Resolution 01573RESSIBMIOE E0. 1573 , ILOR24 0.,l'C C1ELi CLERK '00 FEELKET0 BORIC))) Or ELROTIOE ) EROVISIEff B)).1 ERROL:OR OBBICLF. JESSOLVERL. by the Council of thb Oily ef Lismodos thrt wherens 4. moditehl oamiorphi oat:action. Is to be haila 10. .n3E Oily of Rd...hods. oh. Tuesday, Ohroh. 10, 1931, in necordence w4th tfie alhbsrmRmas nna reahArements of the Oita( elosSas, the Ohttt Clottat iS hmmelvy instructed to babilon. n notice( thereof odbstentially in the. folloRrhs torRR do mRt: (TORSI() IS HOBBLE' affiSt. Last n. menerol mukictbal election-will be hold in the Oily of Alamedh on Onematay, hInch 10. 1951, to 1111 tha offiebh of oohboilmen now' Laid ing Al Inthrm ned thillinm R. Chlouft. Thermo eboll oleo bo cubmittnd. Et wia adomffrOrd the gnestion of amcoikions Section 3 (a) and ....ation. 4 of Ordinance Vb. 275 N.s,6 kkorh ob the Lohnior Oradebore, . bwmsMfaloht for h relief,. hoolth, lEfs LrE00221202 dna rirlOiOli Enna Oro members of Eke Siim and POlins Dobortvents of the Oily of La0.0100[0; also for thb saminiatoolion of shad 21.1.4, 2.03 follows( SederfoRs. 3 (2). sho,:a6 eno person, wiehlo senvinc hm r member of thb romeldrim mossditutea Rime or Rollos hoe( bortment Rboodb Rhysicolly diebblod 20 0 direot result of bodily' lifiumy receivothin. Dr from filo toihhoiwkRkte of bRo fluty, or hecohb ohysloally dibbbled. itrom may Rilness ' or disonms rbcaltor lb tbr damWM of a Rbromms. DT 021i06M.0.22, sold kb...mirk. Boord ohell. mastve (fhb writton. rodubot of maid barson, or ria mvordisn, or witheett sooh refrost fl it. 00212 it tor tho good. of tho cu.:novice, order thot chbeh morson. ba rotirmS from motive serviendm; cola from the ante of 22201:00 02200. order tho ((olive ErEVOCIO of shah Reeson. shoal cease. Oka r,..0'::::,..0Q1,.. thom retired shell thonsofter bo paid from srid fund RerRom his lifetimo, o. kohthly 0003ird 62rill te twoMthirdm (2),(31 tho anicry sofb. to mohbans of tho wank which. bo held od ttb islim. of reos4ving sash retireocrt; roosiMed. thet in. doss of sub-.- secuont ohniabb of solbedy of ohoL ronk, Offeheonsioh. 2h,yia. lb . twothirdm (20(43) of sus 0212"7 ITE ehanmsbl, TRORIBRD RIETEER„ OLME Id OLD :_paniiic.N ROLIORSEIRBB IS RBRLSJETILS 3oal'EnsATioz SEOM TRY) allal OR fLIESSER IP' 00Er4RILITC diBE ORB WORENEURS COBTEERSEICR', INSURSEJ2 dED SARRTY LA)(0 OF 1242 ORREE 02 CSEREB424id, TREE (52 sHAIT, REERIEB OFTE 22BIE ME ARSUBM BROM TER FahISIOE LIED LEICE, ROGESSEE WITH ablad tal04112 REOBIBUT STRLi THE OBVTEAMMOIRS EIRE, 5Ehhtl thatUES TWOmTHIRBS (SM3) 07 E5R OSSERY RRID TS ORSORS43 OR TEE RaLIE RaISTI LE HERD MT MEE TIRE ar RiSTOIVITSS RSEIRREEBT: nrovidea, hombver, thst if admEn dishbility shell sense, he Mholl, tooh "ER. recomM kohdhtion of ths cdflorf oft him rasineotive deports:rat, be coati:rad. to detdvb adtl, -..„..y...Ltla the rnaB or rotidy sub seIhry eypol. to Rho() held. ot the tdme of ratireront. Section. 4, Shbuld tiny person, Shile serrinm ns ta mester of' fhb rawOlhrly noMmtithtbd fire or holios deasst.ont, lose his life, os a atikrbot resnit of boada-3 injury roceived in or from the thrOiconninee ef his duty, Or 222 0 rehmRt of CiFC220 Or illhoeb coeditor to thb work of flockos. or -poaigemen, OR STILE SII4BRIS 40 d PERKO() Oh' LOSOMET 02 ThREERmBISE (25) =MRS aa LT1,-; 11-1- ERE RESSRMSOTE SE SERVISE OS l EERBER 02 THE BRSMSVRIRS.00h224EUTEM ELSE Rd DaffICE hafROIREBSELS, Lib' demesatt ektm shell received e. wevslon co smoviled. fcr th. Section 3, borrbohoh B. 77177 6777 k,i77,777-717=7 azsaram :=1=a, by tho Soul:foil od tho City of alkotodia, dhht ht tha morbrrl. einalokubi adoration. to be bold Ea aria Sity 149020E. 10, 1931, rearm rho brovlsiado of the foboholdanss ahnoter of said 31MtR said Schnell brocint h bonra. of election hor cash election. ofertinot to oonehet of ore inspector, oro avadmo and two oaderbrR as authorimed by thb of4disicas oh Scot:doh 11E1 of the kalitlool Lobo; )ds tho hito Gre.h2 is hereby thmtroted to submelt the heroes ol fielthisla rersonm to astrys as such eloction ofElcorm. RESOLVED INIRTHER, by the Council of the City of J.lameda, that tho . precincts, polling places and. election officers are hereby established as 13er Resolution No. 1571, adopted . by said Council tannery 20, 1951. R..0 0 010 i .70 0 0 0J7 rt 1.o afict Lad oche orro 1 e 1 opt c b Oor 0 f 111,1ve 0 f 1 cm en30 :cc toffee e e. cos scot, lel cIrIrrr.1r1rIo o f Pe bre tato , 1911, dh: -.0100i..00`.1....00! 00 00 0,0100: b1,112)11: Chninci :Itten 1 ft, le :tee 11, del cote th ern vita .Pro 1en e eh, ( 1). 1:1133: Chone ABSEIL: : Oo arol 1ect, entainte, 1,11) 11, 11,1111:11111911 00191: „ Iho v e f e'en to o et, dov lenntel and Irel the o hinc 1 el oecl o a111 c 1.4 thle 4111 4,fe of .2 obio, ady , 19451 h", 0 0000 , 4 hove:by 00 1", t 110 1 0100 for cote Ong 10 5 true, L:i.;:)..a dor oect c :fey o "11101111111:1 9,1,, 1570 — 11:112111102:11191 Iltf 11,11111 191 11111110312, 1,1111011 0IEC1111:011 bnite 9,11: 171141:111 9111 411,3011I011 1,1111119111191" , on, s e Toy the each no 1 1 or the 1 it h :111,,,cdo an in nef dlocc hop et lo 4444 oh 0003 1911 c:'1 c,11 dab:dee 1011 ,: 1,714110500,97:.