Resolution 01560RESOLUTION IVO. 1560,_ RESOLUTION DECISWaEG RESULT OF SPECIAL ELECTION HEIM TH THE CITY OF AiLIWZDA ON TUESAY:, MgVIIIISHR 47 1930, ON TEE OM:MITCH ui SUBRUTTING. aRTAIN CHAMTE2 7417 47 ESTAMLISHILG A MUNICIPAL SUE TRIISMIHMICATIOR . SYSTEM SRO GRANTING MEHIMIN MINDS TO THE HYRUM) STATES OF AMERICA. WCIESIMS, a special election was culled and ordered. to be held the Gity of Alameda, State of California, on Tuesday, the 4th day of ovember, 1950, for the purpose of submittiug to the qualifie41 . electors of said•Gity certain amendments to the City Charter, the propesation for the mainteromee of a municipal ads transportation system, ama tho pmermmitnans to ive, grant, convey and alien forever certain lands to tile United. States of eeenerifen; nd' WHEREAS, eleven probosns were sutnittod to tee electors to he voted upon ut said election, in Herds and figure« as follows: PROPOSITION That Section 1 of Chabter I, Article IV of the Charter of the city of Alameda be amended to read au follows: .......... andator. An auditor shall he elected at the general mmmatnEnal election. Fa shall. hold .......... office for four puars and until his spucesser is . elected and qualified. He shall be ex-officio as- . NO sessor end. redemption. clerk. Hip compensation. for all services he may render the city- shall be fixed by the Council and shall not be less than. three Ltomrsand six hundred dollems per annum. Le may ampoint one or more deputies for whose acts be aria him bondsmen Shall be resonsible. PROIhOSITION NO. That Section 10 of Chapter II, Article IV ef the Chamter of the City of Alameda. be amended to. read. as follows: Sec. 10, Treasurer. A treasurer shall be elected at the general venel election, He . YES . shall hold office for four years and until his successor is elected and. qualified. He shall be ex- officio tax end license collector. is compensation . NC . for all services he may render the city shall be fixed by the Council and shall not be less than three thbboand six hundred dollars per annum- He may an- point one. or more deputies for whose acts he and his' bondsmen shall be responsible. PROPOSITIME NC. 3 That Section 13 of Chapter. II, Article IV of the Chapter er the City. of 44 (4 be Elinelle.i.ed. to read as follows: ec. ln - Tax Inc? License collector. As tax end. . YES . license collector he shell perform such duties as are ........... (1 17 by this ehorter, by ordentince and by 4477) 17 law. . NO . ........... PHOPCSITION NO. 4, That Section 16 of Chatter III, drticie IV of the Charter of the City of Alameda he amended to read as ollows: Sec. 16. - City Manager te estimate expenses- On or before the first Tuesday in Augoat in each year the City Manager shall trepsmat to the Connell an estimate of the expenses of the city government for tbe. ebmuing fiscsd.. year, stating the adount re- quired to :suet the interest end sinking fund for all outstanding funded. debts, and the wants of all de- traMtneUts, in. detail, shoving atecificallw the. mount necessary to be apportioned to each fond in. the tressur•i alto an estimate of the income from. fines, liaenses and other sources of reverted, exclusive of taxes en, property; also, the prob- able amoutt required to be levied:and raised by taxation. PROPOMITIMN That Section 10, article VII of the "barter of the City of AlameXe be =Trended to read as 0 I07 ec. 10 - Any °bergs: brougrt against a miehber of the police department or fire department, who has been •in tie service of the city' for fiva years shall he hpxrd by the City