Resolution 01462RESOLUTION NC. 1462 RESOINTICT 02 INDENTION o. New 6eries (Third Str(1et) RiLSOLVED, by tha Council of the ility of Alihmoda, that it is the intention. of said Otuncil to order the following work to be. dont end improvement mtde in said city, to-wit: That Third Street, from the northern line of Pscific avenue to the northern line of Maple Street., be improved os follows: 'Tent said street, within tie limdts aforemptioned, be grnded, and hay° concrete curbs, gutters, gutter bridges and side- walks constrneted thereon; also that corrugated iron culverts be constructedtherein.. of •theitiumber, size and location shown on the plans hereinaftst reftrred to; also that the readwo.y of soiti street, within the limits afortmentioed, be payed 54th a six-inch oil mtcadom boivernt. All of said workyshall be done in. accordante with. the plans, profiles, dttadled drawings Linn specificatiots adopted there- for, reference to which is hereby mude for the full cud detailed. dtscrittion of the said. proposed work and imsmoyemleat, ann the grades to mhaph said work is to be dont. The city council hereby determines and declares, and nptite is 53reby given, that serial. bonds shnif be issued to repre- sent each assessment of twenty-five dollars 333 more rembining un- paid for thirty days after tht date of the warrant. Said. honds• shall bear ittPrest at the rate of 331'. (7) per cent per anntm and shall extend over at-period not 33' exceed time years frtm the second day of January next suceeeditg the fifteenth day of the. next November following their date. Notice is hereby given that Tuesday, the 21st day of nuanw, 193D, st the hour of 8 o'clock p.m. of said day, in the council chamler in the city hall of sail city, it the dsy, hour and place when und wbmre cry and all Persons haying any objections to the proposed work and improvement, or to the proposed grades, may appthr before the city council and thewcaust why said. proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with this reso- lution; promited said objections are made ten filed in writing as required by few. The (City Clerk shall publish this resolution, and the street superintendent shpll post notices of the -passage thereof in the time, form and manner required by law. Said work :ii. e done and bonds. issued in accordance with the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 19116 and. artnAmmuts t5oreto. I, the uhnersigutn, hemely certify 'Cott the foregotng Resolution. watt duly and regularly introduced Finn adopted hy the lehnbil of the City of Alomtda, in regular meeting ottemlled on the 17th day of Deoember, 1929, by the following vote, to-wiT: ALBS: Souncilmen Brolerserm Ocicatt, Hennlog, Latham and President Schaefer, (6). 66605: None. ASSEETO None. IP TESTIMONY IIIERME, 1 lityc hereunto sat my hand ond rit-mod the ofnicibi seal of said city this 16th. day of December, 1929. LAR633, (Seal of the City' of Alameda) 71,4 blerm. os the-T:71y 617-TiaEFT. ^ - - I hereby certify that the feregmfng is a full,tpue and. correct copy of mRESSENTION NO 14.62 - 73. 3F IETNNEION ES. 95, New Seriesu (Third Street)", noosed by the Council of the City of Alaoeda in regular . meeting assembled on the 17th I9y of December, 1921). jg)j)g--mdAIM,