Resolution 01032RESOLUTION' NO. 1032, AUTHERNSING PPROBASE OE GRASS. SNE1 IN OPEN MAEKE1, 11111EJ5E the Connell ot the City of Alameda did recently cdvertise for bids fbr furnishing grass seed for. the Mtnicirbal Golf Cocrse of the City of Adameda aad in. hesbonse thereto received InA one bid, which. the Council rejected becanse of the. price quoted, noz therefore be it RESOLVED, determined. cud dbolored by the Council of the City of disseda that, in. its obiwions the arass seed wawted can. be purchased. at a lowed. price in the. open. max- tpt, zfrznpfore the City Eanager is hereby instructed, for and on. behalf of the Council., to purchase the same in the marEbt varsaaht to the authority Tested in the Council unfler Section 15, Artinle II of thn City Chartar, 1, the undersiFned, hereby cortlfy tdbr the foresbinz Resolutien W253 dr),E; chid r5rEariN Introdnocd ann odoc'oed by the 'Nonacid sf the city or dladado la rorwiar maciiic ascsabled on the 20th lay of (nril 1925. bc the fsjlotsam sdre„ 4-), 4- Cconoilmnn Latnao, Coins, lohle, Garver and Presidert Otis, (a). EC:2: :1,:a110. S331r2; Conc. IN 2111.EILES 1115.115C2, hsva tn.:debars) sot my han5 sad stfixed the official howl 5f sajl city this Sjst day of pril, 1925. E. VARCOE, City Clerk of the City of Alsonds. (Seal of tire City of Alameda). hereby certify thpt the foregbinm is a fall, true and corroct copy of lasso:dation No. 1032. Anthorining PuschEse of Sonss Seed tn Open. Marls's", passed hy the council. of thn city of Alameda in regblar meEting assemlad on. the St5th. day of April, 1925„ City Clerk. cifthe—CEty of Alame5b,