Managpr, and he shall determine the pwnishment or penalty' to be given kn. the case. Said pen10 lty. may. indlude eisardesal from the department. in the event of dismistal„ but hot otherwise,. the discharged. marten shall have the right to present his case before the police and. fire board. of en:peels, which board is hereby estelliored. Said board. ensfil consist of the meigor ann. two freehold:sit of the city who shall serve without commenzetion, and. be appointed Ty tee council, bbia eprointmdnt reing far a tern of two yesra. No stata county' or city official shell be eligdbia for •aphoirtmant. In Me cane of the first two appointed. hereunder, lots shall be dinwn for a one year term and. a two year diddr, Tad there- after. one tmmier shall be appointed each year. A majority vote stall control. PneTOSITION Ned 6 That Section 3, erticie X of the Charter of the City of Alamera be amended to read as follows: ......... Sped - The board shall. organize by electing president and aprointing a. secretary. Two snail .7ES . constrete a quorum. They shall hold. a regular meeting on the evening of. the second Wednesday' of est* morth 1 eight o:oleck in. the office of the .NO Department of Public Utilitiee, eedletell. hold .....,... such other 1< <''<1 as they shall determine, PROPOSITIONNOTi That Artiale Nil of the Charter of the City of Adamedx. relating te "Alcicholic Liquors" be re- pealed. ROPOITION MOd Met Article XIII and Artiale XIV of. the Charter of the City of Alameda be =mended ao that the same snails:dead respectively Article XII and • Article XIII. PROPOSITICIN NO. 0 Snail tre Costd of Public Utjlitieo of the City of Alameda operate and maintait. a municipal bus transportation. system demons:dal:dig "in a, d. out of the City of Alameda, at an approximate initial capital investment of Three Hundred. Eifty-sight Thousand, Two Sdndred and Sixty-fire Dollars 055,265)7 .NO .1'ES — 030 ERGROSITION 140. 2.0 That the City of Alameda grant and. convey to the United Slates of America forever fifteen (15) acres of the land. mhicte on Government Ialand in Brooklyn Basin, sometimes kmetm. and. designated as the Estuary. of an Antonio, upon the following terms and. conditions, to-watn That the existing lease betteen. the United States .YES 0 America and the City of Alameda be cancelled, and thaL all buildings now useE for Government purposes will be entirely removed from that portion of Govern- :sent Island not deeded to ths United States as soon. after the sin:mediation of the lease as ouffichent hauming facilities are urovided on. the deeded. portion and in. any event will be remeved. within a period of 18 months after the cancellation of the leasn and that a set back llne of two hundred feet be observed along the Southern waterfront, parallel. with the channel to allow wadsming of the Oheinmel at this or some future time, either by the sever-resent or other paties, and. that the government hove fall andess and. Pree use of all. land.. so situated betbeen that portion deeded. and. the deep water frontage. PROPOSIZIOR NOspil That the City of Alameda grant and convey to the Unnted States of ametedo forever 1100 acres of land, more or loss, situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, for an army air. base sits, subject to framnhise granted to Central Pacific Ronlway Company, urnn the following terma and. contintions, to wnt: That said,grant ot land be accepted by the United.. States of 2.,,j,aeriCa Es an army. air haae site, on. 1 before March. 