Resolution 01449RESOLUTION ro. 1449 RESOLUTION OE ACRIEBTAPCB AND CONSENT TO RECORDATION R5801VED, by the Goma:mil of the City of Alameda, that the deed or grant dated November 9ton, 1929, fnam George C, Stephens and N. Locipe Stephens, hde wife, of the town of Belvedere, county of I:Prim, State of California, and Frank Taylor shE Mildred H. Taylor, his wife, of the city and county of San Trancisco, saiE state, conveying to the city of Alameda, a mumicipal corporation, all that cc:stein piece or garpelnof land ituste, lyIng and being On Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Countp of Alemeds, SCmte of California, anE more particularly described as follows; Commencing at the soatheart dorher of Lot 17, in Section 19, Township 2 South, Range 3 West, Hoant Diablo Base and. Meridian, ss said lot is delineated and so Cools- natml upon thht corfaln rap entitled "Sale Map No.10 of Salt Marsh end Tidelands, situate in thm County .1 Alaymda, State of California" Ana filed ;Tune 9, 1888, in the office of the Ceounty Recorder of Alameda County, California, end /3 thEnee due nohth along the easterly line of Lot 17, 1164.77 ft., to a point; otheebe N. 84029' W. 677.77' ft., to a point; thAnde N. 463 49' W., 116.45 ft., to Doint on the westerly line of lot 17; thence due north 20 ft. to the northwest corner of said Iabt 17; thEnce due west along the nprthprly lines of Lots 18 and 19, 1155 ft., to a point; thente duE south 1320 ft., to n poiht on the southerly ilne of Lot 19; thence date east along the south- rly /3 .6/f Loto 19, 18 and 13, 1616 ft., to the south- east corner of Lot 1/ andi the poimf of commenpammnt. Being portions of Lots 22 and 29 and all of Lot 18, all in Section 19, Township 2 South, Range 3 Stot. Containing 53.2 stares of land more or lAes, be and tha same is. hereby accepted. by said cauncil, acting for end in behalf of said grantee, an4 said coumoil hereby gives its consent to the recordation of naid deod or grant and-orders thip ;desolation. to 'am attachp ed. thereto as required. by the provisions of 5ection 1158 of tha ditil Cods. I, the updersigned, hereby certify that the foregoiagritplution W2S duly and regmlarly introduced and adopted. by thae Council of thn Amity of 1. 6. in regular meeting assembled on the 19th day of November, 192.9, bp the following vote, Co-wit: AYESE Councilrmn Brodersen, Ceadeff, Henning, 'Latham ear PreE- ident Cohamfor, (5). N023; Nbre. AB33/EN1: None. TT TBSTTIMONY WHEREDT, I have herecnto net niE hand 31 31 the offipial seal of said city this 20th day of November, 1929. (Seal of the City of Alarede) !J. ty Ul _AT, of-the (7;tree AlphEda. I 6/ /3 •aertify that the foregoing is a full true and correct dopy of "RESQLUTION DOA 1449 - RESOLUTION OR ACCEPTANCE AND CONSENT TO RROORDATEIPA", pas.sed by the /3 '1. of thE City of AlfarEnia rAgnishrnmefing prsembled. on. tbe 'Meth. day of November, 192E. 1elEfl'E me gy, MAgewmptrAng