Resolution 01570KSDC1TTION NO. 1570. INSTRUCT h SITS STESS 1m aianniTa 7,Th SE OF TIEDTICT ATD :Shah:Dina MOS BLOSTION °laza cams. RSSOIVED., by tho Oduncil of the City of alemnds, tbut whereas a imeneral municipal election is to bm held in tame City of Alerveds on Tuesday Marnh 10, 1951„ in.secordence with the provisSonm ar requirements of the Sitm Ohnrter thu ditty Slerk is h OT e b y inA strusted to publish s nmtioe theneof substuntivaly in. the following form, to it: NOTIOS IS REMEDY GIVES that a. gennrel municipal election mill be hela in tile city of A;lemode. on. Tuesdey, Mareh 10, 1931, to fill the offices of couhoilmun. KOW held by Al T.2 t ha m end Wil lien R. oniout t. Dated, Alerde 19,51, ditty DlerE-6,„ Mit5-7,7118meme. RESOL,77D SURTTER, %, the Council. of the City of Alumnae, thnt at ths genorel municimal election to be larld in sail City Mmrtan 10, 1:d1„ under the minvizions of the froehalders' charter of seid Sity, stela douhmil synnint a board of elortion for toch. election. precinct to cone:tot of • ons inameotor, one juMge end two elorhr,, 5S authorised by the sTuvisions of Section 11.51 of the Politiavl. (lode; nha the Dity Slerk la hereby instructed to erbmit the namse of auatablo uorsocs to serve 2 E each election officers. I, the under:As:nod, hereby certify. 'Mu; t thn foregoins Prosolstion wam lain' and reguiely introlucen and many; tmd hy the Council of the City of .alemeas in rommiss meeting emsembled on. the SOth any of Jahuery, 1901, by the followinA vote, to mit: . Ana; Codnuilmen arodersou, Oalcatt, Selinihu,.m Latham and. President Schaefer, (6). 1,0:1t3: No.m. nidadheedr; TY fEsatECITY ddladdrahn, I bmve hereunto set. my hand snd affized thm officiel Seel of said. city this Slat any' of Januery, 1931. S SUSGME (Seel of thm arty of Al:ames) 7r tz/ :me ohm; endt-rennSnina I Dsreby certify then taa forngoing is 2 nica, true soy:snot corn of "SESOLISTION TO, 1510 a INSTSVIOSTUG, CS.TY Ch SUBIldni TOTIGS thid EISSTIMIT Alth ISTOVIDISS fned SLECTIOT OISTICERS", punned by the souneil of th.e ;Sign/ of Shomeas ill reuniter meeting essembledd on the 20th dos Tenuary, 1951,