1, 1981, and that the sum. of at least Five Eiradred Thousand Dolleam be appropriated by the Congress of. the United States of America to cover faitial iriprovementm and. development. of the said property, as par Resolution Nn. 153.0 calling and. 'providing for sal.C. election; and, =MIAS, said election was hold and. conducted and. the votes cast thereat received. mad nenNassed and the returns thnreof made in tita, form and Smamen as reauired. by. low; end, ,zaTalLs, the Council of the City of SONnaed1 . assembled at its reg- ular Once of meeting in the Conseil Chamber at the City. Mall in said. City, on. TuesdeyR November 18, 1630, for the purpose of oanwaSsing the retuamm of said svecisi election, and said. relAIMS having been cmosassed in. time, form and =mar as resuiroe by law; now,. therefore, IT TS ETRNBY BASOLVED, DUTPREINID AND DEcLAaap, and sand Council. • finde as follows: lot. That said 8Def:jial. election was held. man condneted and. the ctet) thereat received and canvassed, and the rettrns thsreof made and. de- "Clared in line, fomm and muninar as rehnired by law and said. call; Sod. That printed coshes of the pro:dosed charter ardmviatanes and probssitivas were mailed to :mach. resgstered onter ir said City, in the titei form and manner reanired by. the Condlitution. and haws of the State of 1 ornha and. the Charter of said City; that one of saa printed cosies, so tailed, is enacted hereto, sparked Exhibit made a nart hereof, and -than bbo of the printed cosies of said. sample ballets so mulled. is annexed bernto, tErMed. Emnibit "B", and. mEde a part hereof; 3rd0 That there wore sixty-two (82) °testi:ens precincts estab- lished. for thJ purpose of holding said special election, sad that the returns theresf from each separate precinct are also annexed hereto, barked Exhibit "C", and tade a part hereof; that. tin: total vote cast in. said 1 for and against said Ohartnr atendmsbts and. pronositidns were as followsa PROPOSITION PROPOSITION NO. 2. PROIDOMIlbei RDA 11 FIERPOC4MEOU NO. 4 1480POSITIGN NO. 5 '-',J71.1-0P08n.'21er ND. 8 PROPOSITIION ND. 7 PROPOSSTFON ED, PROPOSITEOF ED. 9 PEOPOSITION E0,10 PROPOSITION NO.11 EC - 2672 NO - 2560 11 - S606 10 - 2430 EC - 1491 lth. Thet the officers to comduct said election and said. pre- cincts respecFively were duly appointed Enb. qualified, and all election aupxlies furnished and electioE 'booths provided for each such precinct, all in time, form and. namoder as required by law; and. WHEREAS., it is found that a majority' of all votes cast on. Proo-• oeitions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 42 5, 6, 7 end 6, a-forecasted, to amend the ditY Charter wee in favor of the adoption of sand amendoents thereof, said Charter emendments are hereby declared talented, 1 nd. the same shall go into full force and effect upon their approval by the Legislature; and 21122MAS, it is found ticat a mahority of all votes cast on Prop- osition Eb. 9 was against the <1) '13, of said -proposition, es aforesaid, to maintain a municipal,. nue transportation system operating in and outxof the City of Alameda, it le hereby declared that said proposition was defeated, udd is of no effect; and, 'ha-LI:ELL, it is found that a majority of all the ekatemis of said City voting upon. Promoson No. 10 voted in favor thereof, anb. tiust said proposition. has been. authorized and. au-proved by said. electors, wherefore the Mayor of ssid City. is hereby authoriwed and directed to mabo, execute and. deliver a deed, for an o, . behalf of said City, giving, granting, conwoying and. alienating fifteen (15) sores of