Resolution 01172aESCLUTINN h0. 1172 STS011TIOk 03 ikliktIch Nov Series. (Torn Street) RESOLVED., that pahliv interest and convenience require, arid. it is the intention of the Council of the it of Alameda to order thk improvement of Park Street betkvon the southern puvb ling o? Ltnooln Avenue and bhe northern curb line of San JOBO Avenue, in the MarinOr folloainAg that is to say: That Park Street from the southern. curb line of Linpolg Anemia to the northern curb line of Encinal Avenue, excepting the inkervenkah inter- sections, be iMpr011a by paving a, strip seven (7) feet wide on each side of the roatiap thereof to the nal:ay established curb lines khth a bituminous con- crete ?avement, and from the southern curb line of Encinol Avenue to the north- ern cant line of 6an Jose Avenue with an oil macadam pavement; also that Port- land cement concrete curbs and gutters be constructed latraon at said nhaly establishes) curb lines; algo that Portland cement concrete gutter bridges be constructed thereon at street crossings and intersections in the number, of the dimensions ank at the locations shown. on the plans hereinafter referred to; also that existins cast iron cuiparts he removed and replaced by. half round corrugated iron culverts in. the number, of the dimensions and. at the lokatiamskshomn on said plans; also that existimg hai? round corrugated iron culverts be relocated to the new ougb lines; also that portions of eaisting oast irpn culverts be removed and that half round corrugated iron culverts be substituted thamefor, in the number, of the dimensions and. at the lo- ations hou') on said plans. All of said bank shall be done in accordance kith the plans and specifications adopted therefor and on file in the office of the city. hierna Notice is barely given that on Tuesday, the 20th day of Septemker, 192Y, at the hhur of eight O'clock p. m., in the council onamler of the city council of said city, any and all parsons hating any objections to the -pre- poach. work and impgovement may appear before said. council and Phew cause why said proposed imtrotemant should not be carried out in aocordance kith this resolution. The glerk thall cause this resolution of intention. to be pulaishal twice in the alsnadr. Pimps-Star, a dolly newspaper published and• circulated in the City of alanada herolt designated for that hrugavo by•the city counvil. The stavet saterinkondent shall cause to he conayitionbely pasted alons the line of Said contemplated aork add improvement end in front of all the ogopprty liable to be aesesped, notices of thk passage of thia resolution of *intention, in the time, foirm and manner required. bp lat. All of the here44 n. kropospd tort shall be done in. cuts:cranes of au Act of the Legialatuge of the State of California, desigmated the "Improvement aet of 1911", approved April 7, 1911, and mmenanaktg thereto. I, the undersigned, heraby certify that the foregoink desolation mns duly and. regularly listroduash and adopted by the council of tha city. of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 164. h day of Auctgt, 1927 ku the follobinA ',totem to kit; Alba: Coanallmen Clicutt, Pkthom, bless, Noble Ana Presideat Otis, (5). hOTS: Ache ABSOSit: None, IN TaTmlaTz YEEnT07, I have hercumto set my hand and affixed the office:Pi. seal of void city this 17th day of angusg, 1927. (Ssal of the City of liameda) ---------- P. VANCOE Oily Clerk of the Pity of „Llamado I horeky certify Vast the foramping is. a full true xJ,Ylei correct copy of sheselption Nod 1172. Hesciation of Intention Ea. 33, U. S., Park Street", passed by the Tounoil of the City. of klankdo in regular meeting assemIled on. the lath day of August, 1927. 1 44 -77.7371)17Zed2—