Resolution 01166RESOIDVINE NO, 1166. RESOLUTION' 0? INTENTION AM. 82, NEM SUITE. na =SIMI THAT ;3 (3 0? CLEMENT AVENUE LYIN WEST 0? GhAND STnEET AND CONNEOTIEG WITH HIBBARD 44T2ZET, ALSO THAT PORTION' 2 44 44414 OTHEET LYING METE 0? AOLS& AVENUE, AND COEMEOTING WITH CLEMENT aIGEUE. BE IT a-Fmrnm. That it is ths intention of the City Cornell of the City of Alameda now declared to order the closing. mp and abandoning of that pnrtion of Olement Avenea lying seat of Grhnd Street' aid. running into and concsating with Hibbard Street" and also that :portion of Hibbard Street lying north of Eagle arenun, and ranning into and connecting with Clement. Avenue, as appears from the annexed plat; the same being 'panic highways the City of Alameda. IESOLINDI t14 at. the land to be abandoneh for street and 51g:essay os in more particularly shown in red acen a plat hereto annesed and part hereof. hECOLVE.D, that no land. is deemrd necessary to bo takan in the work of closing saki streets, and that tha exterior bcandasies of tha trict of lands affected and: to be asseesed to pay' the damagra, costs and expenses thereof, are the corporate boundasies of the Oiky of Alameda. The Street Smcerintendent shall... cause to be conspiomoucl' posted alonk the likes. of said conterplated work, at not rbre than threr hanarel fert in distance apart Imt not less than tbsce in all on each street, notices of the passage of this resolmtion in. the time, form and manner recuiraa by laws Hb shall also cause a notice, similar in sebstance, to be muffIshad for a period of ten days in the Alampda Times Star, a news- papbr of general circulation published and circulated in said city and herphy denigrated by the City Goshen for that parcbse. Any person. interested, objenting to said. work or improvemant, Or •t0 thr extent of the district of lands to br affeeted or benefited thereby, and to be assessed to pay the cost and the ea:manses thereof', may• makh written. objections to the same within ten days after th5 expiration of the time of the •publication of said natice, and daliver the same to the Clerk of the City Council as required) ky lava All the herein proposed work of closine said streets or parts of streets aforementioned she= be done ender an8. in pursuance of the pro- visions of thp Act of the Legislatarp entitled, "An act to provide for laying out, (Evening, ertendink,,midening, stralghternicsk or Closing wp in =Thole or in nart any street, square, lase, allay, court or pleee within municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any ana 41 property necessary or convenient for that parposn," approved March 6, 1839, and the subsequent amendments thareto. tact I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregninF resolution mas duly and. 1 3 1 introduced and adopted by thp Cohncil of the City of Alamrda in regular meeting assembled. on the lath day of August, 1927, by the followink vote, to wit:. 14 4144 Occusilmen Calcutt, Lstham, Neiss, Noble and Ocencil ?re ident Otis, (). NOES, None. ABCDNak None. IN TRSTIMWIII I have hereunto set my hand and ...Mace, the official seal of said city thin 17th day of august., 1927. Ma E. Varese City .01?1141) 717.7-7Itg of al.MeEa.. (Seal of the Oity of Alempas.)