Resolution 01264RESOLUTION NO. 1264 IN TEL MATTER OF AcqUISITION AND ItiPROVELEINT DISTRICRf 1 OP TEE CITY O'F AULEOREDA. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 05. New Series. . RESOLVED ANTS DETERMINED, by the Council of the City c Alameda. that public interest and necessity require the improvemants hereinafter set forth, and it is the intention of aaid council to order the following work to be dome end . improvements to be made in said city, to-wit: That WNBSTER STREW, from the so-called Segregation Lino (which is 354.30 feet northerly from the northern line of Eagle Avenue.) thence for a distance of 21117 foot to the northern line of the street knowm as Tynan Avenue, and said line produced, be improved as follows: 1st. That said street be graded tu its full width in accordance with the &-.7-77 and cross-sections and within the limits shown on the plans hereinafter mentioned. 2nd. That two twelwi (12) inch vitrified inum-stono pise sowers, with catch basins and connections, and manholes with cast iron. frames and covers, be constructed thsrein of the number and dimensions and in the lo- cations shown on said plants. Brd. That the roadway thereof be paved with en asphaltic concrete pint in the location and of the width and thickness and within the limit0 . shown on said plans. 4th, That Portland cement concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks be constructed therein of the dimonsions and in the locutions shown on said plans. All of said work and improvements shall he done in accordance with the plans, profiles, detail drawings and specifications tberefor whioh have beam approved by the city council, and are now on file ia the office o1 the clerk thereof, reference to which is hereby made for the estimated cost of said ittrTrovements (inclusive of incidental expenses and costs of the proceed, ing), and for n. full and detailed description and location of said improve- ments and the grades to which said Lmprovadents are to be constructed. The notice of all persons affected is directed to the grades for the proposed improvements end to the provisions of the "Accuisition and Improvement Act of Pb' isolating to grades, The district of leads to be benefited by said hnprovements is here- by described as follows: All the lands situate, lyim7 and being within the corporate limits' of tho City of nlameio, except those belcaL7ing to the United States govern.- ment or the :tate of California; provided, however, the council herby do- clares-that the lands hereinafter described, belouzing to said city end lying within the assessment district shall be omitted from said district and from the levy and collection of the special assessment taxes hereafter to be levied . and collected to cover Vie eT,DeASE:5 of said improvements, it being hereby determined and declared that each 'parcel of said lands, re- spectively, 1 in use in the performance of a public function, Said omittud lends are described as 'renown, to-wit; The western portion of the block bounded by Pacific and Lincoln Avonues, 5th Inc Oth Streets, occupied by Long- fellow School; The western. half of the block bounded by aorta Clara and 'Taylor Avenues, 8t1 and 9th Streets, occucied by Washington School. The parcel uf laud situated on the narthwent coiner of Santa Clarn Avenue and Bay Stroot, eccupied by Mastink School, The western rot. of the block bounded by Lincoln and Santa Clara Avonues, Chestnut and. Willow Streets, occupied by Haight School. The central. portion of the block bechded by Alameda and Encinal eivehaon, Walnut and Oak Streets, occupied by Porter School, The parcel of land situated at the northwest corner of Nagle Avesun and Everett Streot, occupied by Everett School. The block bounded by Buena Vista. and Lincoln Avenues, Pearl Street and Versailles Avenue, used for storing school property. The central po.Lion of the block boundod by Clement and Eagle Avenues, Broadway and sr used. as a warehouse for the school department. The two (2) blocks bounded by Central Avonue and. jackson Street, Mound and Court Streets, occupied by Lincoln. School. Ito land fronting on the southern . side oT Central Avenue between Bth Street and Page Street if nroduced southerly, known az WaShington The western ana southern portion of the block surrounded by an Antonio and. San -Too Avenues, and. Merton and Peru. Streets, known as Franklin Park. The eastern Portion of the block bounded. by Clement and duena Vista ens and Walnut. Streets, known as. McKinley Park. ddie parcel of land south. of' Timeinal AVE:RUO bounded by Park Avenue, 'known as Alameda Par?. The central portion of the block bounded by• Liberty Avehue, Central Avenue, 'High Dtreet, bard the San Lea:Wino Bay, known, as Lincoln Park. The lot on tbe northwest corner of Pacific Avenue and Grand Street, occupied by a firehouse. s lot on the east side of Webater street between Pacific and. Lincoln Avenues, occupieLi . by a. firehouse. The lot on the soutboide of Webb Avenue between Park and Everett Streets, occupied by a firehouse. The lot on the southwest corner of Jackson and Fountain Streets, occupied•by a firehouse. The tarcul of land on the south -side of Santa Clara Avenue between. Walnut and Oak. Streetz, occupied by the Health Department. The parcel of land. or the southwest corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street, occupied by the for public library. The parcel of land located on the northwest corner of Sahta Clara Avenue and Oak betroet, occupied by the city hall. The uarcel of land on the northeast corner of Bay Island Avenue and PMrk Street, occupied by the muni- cipal electric lint • plant. The parcel of land•locted on the wee, side of Pearl Street, between landing and Harrison Avenues, occupied as o h-station far the municipal . electric light plant. The lot on the east side of Webster Street immediatbly north of the Elamoda belt line, occupied as a sub-ntation. for Inn mumicipal electric light Plant. The parcel of. land on the southwest corner of Santa Clara Avenue usiI Everett