land on devernment Iciand to tbo United • States of America. forever for yublic purposes, meow tne following terms and. conditions: That the existinw lease between the. bnited 0tates of imerico and tbs City of Alameda be carnalled, ern that all bailditngs ROW. used for 6babrnment ferhAses will be 131 renbved from that -portion. of Governnent Islemb. not. deeded to. the United. StaLoo as soon after thb cancellation of the lease as sufficient housing facilities are provided on the deedod portion aril any. overn sill. be festered. witnin a perion of 18 months after the carnelIntion of the lease, and that a set back lime of two hundred feet be observed along thE axxhbern water front, paralSel witn. the channel to allow widening of tho onshnnl at this Or SOYC funure tins, either by the government or other parties, and thet the government have full Ecoeste and. freb use of all land so situated between that portion. deeded and. the deep eater frontsgo; and WANGLES, it is found. that a majority of all tho electors of said City voted upon said 3' 3)13,, No. 11 in favor thereof, and. that said proposition bee been authorized. and anoroved by said 1,0 << wherefore the Mayor of amid. City is hereby authorized and directed to eakem ebocute and deliver a dsed„ for an on behalf of said. City, giving, gwantin, convoying and alienating said sieveu hundred (1100) acres of land, more or less, to file United 1313 3- Anerica forever for an. army alp base site< subject to franchise granted. to Central Pacific Railway Cenmany Erdal Stnerarhce En. 443 of 3- 311 of Alameda, and. upon the following terms ern. conalitiors„ to wit: That said gramM of land be accepted by the United, States of Amerhaa as an armg- air base site, on or befare March 1, loal, and that the sad of ut least Elan Hundred Thousand Dollars be appropriated by- the Congress of the United (Thetas of America to cover initial improvements and development ot the said mxperty. (For Exhibits 'A", 6787 and 7•" see next page) 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and hegularly introduced anal adopted by the Council of the Oaty o Alameda in regular maetirc assembled on thn 18th day of Yonarter, 1930, by the follawing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen BLedersen, Cciaunt, Latham, Henning and President Schaefer, (5) . • 11095: None. APREHT: None. IN TNATIHOWY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my- band and affixed the official seal of said ci1y this ltia day of•Ravembef, 1930. (Seal of the City of Niuseda) - 1(ARCOE erk uef the Ci (71adenin nereby. cantify. thct tfa fonegoing is a full, true and correct copy of' "NEWAATFOT1 NO, 1560 - RE(SOLUTICSI CERSAiliifeR hi(Ofifid OF SPAR:HAL ELECTION HELD TIT TEE CITY OF ALOASTALI TUESDAS, NOVAILER 4,„ 1930, aa THE uEsTIoN suTAITITITG CERTAIN OHARTEN ALEASEARTE, ESTABLISHING. A muNIorRLL BLS TRANS- PORTATTON (OATEIA AND GreafhLT5 ChliTAIN SANDE TC TRH UNITI. SPAZO 5.1 .„-EaRLaio, passed 1 the Council. of the Eity of Iffemeda t11 . regular seetAih(( Assembled on the lifff. day of November, 1930. a a. ty7T)17-1717k 09 -tn-71 ty of ATTZTa tr. orh ih.rorccL 11 • ..., - - 1 S", i1,331 ..1 nu,■rik , 07111 .-.11:1 11, ,:c111.11C1/ _ "C:13:C:!.:1■3' 4.; FJ 1-71717.