sots, to wtt; Af25: Councilmen Latham, Reiss, Noble, Probst and President Otis, (5). 50E5: None. ABSENT: None. T5 9USTIM5L) atatTESIMS, I. have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city this 2nd day of December, 1925. W. E. VaRCOn, City Clerk of thn City of, Aleameda. (9Xal. of the City of Alameia))5 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true end correct copy of "Easolution No. 966- Resolution in Te Alamada Belt Line", passed by tho Council of the City of alamada in regular meeting fah-armband on the lst day of December, 1925. City Cleft of the City of Alamein.