Resolution 01567RESOD:TT= NO. 1517 TRANEMERRING EROM UT ELECTRIC LIGHT 3531 TO THE GENERAA PEND. RESOLVED, by. thc Conneil of the Gity of Alamedh, that there bo. and there is hereby trahsferred latom the Electric Light Pund to the GehArel Duna, thh mhm of: Dour 3hodaand dtwo Handked Seventyfoop, and 60/100 Dollars (e4,214.501 ao a.dividend, sem being the amount eopol to the OitV liEntinh bill. for the mohth enAUTTg October 31, 1030. The Auditor and the Theasumer.are hekeby kothhrized to mke sdid transfer uppn theif respective books. 1, the undefoimneds•hereby certify that the foregoind Resolution was duly and rekulefly introdhood and bdctpted by the Cloth:Atli of the Pity of...Alameda in. a9journed regular meeting assembled on tbe 13th day of ;Tannery, 1931, by the. folipwing vote, to wit: • A1703: 0ouhoi1 men Broderoen, Obleatt, Denninz, Iatbkm and. Prosidedt Schaefer, (5). NOES: None. ABSELTA. None. m2y7Imcg7 zango-2, have Atom:hoof° oet boy hand and affixed the offlaiel semi of said city tbis 10th dby of Proymkeddy, 19•1 . ii:weel of the Eity G .1'2„,312.e do) VAROOL tity Olerh of 770:771eft hereby certify-that the forAweilh.,' to a falls tree ond cofrect copy of AREAOLLIION 190. 1361 TRAN310111191 04,274.50 .117011 3IE ELECTRIC LIGHT Eth9 10 3HE GEEERAI 31910, posseI by the A:oaken of the Eity of Alameda. ih. adjouwhed regular hketin6 odshhbled on the 1.3th da-99-00-979vklowfy, 1931. -Am.,,bm Aoty- R. 0 - phe h 1 0