Resolution 01587TRE555577MRING ))1,756.26 15a555151 THE ELECTRIC la (3.565 ?USD 763 INTITRE277 Liu RED20.921101. 212E191. RESuleaEl., by the Council of the Cite; of dlemedn, trnt there be flrl. there is herety truneferred from the. 61notrie Latund to the Interest and Pu- demption Fiarlq, the SUM Oa'. One r(111011Era rid braV hattudred emu) niftry-sits tend 26/100 Dollars, Ni,759.25), to per the interest amounting to 0506.25 mad thn redemptipm, nienuntdry) to 11)1,5260.00, due April ist, 19)51, on the. outettetruldem elestrie lists) Lends, enthorized 19C6. The hpditor ;mud thr Trormarder C,r0 horebty authorised to make snit-5 trornfor upon their Perspective boo)u.n. I, the urdmrsistred, htareby ourtify the t tha foresoino Resolutfpn mutt duly sled rehrisrly intro duhed. end. ettoptad 0y the aortheil of the dity of Alemade in resrlemut meeting nosehniod OD the 17th atntst of Murd., 1631, 'by tho rri! 70t 1.11536: Coemeilmen Brodersen, Snicatt, Hehrfinte, Lathnm and levees); ...lent Senn ef or, (5) . .5501.515: nose. 9,32.1:762.2 none. EWIL551,0.6M 521:562120E, I have hereunto set my hurd err eetnainGd the oftfti rind. sual of said sa - this 13th. a ey of lite.shr , 1931. r ni (Seel of thn City of dieme dr) ite..515.) te...-ttify nen t the fornrohntt le tit 652.1, true pra cortenot sotett 17.0.25(5.,5157I211) 1536 a Theteedmrsty.rtes. den.. ten .1.: ehit.the. E.:dd.:put ), thntt' , pa f.,E. a 4r1C-: C: :at; th e thity of Aletantde r. ronedtter ted tn.) et desert) ad CV. rr;