Resolution 01578RESELUTION NO, 1578 IN THE MAPTER OF' ACgdISITION IMPROcITLEITT DISTRIET L. 4 OF THE OITT OF ALSWEDA ORDER. DIRECTING PREPARATION OF StSMEMMWATIOMS (Franklin and E.K.Taylor Parks) WHEREAS, the public interest and necessity require the ambunsitions hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Burnett Handiner, a public officer, to wit, City Englneer of the City of Alameda, is hereby appointed and designated and. directed to prepare and furnish specifications for the proposed acquisition. of the real property as hereinafter described, said specifications to include descriptions of all prororty to be acquired, together with a map or plat showing the same, the total eum of the estimated expense of said acquisition (which ex- anses shall iricludo the estimated amount of just compensation and. damages, the O stimated expenses chargeable to the plaintiff in the condemnation notion, and the inoibental expenses of the proceeding, together with a statement of the estimated cost 1" the same (inclusive of incidental expenses and costs of the pro- eeding), and also a description of the proposed distinct to be benefited by said acquisition and to be known as the "Assessment District", and a map or plat show- ing the sane; the said. distrJot 6 be known as "Acquisition and Improvement District No. 4 of the City of Alameda"E Said acquisitions include the following: all those certain. lots, pieces or parcels Of Jiand situate,Eying and being in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, bounbeE anb described. az follows, to wit: PARCEL No, 1: aLi of Lot No, 7 an1 the easterly 1131 (5) feet, for its entire length, or Lot No. 8, ell in. Block "J", as said Lots and Block are delineated and so designated upon that certain Map entitled, "Mee of Oak Park Encinal of Almneda," (1 1"( October 12, 1816 in. the office of the County Recorder of Aihmede County, California, in Book it of Maps, Page 11. PARCEL NO, 2: All of Lot No, 6 in Block "b" as said Lot and Block are delineated and so designated upon that certain Map entitied,91 3't p of Oak Park Encinal of Alameda", filed October 12, 187E, in the office of the County 31, (1'" Alameda County, California, in Book 6 of haps, Page 11, PARCEL NO. 3: All of Lot. NO. 6 tn Block "j" as 3131, Lot and Block are delineated and so dwsignated. anon that certain Map entitled, "Yer of Oek Park Ercinel of Alameda," filed October 12,1876, in the office of tho County Recorder of Alameda bounty, California, in. Book 6 of MbPs, PaCe 11, PARCEL NO. 4: BEGINNING at a point on nre — Soh1Swestern lire of Otis Drive, formerly 1 1 1 sland Avenue, distwnt thereon South 56° 49; East One Hundred Forty end 17/100 feet from the point of intersection thereof with. the Southwestern line of Broadway, as said line of Broadway' existed May 11, 1917, said point of beginning being the most Northern corner of Block Lettered. "H", as said Block is shown on the "Plat of the Lewelling DiViSiQU" hereinafter referred to; running thenwe South 56 49' East alone said. line of Otis Drive Six Hundred. Thirteen. feet to the Northwestern ldne of Versailles Avenue; thence South 339 11; West along the last named line ad. along the dArect production booth 33° 11; West thereof Eight Hundred.. '1 0' feet, mede or less, to the Southwestern boundary idne of Tnde Line Lot Numbered 25 in Section lb,. Urwrmhio 2 South, Range 3 West, Moumt Diablo Ba1 8 and Meridiangothenwe Forth 68° 36' West along the last named line Two Hundred Thirty-five feet, medb or less, to the South- eastern corner of Tide Line Lot Numbered 32 Wn ection. 13, Township 2 South, Range 4 West, Mount Diablo Base and. Meridiant thence North fiab' 59' West along the Southwestern boundary 1 of said. Lot Numbered 32 Three Hmrbredyinety-five and. 21/100 feet to a line drawn South 33° 11; West parallel with said. inr1 or B0 oadway from t131 1 oint of beginning; thence r' 33G 11' East Nine hundred Ninety and 094100 feet to the point of bashinning. nr= Blookr Lettered "E6 and "I", as said. Blockx are delimstated. and ao designated. upon that certain Map entitled, WPlat of Mno Lowelling Alhmedu" - filed October 13, 18497 in. Ldber 19 of Naps at rage 69 in. the office of tie County Recorder of Alameda Countyr and BEING a portlen of Tide Land Lot Nambereh 25 in Section 16, Township 2 South, Rknme43 West, and portions of Tide Land Lots Numbered 32 anh 17, in Section. 13, Tormship 2 South, Range 4 West, Mount Diablo Lase end Meridianm as meth. Lets, Sections and Texuellos are delineated and so designated upon "Map No. 2 of Salt Marsh and Iide Lands situate in County of Alaneda,•State of California" on filo in the office of tba Surveyor General of the "State of California. I, the undersigned, haretby certify that tho foregoing Resolution wax duly and regularly introduced and. ador4ed. by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular natettnmag asseketilud an the 17th day of February, 1931, by the folio-wins vote, to ritr AYES: Councilmen. Brodersen, Calcutt, Henning, Latham and. Presidont Schaefer, (CM. N0E6: None. ABSENCE None. IN 1. L1. UHEREIt2, I have hereunto act my Child and. affixed the official. serkk of said city this latta day. of February, 1031. E,_ D. TEMBI19, City. Clerk pro tem. of 1:7777177 (Seal of tie City. of Alameda) of Alameda, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, trae and correct copy of "BESOLUTION O. 1576 - IN TEE MATTE OF ACCBISITIMS AND IMPROVEMBINT DISTRICT NO. 4 OF TEE CITY UT ALAMEDA - OR DEN DIRECTING TELTAhATION OF SPEC- IFICATIONS (Franklin and E. K. Taylor Parks)", passed by the. Council of the Gity of Alameda in regElar meehMtgt assembled. on. the 17th doy of February, 1031. , hiatee ar0et0 2 life City of AaeTe