Resolution 01546R3SCIlltal NO. 1543 MCGEffi,12 Ndlrf OW Wer AND 20.122M1ANG f6 113602nafiON (Indastrimi Nhgthm51. RR-SORTED, by the diouncil of the City of ARamedm. thet the aront of eamement dated October 3rd, 1995, granting to the 6ity of Alomedm s right of for public oarposms over those certaim boreal a of land sitymte, lying Lela being in the 5i1. y of Alemede„ Aimunedo 0cantyL Stmte of 631iforria, of unithp4 mldth of 51.00 feet, being the northerly 51.51,, feet of tmo ymrcele col, land combeyed by the Regmnts of the Unit' erefAy of Onl liAnpuin to the. Slumeldm Galt Sine by &lea doted April a, 1930, and recorded 1 eurin1 18, 1925, ih the office o F thm, Geumty Recorder of emir .41mreOm Chianti,' in Libor 2515 et pagp 2.56 bbimg more pertimmolar1R deacribed as followso II2c21,2,10.1 Beamihnimo ot m uoiedit, on the emotern lino of Tract numbbred 41 as saif tordot ie delineated amid so des1e,mbted uoon thot certain. map. entitled "Map. of Alamale Harsh Suhr am ocertitioned among the owners thereof in the oult No. 8923 and ene titled. ,Pacifim Improvemedat Company, plaintiff, vs. ;Lomas A. Roymire et el., libfendants'i Superior Coart of Alamble (jaunty, State of Orli-formic", filed iv the offlhe of the °runty Recorder of Adourbdu Ocunty on the feth dew of July, 19001 08.1r1 rmitot lim1ng distunt 192.07 feet northerly measured along said eastern. lino of eaie tract numbbred ta from. ite intersection with the line segrobtin the high and dry lanh from Cho Mmrsh. Lmnd as amid segregatimo line is shown on. the aforesmhd ohm); thence South. 53 31' Bast 51,563 feet elong said eastern lire of tract ntatImred 11; thbnme South 28R 644 Boat 925.62 feet; thence North Pe° .n.1 15" Bast 888.89 feet: thence Routh ,965 341 East 1986.01 feet; thence Reath . 84° 19, East 60.49 feet to a point on the western— line of tract numimred 34 distant thereon 69,17. fEet northerly from its intersection. with. suid. • Sagreption line; thence 2Mrth. 1° 39' Rest 51.15 feet; thence North 64° 19' Lest 59.89 feet; thenee North. 86° 34' 'Nest 1989.14 feet; thence South. 82b 39' 15" Jest 299.76 famt; thence North 885.51" West 926.16 fbet to the pmint of begOmming, being a omftion of trmot yourelered 39 52 showm on. the gRoresu id map. Gontminimg an Brea of 1.522 aurae, mome or Np. Beginmping at m point on the western 111,4 of tract numbered. 4-1 as as i d trmet idelfinei" tea" on6 so deoigmmted upon that oertaim moo entitled "Mop of Alameda Marsh Timed aS tmrtAtimned among the owners thereof in the suit b 6923 on4 entitled, "Tmolfic improrument Commany, Flaintimil, janim6 h. WaTaelare, et ml., DEMMudiarts' 2uperimr. tnunct of Alameda County, State of Gmlifornia," in the offMer of the County Recorder of Alamedc County ou the 30th. day of july, 1950, said. point being distant 243.93 feet northerly mpasufhd • ninng said wieetern lino of amid tract nambeibd from its imtersectipm with. tho line segreguting thm Pel are duo lalud from tbe reereera mend ae eutd . segregation lone le snmwm on tea mforeum,11 map; thmnce North 05 31' ",':Feet 51,28 fact slung amid. western line of tract numbered 41; thence Soed6h 635 22* 50" West 1.56.66 foot; 5mmune 5cath 75 491001 5est 7911 69 feet to a reileet on thm Permitm Grant Sine; thenum Scat. 265 45, Emet 52.16 feet miong sada leralta Grant ido; thence Eq1 7,41,70,47' 0" 73a2t 77686 feet; thence. Thrth 3.5f" bbb Boot 367.63 feet to the puiat of deginiuDome. being portions of Tracts NamImred ,mnd 42 ae show.o. on the eforesuid mot,. 6ontmh13 ing mr rtva of 1-389 acem, mmhe 3r lass; acquired by scar City from IfIffr%DA LINEA a corporhtion, for putlae hittway purposes, be, and the. acme is hormby, eccepted and said Connell, thd grantee, hereby consents to the recordation of scid grant of easement and orders this resod:cation. to be AttetheC thereto as rechired by Section 1158 of the Civil Code of the State of California. I, the anMersigned, hereby certify that the foray:oder: Resolution. Pro duly' end rogulera. introduced &nd addrAmd by the Council of thp Citg of Alameda in. regular meetinp aseemIled on the dr:y of October, 1950, by Mot followang vote, to wit: ( ANIdat Cornadireen Brodersee, Calcutt, Echoing and Imtham, NOES: Eche dratidarft Council President Schaefer,: (1). IT3 TIM0118 diltltaftf, have herpart 0 set my hand ard affixed the offatial seal of said oaty thaa 8th day of motet:sr, 1900. Mdcel of the City Altacm de.) liAttagar ). 444111 01777 ,DITCur "Itlf 176Tr1-67- d.FITTI aleraodo. I hereby certify that the foregoine is D full, true and correct dopy ot flt1 0OLCCIAP 0,0. 1546 - ,aCGUIffitatI NIGHT Of IAN MD CONSENTING' 80 ThlaWIMMA8T0N (Indtatrial HiahmaY" ensued try the Comrcil of the' CAty of Aaampda regulem Ateting cease:clod on trp 7th dhy of Octobmr, 1930A