Resolution 01559RESMATTION NO. _1539 _ RESOLUTION RILMOESTENN RE-SLUIVEY OE INNER HARBOR END IN PARTICULAR BROOKLYN BASIN; CITE UP ALAMEDA, COUNTY MT ALAMEDA; STATE OF CALIFORNIA EMEREAS, the future dsvelorgant of the,East Bay requires resurysy of the Inner-harbor and in particular Brooklyn Basin, City of Alamsda, County of Alameda, State of California. OW, THEREFORE, be it nasolved. 3 the '0 (1 of ths City tar Alemedia that the Mayor be, ehd he is hereby authorized to request Congress- man Albert E. Carter on behalf of the Council in said City to obtain as soon as possible a re-eurvey of Mae Inner-harhor and in particular Brooklyn asin, as aforesaid. I; the undersigned, hereby certify that the feregoihE Resole:Aim TV s duly and regularly int-reduced and adopted by the Council of' tfte City of Alameda. in rosular mooting assembled. on the 1Sth ley of November; 1930, by the following vote, to sat: STE0g Gout:toil:mon Brolerser, Calcutt, Henning, Latham. and Pres- ident Schaefer; (5), NOES: Lone BSENT: tione. IN TESTIMONY WEERECE, I. have hereunto set mm hand and affixed the official seel of 13 said city this 19th day of Nevamber, 1900. (Seel of the City or Alm:sees) W. N. VARGOES sis rememme. Tilty Cserm of ne City of Alameda. I hereby certtfy that the foregoing is a full, true and cormect Copy of THENCTUTION NO. 1362 - RESOLUTION REMPESTING RE-SETANIT OF ITIPEP STMEOR AND IN PARTICULAR BROOKLYN SABAN, CITY OF ALAMEDA, COUPE'S CF AITATINIA; STATE SF ONLIATOMILAR, passed. by the C0 uncil. of the City of Alameda in 1113. meeting assembled on the 1Sth of November, 1930. 0973:71,-Ciladay 3 T Alb:Media