-c7111 A INS ON TO O' tear or deface [Isis 6aal k Crosses (X) on Ballot ONLY WITH RUBBER STAMP; Never Will Pen or Pence (Fold Ballet to This Perforated Lime, Leaving Top IMar ° Frposed) SPECIAL ELECTION CITY OF ALAMEDA Tuesday, November 4, 1930 To vote on any proposition, stamp a cross (X) in the voting square after the word "YES" or after the word "NO." Any mark placed on this ba }lot far the purpose of identification will make the ballet void. If yen wrongly marls, htein another. MUNICIPAL , TICKET :1?ROPOSITIOIv NO. 1, That Section 1 of Chapter I, Article DT of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amonded to read as follows: Sec. 1— Auditor. An auditor shall be elected at the general municipal election. He shall hold office for four yearsand until his successor is elected and qualified. He shall be ex- officio assessor and redemption clerk. His Compensation for all services he may render the city shall be fined by the Council and shall not be less than three thousand six hundred dollars per annum. He ma0 ap- point one or more deputies for whose vets he and his bondsmen shall be responsible. PROPOSITION NO. 2. That Section 10 of Chapter II, Article IV of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to read as follows: Sec. 10 -- Treasurer. A treasurer shall be elected at Um general municipal election. He shall bold office for four years and until his successor is elected and qualified. 110 shall be ex.-officio tax and license collector. His com- pensation for all services he, may render the city shall be fixed by the Council and shall not be less than three thousand six hundred dollars per annum. IIe may ap- point one or more deputies for whose acts he and his bondsmen shall be responsible. PROPOSITION NO. 7. That.. Article IIIT of the Charter of the City of ameda relating to "Alcoholic Liquors" be repealed. PROPOSITION NO. B. That Article XIII and Article XLV of the Charter of the City ct Alameda be amended so that the same shall road respectively article XII and Article XIIL, PROPOSITION NO. 3. That Section to of 01,01100 II, Article IV of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to read as follows: ;. 11 —Tax and Beenoa collector. As tax and license collector he shalt perform such duties as are pre- scribed by this charter, by ordinance and by general law. m^ )`:- ..!'kid ".ret °*g�"' >:' PROPOSITION NO. 0, Shall the Board of Public Utilities of the City of Ala- meda 010rOis arct maintain a municipal bus transporta- tion system operating in and out of the City of Alameda, at an approximate initial capital investment of Three 201nc1red Ditty-eight Thousand, Two Hundred aud_Sixty-- five Dollars 10510,101)1 PROPOSITION NO. 4. That Section 11 of Chapter III, Article IV of the Char- ter of the City of Alameda be amended to read as follows: Sec. 10 —City Manager to estimate expenses. On or before the first Tuesday in August in each year the City Manager shall transmit to the Council an estimate 00 the expenses of the city government for the ensuing fiscal goat, 01011I10 the amount required to meet the interest and sinking Mad for all outstanding funded debts. and the [wants of all departments, in detail, showing specifi- cally the amount necessary 00 be apoprtioned to each fund in the treasury, n000 an estimate of the incom0 from fines, licenses and other 0000000 of revenue, exclusive of taxes on property also the probable amount required to be levied and ratootl by taxation. PROPOSITION NO. 5. That Section 10, Article 011 of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to read as follows: Sec. 10 —Any charge brought against a member of the police depart:moat or fire department who has been in the service of the City for five year,, shall be heard by the City Manages and he shall determine the punishment or penalty to be given in the case. Said penalty may include dismissal