Resolution 01266RESOLUTION P.C. 1266. IN TEE NATTER OF ACQUISITION AND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1C THE CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 86, New Series. RENOLAI-2D AYE) DETERMINED, by the Council of the City of Alameda that public interest and necessity require the improvements hereinafter set forth, and it is the intention of Edid council to brder 3.5 following work to he done and improvements to be made in said city, to-witi That WEBSTER STRXET, from. .the so-called Segregation Line (which. is 3.5a.3El feet northerly from the northern line of Eagle Avenue) thence for a distance of 2147 feet to the northern lino of the street known as Tynan Avenue, and said line produced, Le improved as follows: lot. That said street be graded to its full width in. accord.- ance with the grades and cross-sections and within the limits shover on the plans hereinafter mentioned. 2nd. That two twelve (12) inch vitrified iron-stone pine sewers, with catch basins and connections, and monholes with cast iron frames and obermx., be constructed therein of the number and dimensions and in the locatione shown. on said plans. 3rd. That the roadway thereof be bayed with so asphaltic concrete pavement in the location and of the width and thickness and within the limits shown on said plans. 4th. That Portland cement concrete curbs, getters and side- walks as constructed therein of the dimensions and in the locations shown on said plans. Ail of said work and improvements shall be Jane in accordance with the Plans, prefllesi detail. drawings and. speeifieations therefor which have been orproved by the city council, and are now on file in the °Mee of the clerk thereof, refarence to which is hereby mode for the estimated cost o' said. improvoments (inclusive of incidental ox- penses and costs of ,3s proceodinm), and. for a full and detailed des- cription amM location. of said improvements and the grades to which. saiM tnerovomente are to be censtructeb. The notice of all persona effectuM is directed. to the grades for the proposeo . improvements and to the pre- visions of the "Acquisition and Improvemeht Act of 132:3" relating to grades. The district of lands to he benefited hy said improvements is hereby described as fellows: All the lambs situate., lying anb. being within the corporate limits of the City of Alameda, except those helongine to the United Otates Government or the State of California; provided, however. the council hereby beclaros that 11 lands hereinafter described, belonging to said city. and lying within the assessment district shall be omitted. from said district and fr1 m. the levy and collection of 11i special. as- sessment taxesbnercalter to be levied and collected to cover the ear ponces of scidsimproveomonmm it being hereby determined anb declared that each -parcel of said lands, respectively, is. in use in the foTmance of a public function. Said omitted lands are described as follows, tc-bdt: The western portion of the block boundod by Pacdfic and Linholn. lvenues, 5th and 6th Ctreets, occupied by. Longfellow. School. The western half of the block bou1 1 8O by Santa Clara and. Taylor Avenues, 8th and 9th Streets, occupied by Yhohinyton School. Tha parcel of land situatbd on the northwest cornbr of Santa Clara Evenue and Day Etreft, occupied by liastiyk School. The webtorp portion of the block bounded by Lincoln and Santa Clara avenues, Chestnut cod Willow Streets, opoubled by Haipht School, The central portion of the block bounded by Alameda and Encinal Evebyeyo Walnut aryl Oak Stracts, obaupled by foftar 0ool1 The parcel of lei& situatOd at the nomthyest corner ot Eagle avenue, cod Everett htroet, occupied by Everett Ychoci. The block bounded by Zuena Vista and Lincoln evenness Pearl Street and Versailles Avenue, used. for storing school. property. The central portion of the block bounded by Clement and. Eagle Avenues, Broadway and Pearl. Street, used 11 a warehouse for the school departunnt. The two (2) blocks bounded by °antral avenue end Wackson. Street, Mound and Court Streets, occupied by Lincoln School. The land fronting on the southern side of Central Ave nue between 8th street and Page street if 011 'L southerlies known as Washington Park. The western and southern portion of the block surrouhded by San Antonlo and Sun Jose Avenues, and Morton end. Peru Streets, known as Franklin Park. The eastern portion of the block bounded by Clement and Buena Vista Avenues, Mulberry and Walnut Streets, known as McKinley Park. The parcel of land south of Encino,' Avenue hounded by Park 1 , known am Alameda Park, also jackson Park. The central portion of the block bounded by Liberty Avenue, Central Avenue, High Street, and the San Leandro Bay, knoer as Lincoln Park. The lot on the northwest corner of Pacific Avenue and Grand Street, occupied by a firehouse. The lot on the east side of Webster Street between Pacific and Lincoln Avenues, occupied. by a firehouse. The lot 0 the south side of Webb Avenue between Mark and Everett Streets occupied by a firehouse. The lot on the sauthwost corner of Jackson and Fountain Streets, occupied by a firohouse. The parcel of land on the south side of Santa Clara Avenue between Walnut and Oak Streets, occupied by the Health Deeartmont. The 1'' t(.'