Resolution 01309RESOINTIOS NO. 1509, AUSHORISINd 110E ANDINOR AHD SHE TREASSNER If PAY SARARIRS 7 0"031 1E11d1 AIN) 10311)343en, RRSOLVED, by the council of the nity o1 Alameda, thst ths additer end the treedsurer of said sity are hereby outhPrized to bay oneshalf of hee December salariea to the officials and employees of the city of Alameda, or December 14th, 1928. 1, the undersigned, hereby cede01E7y that the foregoing nesPletion was duly and regplarly introduced and :Adopted by the douncil of the city of Addemeen Hn regular meeting assemtled on the 4th day of December, 1928, bey the following vote, to wit: atis, (0). AyEs: 0010ai177.e7.7 aaloutt, Latham, Reiss, Noble avid president NOES: Hone. 150ENSH None IN TESTILE•TY 415=M1, 1 have hereunto snt my hand and effimpd the official seal of said city this 53.h day of December, 1928, (Seal of the Uity of Alameda) RC C.1 77:1 t y e1E5) =7703771" '77 hereby certify that the ibregeing is a fell, true ani correct copy cf sESSOINTION NO. 1309 - ANREINTSINN NNE ANDITOR AND THE 'TREASURER NO PAY SAIARIOn alb 07710I4Ibi AHD ENPICHERS", passed by the Ocandil of thp Nity of pinmede In regclar meeting assembled on the 4th day pf December, 1920. , 3vf f