from the department. In the event of dismissal, but not otherwise, the discharged person shall have the right to present his case before the pollee and fire board of appeals, whielr board is hereby established, Said hoard shall consist of the mayor and two freeholders of the city who shall serve without compensation, and be appointed by the council, said appointment being for 0 term of two years. No state, county or city official shall be eligible for appointment. In the case of the first two appointed hereunder, lots shall be drawn for a one year term and a two year term, and thereafter one member shall he appointed emit year. A majority vote shall control. PROPOSITION NO. 10. 'that the City of Alameda grant and convey Hired Stated of America 1000000 fifteen (10) acre rand situate: on Government Iela.nd in Brooklyn eomotimas 110 own and designated 00 the Estuary Antonio, upon the f,ilawi01 terms and conditions, That the existing lease between the United States of America and trio City of Alameda be cancelled, and that all building, now used for Government purposes will be entirely removed fr om. that portion of Government Island not deeded to the United States as soon after the can- cellation of the Mess as sufficient housing facilities are provided on the deeded portion and in any event will be removed within a period of IS months after the cancella- tion of the lease, and that a set back line of two hundred feet 10 observed along the southern water front, parallel with the channel to allow widening of the channel at this or some future time, either by the government or other parties, and that the government have full access and free use of all land so situated between that portion deeded and the deep water frontage. PROPOS ON NO. 11. That the City of Alameda grant and convey to the United States of America forever 1 10 0 arses of .land, more or less, situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, for an army air base site, subject to franchise granted to Central Pacific Railway Company, upon the following terms and conditions, to -wit: That said grant of land be accepted by the United States of America as an army air base site, on or before March 1,'981, and that the sum of at least Five Hundred Thousand Dollars be appropriated by the Congress of the United States of America to cover initial improve- ments and development of the said property. PROPOSITION NO. 6. - That Section 3, Article_ X of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to read as follows: Sec. 8 —The board shall organize by electing a presi- dent and appointing IT secretary. Two shall constitute a quorum. They shall hold a regular meeting on the evening of the second Wednesday of each month at eight o'clock in the office of the Department of Public Utilities, and shall hold: such 00100 meetings as they shall determine. ,7242241!2:20.24,2i 2I271.#2i P202,;(# P252.101 P60P421:029-2.0.;.,7-;,;2324,6‘15W,,,,W, 5E02. f1.0! f22-95.11.1 3'0 '- N04.,.P2; T52 2`0i Vo A T.,_,17,1 va ra, nal= So! no nits,. 2? 52 22ii 45 7 4 17' Se 16' 43 '4 IN 44 .16 SS a, 57 ! 4 71 799 57 ! , en 1.95 , sr es, 19,9 sa 57 320 , 01 ; 77 SO! 39 99 42 6.5 621 22! 63, 128, 919 seel 161 4 912 1O5 964 127 42% 159 41,A124 LOS 41747 SG so, on OW too ; 3411 5 73 75! ; 99 40; 104 ?, 43, 25 47, St = 22 550 25: 11, ' 53 /55 177 6 25 651 32 ; 0;Cp 102 417 407 ! 47 10, ! 47; 93 ! 9751 ! 5 !8 49 1199 1,77 77 55 " 139 79 4,7! ; es ; 74 54 ! 31. 45 ;! ! ! Ss ! 4 1 7 OD ! 54 77 55 ; 577 ; 74! 919 ; ;799 3719 ! 43505 " 737 pp, 50! 171 9 ! 05 ! ; as; 9. - 407 117 ! 