Resolution 01272RW1031014 00. 1272 TRANSEERRING .00 TM'S THE ELECTRIC LIGHT PUND 90 THE GENSRAL TUT' RESOLTES by the Council of the City of Alameda that there be on there le hereby transferred from the Hlectric Light fund to the frenersi fund the sum of Nine Hundred (900.00) Dollars az a dividend for the Alameda city Eeslth Center, same being monthly installments at 450.00 ner month for the aix months ending December 31, 1925. The Auditor ani the Treasurer are hereby authorized to make sail transfer upon tacir respective book.s. I, the andprzigned, hereby aortl11y t'Opt the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced ana adopted by the Council of the o 1pme in regular ct1nr mbled on the 3rd day c July, 1928, by the following vote, to-wit: AYSS: Councilmen Geloutt, Latham, Noble afla president NOES: Nene. ABSENT: Councilman Seise, (1). IN TESTIMOVY WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hard and affixed the official seal of said city this 5th day of July, 1928. Otis, (4). (sal of the Clty of Alamedel .0% S. 701100E 4' ot Alameda. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy 0 GRBSOLUTION NO. 1272 - TRANSEERRING $900000 GROH THE ELECTRIC LIGHT GUED TO THE GENERAL EUND'. Passed by the council of the aity of Alameda, in regt(iar meeting assembled on the 3rd day of Galy, 1928. peatteHr'id tlie ty o377/77fan-7777.--ef