Resolution 01545RCh011ahIVN ro„ 1:15011"C IIMAS A11, SY3ChilltIATilha5 (Third Street) ilid5017,5,11, that thr blans and spreifications for the 'improvement of Third Street from the northerly line of yedifie aveleur to the northerly lire of Maple Street, 811 in. the City. of Alameda, Coonly of Alamea, State of Califnlye„ ES prepared 51E5 submitted tble day by the trity TibiEineer, bp and the same are hrrehy sea:roved onti Adopted as the offidial plans and sreeifidations for doina. sail work and mehiny said improvement. I, tan nandersirred, hpyrty certify that the forecialug Ilasollitiph was duly. and rareal.puly adortpd by the Coanoill of the City of alinmedh in ream:Mier meeting aseemtled oh the 7th dap of October, 19305 by thG following vote, to wit, Cercrilmon Brolersen, Oalcutt, Hrnriny and Latehm, (4). ABSENT; Cconoil Preoldent Sohasfer, ‘1). TNSTA7,1501. 511I11101, I hpva herr:into set my head dal afellued the offichal seal of said eity this 5th day of Ootobnr, 1950. od ohe GlIty of AlabGda) HaffIll. 15, If 0 Tari .17.F7Ctem TTMT—TMr7t I hereby oertify that the forrgoinE iSES fall, true nidd. correct copty of ,RsaoL:JTIoN 1545.— A10,00.TIhT1 UfetbialICATLCai (ThAre Street)", rpssed by the Ochinhil of the City of Alromady. in reykler meetinc ...trembled on the 7th day of Outobbr, 103Cp 77iT. T.:77-1.7-7;:177:677:— •