Resolution 01170BESOMUTION NO. 1170. ESTABLISHING BEW GLE3 JEADES ON A ILETIME OF PALE EMBLEM. BIZOLVTIm by the CommeAl of the City of Alameda, thut the official curb grades on. that portion of hark Street lying between the southern curb line of Lincoln. Avenue and the northern curb line of San Jose Avenvw be and the same ate hereby established at an elevatiom of one inch above the present . :existing curb grade for the entire lenyth of said street, on both sides there- of, between the limite aforementioned, I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the r' r' Resolution was ditty and regularly introduced and adopted by the council of the city of Alameda. in verandah meeting assembleV on the 16th lay of August, 1927, by the following vote, to mitt AY773: Councilmen Balch:At, Latham, Bless, Noble and. Bresident otis, (5).. • EB,,M4 None. ABSENT: None. IN fEBTAMORY WHEME07, I have hereunto set my hand mad afficyd the official seal of saia city this 17th day of Magnet, * (Seal of the Oity of Alameda) W. E. 77.2ECE o i ca o f ta e CitYLf ZEFFd I hereby certffy that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy of 'Resolution No- 1170. Establishinv New Ourb Gradea on a 7ortion of Park Street", passed by the rionnall of the Caty of Alameda in regular mooting assemtBed on the 16th day of August, 1997. hi,y27 I1' mcm rwMie Only 777Yameaa,