94, 47 ; 5 ! OS, 0994, 99° neer 4S:1QC 136 1.45 221•72 19 75 75 ; .51! 96 110 27 102 N: 41! 97 133' 57, 47 8 ! 1498 :17191 ! ; 77 ! 174 8.7 15E., 193 41: 77 53;106 = 9.2. 42! 47112i 126 11. ea 73; ?CP 107 , 121 tei 100 6? 11? 451 00 49: 1020 1.0,0 ; 59 79 se ! 7'.4; 34,' 492 ! 11.40 4.4 130 57;127 ; ; 41 13.5 ; 41 127 53. 310 104 :41! 105 77 75 ! 73-54 , 73 74 947 55 177 157 ; 47 ;19754 ! ON 100 647 ! 77, 77 ! 0.2. ; ; 51;, t4,2 41. 447 59 777 55 !Os; SiC 02)102 123 547, 162 54; ea 521 32 80, 102 41t 7? - 98 C-B 20'i 4S „ 161 49 5.2!, 177 19 25 , 7 11 ; 50. 71 : 21 26: .22 28 4.7 50: ; 75, 274 19:47 LS "10S 62'.122 -.25'; 118 42! 103 4V, 110 3.52. 101 56; 81 441 521105: 142 L65 192 3 421; 47! 54 5-6 se 44 112, 37; 2a3 201 76 - R.5; 59; 62 71 547 105 - 7177 5 . - ras 45 114 ; 216 ; 49, It ;49 912161 ' 46 - /22 55! 209 714 .6,1gs 1.04. ; 948 ,T,L07 V) 49 A051 ; 57 ; 1,77 157 ; ;35 77 51 : SO ! 95! : 74! ; 917 51 :45 ! : 90 57; SS 790 ! 944 1199 1St 260 1.56 22, 53 .6V 'FS ; 42' 72 AN SS 46; 73 !OS: !. 497 7099 55 :72'1'02 45 181 1,3F 1.44 79 ; '22. Uti ; 25' I 26 69 Se 624 17 , 971 75; ; SV 66 59 ; ; 51 ; so nes ; 32 ; 771109 1,20 20; M 59 34 941; 67 .5k..)! 90 57! PO !4.2, 72 25155 49 62 !A."' 041 W110 - 52 157 ; 3Si 160 se ; 59 59 n 599 99. 95: 93. ; se9 65 ! so ofe an 7:2 1;;1'0 SS:145 22 ; 05 W..5! 65; ; 45,114 42; 110 '4C 49, 92 02 ; 122 141 5-7 160 126 SO 67 : : sea on 40 41 2.3 79! 77 773172 9? 1,52 0:10 in 66 66 60 '4 46: 21 R? '442 '4 82!11.2 ; 3. ; 121. 175 57 57 !,91,; soi see ; 99.9 ss ‘12; fie 41, 3- ST eir ! 43 74; 37 ": ! .2.25 !OS: 55 33 55 4 43 14 40! 96 67 102 86 35. Y1,30 46 24-2 25; t06 24 4? 56' .4O 6 27; 67 55, 61 1449 35! 7S; 90 , 5-6 107 13,737 95 ! 55! 49.4 101. 79 ZS SO 11 ; 42 s ILS; 58 ; 70 2,C SS :42' 7,2; 299 79 ! 55 2e: es 25! 77 42: 65 25! UV 02, !II* or Me 02 ; 9 02 9 s,00 62 4,2: SO ; 53 36 60 96:112 ; 221127 8 114 53 f124 57.1122 ;21 22 :461101 51. OS WY 22'140 /57 24: 157 9,5 4.81 4.6; r, v2 50 52 23; 65: 21:103 52 44-1 92 32,122 103 41! 122 55.i 99 ; EV , 4 4 34: el 621 52 '150 L4 4 - 41' 127 41 a/ .61; 29 5:11107 40: 7,2 20 SC . 45: 26 11.2.; ; ; 26'157 72 i 71. 261 70 40 55' 3.2 TS 43; 77 45! 65 :4T 43 4 52 4 9 2 .45 SO . 60; 21! SC 1.31 ; 102 94,' - 46 62 42; 50 ".102.;1;13. t3.;, 1 123 , 4 70 65 ! .621. 5.`1j 22 41! 22, 46 1.06 26 72 53;', 1:1,7 421 75 6? 531 9 ? 321 121 431 76 ; 47271 r 70 7777 75131 : 147 • ittt 46 72 29: 79 321 72; ; 47.102 62, 41: 102 162 sa 22. 127 32; 120 42 '‘ 24, 52' 80 6.1' SG: 15.4 142 . 219 172 ts) 70 22 . „on 4.5; 92 41 112 52, .3A . 155 142 124- 3'22 49 50 55: GP 221 15.?: 92 1.,.4 69 i 27! j 43: 15; -55 123 106 32; 120 71 65! 51' 99 22! 56 VI 69 , 47` 56 ! 45. 55 ,126 ; 112 62; ses; ; 70 351 ; SD 62: 25 45: 47 : 35'1.12 ' 54; 151 29! 123 ; 52 ; 937; 971 02 29 34 54 `r4 54 50. U, 4' 26 1 43, 66 72;112 : L23 22: 103 20.: 02 ; 33 '33! 4sV CA.' 72 195 : 152 ; 1:72 4 5,41 •Al 86,; 3592 51 29 2.0 • ; 27, 119 53 56 72 37177 ! 45 177 I f',3; 222 !: us 95 : 72 32! 90! 451 53 .17 170 :45 7 42' PS 52' 64 45. 50 12t1 4.5 125 122 AI, 61 I 41i 26 - 62; 66 44! 62 69 al; 27 . 42 37; 49 1. Qv 80 E4 , 43; 83 7 V.7); 95 3C.0 41! WS 55; 57 , 1.22 22 152 12! 182 52 112 $ 4 42' 116 22! 112 535 1.16 109 : 127 4, St; 73 03 ‚4 '4 256 65, 9/ 73 US 43. 126 ! 43 155 471105 42) 117 47; 71 47! 74, 77155 5 ; : 95 ! 105 ; 411 100 ! 77! 57 . 4 g 120 45; 92 41. TS: 07 : 95 1ST 19; 210 G1'107 ! 125 lf.i5 V?, 14,1 621 152 ; 3;:12. 3,Z 142 A.15 82, 106 IGO :202 4" i 2,22 62 8,9 90 : 115 1.16 114 42 35 54, 151, = ; 66; , 172" :*44, ,s „ ; 44 , , , (;.J •