Resolution 01534RSGOLUTION NO. 1534_ FIXING TEO SALARIGS i. THO OHPICERS AND Mill:PERS OT THE POLIGB AND TIRg DEPARTBEEHiS; 03 THE SUPSHIETEEDENT 02 TUB GUSH BOURSE; OM TSB MOOD AND Mil& INEHEGTOR, BACT3RIOLOCTST, OLERK AHD AS- SIST:07T HEALTH VISITO2 OP TEE HEALTH. DEPARTBEHT: 03 TH3 ASSIST- ANT CLINIC. NURSE, AND THE JAGAITOR OT PBS SOCIAL :SERVICE BOARD 02 THE CITY OR ALAGNDA. REGODTED0 that the salaries of the officers and members of the Police DepartwerSc of the City' of Alemeds be, ash they are. hereby fixed es follows: The Uhlet of kollee s0;411 receive Three Hundred And Twenty end 00/100 Dollars 0320.00 rer monh; the Captain. of iiollee slisll receive Too Hunred Hind Thirty-five ira " oo/loo 'Dollars (120q.co) per mont4; Detectives of police shell recejmc Two HunCred 2ightnen and 00/100 toilers ($218.0C) psr month; Serseants of Police Shall rmeeive Two Hundred. Seven AnG 00/100..Doll9ra 0207.00) per month.. Patrolmen shAll receive the followiag nmounts: Par the fir et year, One Halldre,5 y-five and 0L/]Do Dollars (00.E.;5.00) met! month; Yor the secuAi jeer, One Haahre dk.t sod 00.,(100 Dollaro 01500001 per month; For to third Neer, Inc Hundred Seventy and ufloo Dollars X) per mxnth; Vor the fourth sear, One Hundred Bighty And 00/100 Dollars, ($180.00) per month; 7Mr the fifth And subsequent years, One Hollered Ninety and 00/100 Dollars 0190.00) per month. RESOLVED,. that the salariee of the officers and mpmbers of the Hire '19 '0' of the City of Alameda be, and they 8re :hereby flxed am follows: The Chief 0 the Rime Department shell renelve Three Hundred Twenty end 00/100 Dollars 03.2000) per muum'Ah; . the Assistant Chiefs shall receive Two Hundred. Thirtm-five and 00/100 Dollars 0E35.00) per month; Camtains shell reseime Two Hundred ThGrteen and CO 100 Dollars. 02130001 per mmnth. ',firemen shall massive the following Amounts; ?or the first year, One Hundred 7Hifty-fiwo and. 001100 Dollars 0155.00) per month; for the socand mess, One 11) Sixty and 00/100 Dollars, 0160.00) mer month; 7or the third year, Ohs Hundred Seventy and 001100 Dollars (0170.00) per month; Mor the fourth spier, One Pondred Eighty end 001100 Dollars 01E0.001 per month; Ror the fifth end subsequent years, One Hundred Rlnety and 00/100 Dollars 011)0.02) per month.. The '9 11 shall receive the following smounts: ?or the first year, 011e Hundred Seventm-eight AnM 00 /1:0 milers 017P-00) per onth; Row the second year, One Hundred Elghty-thmee Apia 0/100 Dollure 0183,0C1 per month; Her the third moor, One Hundred Ninmtm-three and 00/100 Dollars 0193000, eer month; For thn fourth memr, Two Hundred Three and 00 100 Boilers (t203.00) per month. or the fifth. and subsequent :Hears, Two Hondred Thirteen aluM 00/100 Dollars (' 213.00) per menth. RESOLVHD, thet the Omeerintendent of the Municipal Golf Course shall reoeive One Huxdred Hinz! and 00/1C0 Dollars ($15CA001 par month. 11 1, that the salaries of the following officers And emplomees of thm Health Departsmnt of the lo ty of Alameda. be, and they Are hereby fixed es follows; The ?ood and Milk Inspector shall receive Two Hundred. •And 00/100 Dollars (4230000) per monthb the BsoterielogleM shall receive One Hundred Seventm-fism end 00/100 Dollars 0175.00) per month; Mhe Clerk. shall recolso One hundred Ten and 00/100 Dollars 0110.001 per month; the Assistant Health Visitor shall receive Chm Hunhred 'Fifty and 001100 DollArs 0150.00 men mmuth. RESOLVED that the ealaries of the followins employ/es of the Social Service Board be, and they are hereby fixed az follows: MeMissistaht Clinic Nurse shall receive One Etandred Fifty aed 00/100 Dollars. 016( .00) per month; the Janitor shell receive One Hundred laventdisfive end Dolloo Dollars (S125.) 0) per month. 111360LITED, t the asleries aforementioned be paid in arrears for each calendar month. ROSOIKED, that this resolution shall take effect and le operative from end after November 1930. I, the undersigned, hereby pertif31 that the foregoin Resolution was duly and reguleal,4 introduced. and adopted by the Oownoil of the dity of Alamedh regular meeting assembled on the 16th dap of Septeffber, 1930, by the follow- ing vote to wit: AYES: dounsilmen dalontt, faessine :Latham load President Schaefer, (4). NOBS; None. I313 1: Odusellalph Lrodarzedd, (1). IN TESTIMONY W13 13 2707 have hereunto set my hhnd and effised the official seal of said city this 17th day of Septemhers 193(. P E. flaRCOS, (Seal of thr City of slameda) ta slaps u tfbir7a1ThitrTibbbehe—b 1, heddataa 1ertif7.that. the foregoing is a. fula, true and porpedt cony of ,,,alsoLuTcon. NO.• 1634 - filrld TWO STLARISS OP THE OSTIOERS AND MEIEMl1N Od TEE POLIQE AND SIRE DEPaSTMENTS; CP TEE PUPERINTETDENT Od THE Ottlf COURDS:' ST THE POTD PhD MILK IKSPESTOIS, BADTTRIOLOGIST, CLERK aND ASSISTANT HMKUTH VISITOR OP THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT; ad THg 13 13 DLINIO NURSE, AND THE JANITOR OF MS SOCIAL SERVICE BOARD Od 1 H3 131 1( Old ALAMBDAs„ passed by the dounall of the City of Alameda. in reapplies meeting assembled on the 16th dap 0? 'September, 1930. t T6 fa /SID, maltdattataf dadasympteT4m,daSlas 'd SSP; mediff: