Resolution 01081SE139121,2t9IN SO. ISSN. WESCSCTiO2 alOPTINO pLArs AND a91691,TICATIONS SE elANDING AVENTS. PESOLVED, that the planz and specifications for the following work to be done end. improsomant to ae made in the City of Alameda, to wit( Tap immacnement of portions of BLAMING AVENUE, from the eastern. line of Park Strzet to a point 922,73 feet austorly of• the eastort lino of Breadmay by the construptiom of culvers, and thw shadings ()prairie, gdtteriaz and, paving thereof az prepamol by the En6lneer of sail city and submitted this leth day of Octoasam 1926, bei and the same 8,Xe hereby adopted as thz official plans and specifications for doioz said. wort ash molting said imbreymment. I. hereby. certify that tau foregoing resolatiun sae duly and regularly adopted by the Council of the City of Alempda at a regales meeting thoreof held DetAbor 19th, 1926, lw the Stilosibig vote to-wit) LOAM( Connoilmen Lath:ids Weiss, Noble., Traver and Presidpot Otis, (5). Nona, ABSENT: None. TPorespon it was filed in my office on the same day, ard remorded on page 197 of. thp recood. W. E, vAacos, (Seal of the City of alettela). City Clara, hereby orttAN'y that the foregoing Mo a full, true and correct copy of desolation No. 1081. 'desolation Sdoptiam Plans and Specifications re Blanding Avense, passed y. the council of the oity of Alameda ill regular masting themeof held Cmtobet lOta, 1925. y..Am,-opp ilaparbi9 of the City of Alameda-