Resolution 01446RESOLUTION DI). 1446 PIXINE SALARY OP ISE SUPERINIENDEUT OP THE GOIAS? COURSE. RESOLVED, by the council of the Sit of Alampde that the selary of the Superintendent :of the Golf Course be snd tbb some is hereby fixbd at One Hundred end Twenty-five and no/100 (125.00) Dollars per month, novehle in arrears, uommeneing November 10th, 1449. he undermed, hor9b:57 cartit.; thpt the foregoing seanointion was dnly ant.. regular17; invroduced and 5dopted by the until of the cit7 44 Ale.meda in regnaer meeting assembled on the at% Novembbp, ii29, by the aoiaLowin rote, to-wit: Jauncilmen awodersen, -,;alcatt;, lienninc;, Latham and resident Dehaefer, (b). NOES: None. None. IN TESTIMONY THIKDAPO, I have hereunto set my hand ana a10ix6d the ofalcial 6eAll at .saia c10 -thie 6th usy of november, (Seel of tee City of Aaameda) .I. E. VATIC& Ally Ulerk on tne Oitr 00 Ainmean I hereby dertifp thrrc the foregoing is a Pull, true son corfoO oopy "TAMAPTITION No. 1446 - PLAINS. SALARY OP 004 ouliESINTIENDEPT OM 013 GOL? SOUSSE", passed Py the nonnell of the Lity of 41 e44 in fmgdtss mooting assembled on the Atli 044 of november, loam. offeemse) e-ef,z5,7": 0040U16±' z oinEFUe.