Resolution 01031119 GL (5 iiIPI011, 1,10 0 17 ADOPTING SPEGIPTGATIONS Tylf6lItT IlaG1 ELETH FILL APD TOP' SOIL TO TEE CITY OP 1,(L2IS]hDa 1 THE 2I6C6L tihAL. 949 -j950, CAPLIFG fOR (RIDS ALI) DIRECTING, THE CI.J7 CLERK. TO 6.DTERTISE GAYE pl0LTEL EY THE COUNCIL oF THE CITY 01 ALAPEEI,6,,, that the SpehiEbloa- tion.s enh. Provishans for furnishing:. 'teen (a) C(uoTry ((Inaba; Item. (h) Earth Fill ot City Cumin; Item (c) Ten Soil, to the City of 6intReda, fbr tho fiscal your be6ILLing July I, 1949, and. eaUG iris Jane `1,0, 1950, 19:95, 19S 5-49-9, be, 6na the same are hereby, approved ond adopted. RPaOLVHD L6A(UlfG tbot the Gouncil ol thu Alapioda 6111 bt cbive noolon up to ibu ohuh G:05 o'cloc P.L„, on Tubsda6, toe h(he, hay or Poph(., 164O, for the fabnisnih6 to the City of: itor: (a) Dishory :Josue; Iten (t) Eufit Pill ct Gity Dube', Itum le) Ton Soil, in aohouhanco with saiG Cfeci:6hatioas anh Pcovislors. alhh nhht bo rosout on to the Jity Oltra,, in the Gity Hall, faliouhnia, uheeP souloh cuvor onl uloinly atelnhou on tue outslUe, 7Gboronal foh Aub6u, Goate, Lafth Hill :one Tun joilb, C2 oiblion upoithatioh. Cohnhact, if awobbee, bo cupsdon outi(oot tho sf(ovistora of ibb, Chebtor ol solo Olty, ,u foutonaiopo ale:ha sno uost bid, Elle rio(he iu foshbveU to reiehi on, of nsi eine. Tue tC ouvertInc, in thb Alameda h hetlhe Tub nhale6 nidi In acuooduroo Gltb tbo ortu1sieha uf rbsoloilion ah, of halJ Ophoi.Cicalions ara ffuhtoiono. I, the ohdarn16,ned, befeb6 hobtify tLat the Peoregoin(„( Resolution woes duly and reaaihris intbodoceb. and.. adored hy the Gohribil sf tie City of Alomed(Pih reru)br ea(6,6bLet ohoombled on tbb 17tb dav of ilay, 1P69, by the followIlho vote, to wit: arnnehot old, (((), Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Swoonrn and President LOCHP72: Hone. ',(6661.106, have hereunto sat ray hand oho affispd the orlFojal Lou] of solf City lOth. duy of tiehi, 192,9). T7E7 GlepL 6f the City of Aloneaa I hereby uortify that tau foreentr6( is n true anh. correct coby of PlebhUbtion. Po. 4017, ,i,DopTIrc.:, snzaino:E;J:.,..nIous ItIO EJOLICHLIG tibooHY (6ASia, EARTH .SOFD TOP 3011, T() TOUE CITY. OF AhAP(76DA FOP', THE', IIISCPL, PIjhb 1949-1950, CALLIXO. DIREOTITY.,.7, THE CITY 01,.-Zia: introduced. and ohbuted ez the Couunil on. t1)..,..3 17th day of May, 1649( -73.770 J. on—th,o ni7s775T-177-7,7i71-a