Street, occucied as an office for the municipal electric light plant. The tract of land on, Lay Farm Island frontinf,; on cBan Leandro Bay, used as a municipal golf course. the block boundbd by Central and Alameda atonues, Walnut and Oak streets, belonging to Alameda High Scheel District, occupied by the high school; and all public streets and public ways in said city, all of which lande are now is use in. the performance of public functions. AND ViHE:R.EAS, in the judgment of toms council varying benefits will h0 . derived by the different parcels of land lyine, within said assess- ment district, it is hereby determined and declared that said ddstrict te and. the same is hereby divided into two (2) zones according to bane- fita, each of which zones is compeeed of and includes all the lands within the diotrIct which till be benefited in like measure, and it is hereby determined and declared that fifty (50) percent of the sum to be radsud each .. year by the levy and dollectinn of said. special assess- ment. taxes in said distnict for the payments of the principal and in- terest Of the bends hereinafter mentioned, will be. raised from the lands in Zone. "A", and fifty (DO) berhent from tbe lands. in Zone "B", said zones being so designated on the map of said assessment district en- titled, 'Hap of Acquisition and improvament District Ne. 1 of the City of Alesmedat', approved by this council June 5th, 102a, and new on. file in the office of the clerk thereof, whereon th'i'n is indicated by a boundary line, Inc extent of two territory. tn to included in said proposed assessment district, which map is alto expressly referred to for .tne boundanies and hil details concerning said district and said. ZOTIQS. For the expenses of the work and improvements herein pro- posed to be done bonds will be issued to the total amount thereof excepting 00 e amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred and. Fifty Dollars ($2,570.00), which is to be contributed thereto by the city iu . money., as hereinnfter mentioned, said bonds to bear interest at tr, rate Of six (€) p'ro'-1t per annum, payable semi-annually, bhp, first interest payment to be made on the eecond day of January or the second day of July (whichever month first socceods the date of khe bends) ne;nt oicceeding one year after the date of said bonds. The aggregate principal of all bonds issued under this proceeding nhall be paid and discharged within twelve years after the date of is- nuance nad aloproximately one-teatt part of such aggregate principal shall be payable annually, as hereinafter provided, all in geld ceia speacial fund for the payment of said bonds will te constituted by the leTY ef aPoessmant tuxes upon the lands within the assess- msnt district, in accordaPOP with the proyisiens of said act, ac- cording to the assessed value of said lands, exclusive of the im- p revnts thereon, excspt as otherwise in said act ;providod. Said counpil hereby determines and deblareo that the first paykont of the- aggregate. princinal of said bonds will be made two. years after. the issuance. thereof. The tinned' also determines and declares that a part of the sixsonses of bald tmprovements in the amount of Two Thou- solid Five Hundred aad Fifty Dollars 142,250.00 shall be paid. out of the treasury of said city, from the. general fund thereof. • The proceedings for the Work and, improvements herein mentioned, tharoding tha bonds te provida for thw expenoes thereof, shall be tahwn under and in pursuance of thw provisions of the "ac- quisition and 1Mprovemwrt Pot of 1925". Notice i8 hhaeby given that on "o "j Iune 26th, 1928, at the hour of 8:00 etc:lock P.M., of said. day, in the chamber of this city council, in. the city hall of said city, any and. all persons havinm any objections to the proposed work and improvements, or to the proposed mrades to vaMhh the improhomants are to be constrheted, or to the ex- ent of the assessment district Or to thw zones into which said trict i2 to be divided, or to th percentaghs to be raised from each of said zones, or tp any or all of the foregoing, may appear before thls council and be heard, provided. they have filed written objection with the Clerk of thm Council as required. by Section 2 of said hot. The olark of 'nib council shall cause this Resolution of retention to be published by two insertions in the alemedp Tighe-Star, d daily newspaper of general. circulation published and circulated in the City of klampda, which newspaher is hereby designated as ths neronarer for makang the publioation of this Resolution of Intention and all other publiCatiena in 01 incident to the proceedings. The Council of tin City of Alameda hereby appoints City Sagirocr Barnott 5a2ilton aforementioned as "Superintendent of Work" td perform the services prescribed or ..indiaated in sold act and to have general. actual supervision of the improvements constructed; provided he shall net receive any compensation as nook superintendont. Said "Superintendent of Work" shall cause to be censpicueusly posted along the line of the contemplated. work and improvements, notices of the adoption of this resolution, in tbe time, form and manner re- quired by said act. I, the undersigned, hereby certify:that the fcrogoing Uesclution was duly and regularly introduced and adoetbd by ths Counoil of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 5th day of june, 191O, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen CkUicatt, Lathan, Nei.a5, NObla and President 131.. (5). EOM: None. ,"o ,IT: Nime. IN W1TMann WhERECIM I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this Ghh day of June, 192S. (Seal of the 0214 of Alameda) WIL I. LOCKE (Arty haerk, pro hwhp of the City of Alomodep I hereby 2121 that the foregoing 1' a full, true and correct copy Of "dESOLUTION NO. 1264 - IN THE MATTER OF 21' '1 hhD INPROAMMENT Dia1PpOT NO. 1 OF TEs CITY OF hiAME1a", passed by the council of the City of Alameda, in regular meeting asrembled on tire 5th day "1 Tune, 1928. at uumarkhof tne pity oi Alameda.