Resolution 01407li.BSOLUTION 20. 1407. 12 THE 'MATTER 02 ACQDISITION 222. rOPROVEMENT DISTRICT" NO. 2 OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTICk2 212122 2122 22D 22202 OF 21222 22222072 WHEREA2, on Pebruary 19th, 1920, the City Council adopted its Resolution of Intention. 2o. 90, N. 07 ; to order certain work to be done and improNements to to made in the aboverentitled'metter, under end pursuant to the provisions of the Aoquisitien and Improvement Act of 1025, reference being herety expressly made to said aesolution of Intention No, 00, N. S., for further particulars, 0712 07INIC2'4, tha superintendent of work ond the contractor have filed 8 verified declaration and statement with reference to the completion of said work, incidental eompaoaes one' other matters, as required ty tha provisions of section twent7-twe (22) of soil act, and this toard being required to fix a time and place of final hearing thereon, now therefore . be it 13002232, by the City Council of the 'City of Alameda that Tuesley, the rd day of September, 19.09, at the hcur of () o'clock p. m. of said asy, in the chambers of the !City Council be, and the same le hereby fimed aE the day, hoor and place for holding said final. hearing, said tima 'icing riot sooner Sao to days from the date hereof; and the clerk hareof.is directed to give notice of said hearing aa required by said set 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution woe 1017 end repillrly introduced and adopted by the Conrail of the City of Alameda in regaler meeting assembled on the 20th day of August, 1920, by the following Tote, to wit: AYES; Councilmen Brodersen, Oaloutt, Renring, Latham and President Schaefer, (5). 2032: None. ABSENT: Nona. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto aat my hana and affiscod the °Male' seal of said city this 21st day of Augustt 1929 . (Seel of the City of Alameda) W. B. 232R002. 0159 al. k orTlm City oc. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "RESOLUTION' UO. 1407 - 12 THE MAIM OF ACQUIAITION AAD IMPROMANDI) DISTRICT NO. 2 02 1073 CITY OT ALMA:00A - RESOLUTION PIAING 111302 AND 02102 02 ("DIAL ASARIN12 . passed 07 the Council of the City of Alameda, in regular meeting assembled on tha 20t12 day of August, 1929, 32 auiT:a