Resolution 01543RESOLUTIDN NO. _15adeR TRANDEER1IES 135,905.25 7ROM THE EDEETRIC RICHT RUDD TO 'ENE INTEREST ADD R EDEMPT DOD 't13.119 REDOUVED, by the aunt:Al of the 3ity of Diomede tetutt tbbre be End there le hareem? transferred from the Electric Light Rand to the intordat en5 Redemetion Rtand, the sum. of .Yive ThApsand Nina Rumdred szb slam And 26/10b Dollsrs, (ES,90525), to DBy the ibteuest and redemption Tab Remember .1, 1530, on. the outstanding elawtwin lEght Ponds anthsmizeb in 1912,, Who Auditor and the Trousprer Ewe hereby obthwribed to makm 9faia transfer uben their reepectire booke. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that thm foregoing Resolution was dumy and regularly introduced an5 adopted by tits Council of the OEMs of Alameda in. regular meeting. :assembled. on the 7th 5ay of October, 1930, Ey the following vote, to tEEE ATHS: Councilmen Brodersen, Chloutt, Henning and Lathan, ( 7bm NES: Usnet 1BRENT: Council Treeident Schaefer, (21. Ir 72STIEONY ADEREOT, I hove herourto eat my Daub End Effdyed the official seal of said city 'chime Ste day of Ostoter, 22.5o. (Seal of the Eitm of Alameda, :a5I, TEAF1LE 7-7 —LH tee— of Aw dem5a. I hardly certify that the foregoing is 6 full, true and eorreat eopm of "RESOI3EISh ROE 1543:— TRANSTERNINE RROM TEE ELECTRIE LINDY RedD TO. 7E2 ENTERERS ADD REDERITICU SUED", passed by tha Gammon of the Eitm of Alamods in reguler meetimm assembled on Ootober 7, lUDO. aa&if7,7677°—