. of land on the southwest corner of Santa Clara Avenuetan5s0ah Street, occupiod by the free public library. The parcel of land 1,.'9.03 0L tho northwest corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street, occupied by the city hall. The nernel of land on the northeast corner of Bay Island Avenue and. Park Street, oecubied by the municipal electric light plant. The parcel of land located on the west side of Pearl Street, between Blanding and Harrison Avenues, occupied as a sub-station for the municipal electric light plant. The lot on tho east side-of Webster Street immediately north of the Alameda belt lime, occupied as a sub-station for the municipal electric light plant. The parcel of land on the southwest corner of Sahta Clara Avenue axe' Everett Streets occupied as an office for the mun- icipal electrie light plant. The tract of land on Day Farm Island fronting on San Leandro Bay, used as a municipal golf course. Also the block bounded by dentral and. Alameda. Avenues, Walnut arid 0119. Streets, belonging to Alameda High School tricts occupied by the high sehool; and all public. streets and public ways in said city, all of wbich lands are now in use in the performance of public functions. There shall also be excluded from said. assessment district all tido and submerged lands belonging to said city and all other .'u '1'1"1l7 owned property therein whether used or not used in the perfornanee of public functions. AND WHEREAS, in the judgment of the council, varying benefits will be derived by the different parcels of land lyinm within said assess- ment district, it is hereby determined. aad declared that said district be and the same is hereby divided into two (2) zones according to benefits, each of which. zones is O( 1" (, and includes all the lands within the district which will be benefited in like measure, and it is heT000 determined and, declared that fifty (50) percent of the 111(1 9.1 be raised each year by the levy and collection of said special assessment tames in said district for the :payments of the principal and interest of the bonds hereinafter Teptitioned, will be raised. from the lands in Zone "A", and fifty (50) percent from the lands in Zone "B", said zones being so designated or the map of said assessment district entitled "Map of Legnisition and, Improvement District No. I 0' tho City 01 Alameda", aporoved by this council June 5th, 1928, and now on file in the office of the clerk thereof, whereon there is indicated by a boundary line, the extent of the territory to be included in said proposed assessment district, Wnich map is also expressly referred to for the boundaries and all details concerning said district and said zones. For the oxythises of the watat and imp:coy:neat heroin. proposed to be done, hands will be issued. to the total amount thectiofexceptiny the amount of Two Thousand Five hand-mod arid Fifty Dollars L2,VE(1,00), 13 to beicontributed thereto by the city in mohey, as herein- after mentioned, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of six (6) percent per annum, payable semi-annually, the first interest payment e made or the second day. of January or the scoond day of July (whichever month first succeeds the date of the bon(1s) next succeed- in; one year after the date of said bende, The aggregate principal of all bonds issued under thin proceeding shall be paid and. dischaacged within twelve years after the date of issuance, and approximately one-tenth part of such aggregate principa(1 . shall bs payable annually, an hereinafter provided, all in gold coin. A. special fund for the payment of said bonds wil1 . be constituted by the levy of special assessment taxes upon the lands within the a OOTllar.3 ii riot, in accordanco with the provision0 of said act, according to the assessed value of said lands, exmlusive of the improvements thereon, exmemt as stborwiee in said act provided, :Said council hereby determines and declares that the first payment of the aggregate principal of said bonds will be made two yearn after the issuance thereof. The council. also deteryjnos an11 . declares that a part of the C:413.e3 of said im- provements in tho amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars W,,5(10.00). shall be paid out of the treasury of said city, from tne general fund thereof, The proceedings for the workmand improvements „herein, men- tioned, including the bonds to provide for the expenses thereof, shall be taken under and in pursuance of the previsions. of the "Acquisition and improvement Act of 1025". Notice is hereby giver that on Tuesday, July Ord, 10P,1), at the hour of 6:00 o'clock. P.M.." of said day, in the chamber of this. title council, in. the city hall of said city, any and all persona: having any objections to the proposed work and improvements, or to the proposed grades to which the improvements arc to be construbtad, or In the extent of thb assessment district or Mo the zcnes into which said (1] 2' ie to 'be divided, or to the percentages to be rnised from each, 01' said. zones, or to any or all of the foregoing, -(may appear before this council and be heard, provided trey have filed written objections with the Clerk of the Council as required b • Section. V of said Act.„ The Clerk of this council shall cause this Resolution of Intention te, be oullished by twe insertions. in the Alameda Times-Star, O daily newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in the City of Alameda, which newspapen in hereby deshgnated as the news- paper for makiny the publication of this Basolution of Intention and . all other publications in er incident to the proceedinb. The Counci1 . of the City of Alameda hereby appoints City. Engineer Eurnett hanAlton aforementioned. as "fauperintondent of Work" toponfonm the services proscribed or indicated in said act and to hove general actual supervision of the improvements constructed; prmvided he shall not receive any compensation as such superintendent. Said "Superintendent of WaMk9 shall cause to be 10 11 posted along the line of the contemplated work and imunovements, notices of the adoption. of thih resblution, in tbh timh info, and mahrhr remained by said act. 1, the undersigned, bhrhby certify' Whet the foregoing Reso- lution. was duly and regularly introduced end adowted by thh Council. of the City of Alameda in beffecial mheting thereof assembled OD. the leth day of June, 1928, by tha following vote, bowditi. AYES: Council:men Onleutt, Latham. Neiss, Noble. and. breelient Otis, NOES: None, ABSEYT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ny hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 15th day of Tune, 1.9282: (6eal of the City of (1lameda) City Clerk p WM. 208128 ro tem of tile dity of hamewN,, 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a fall, true and correct 00PY of "RESOLUTION NO. 12E6 - IN Thl MATTE2 OF' AhqUISITION AND IMPROVMMIXT DISTRICT NO. I OR THE CITTI ATAMEDA", passed by tla (=non of the City. of Alameda, in regular meeting assembled on the ifithiday f Juno, 192S, _city 4.C., eyes the - ty of Alameda,