Resolution 01588RESOODTIOH HO. 1586_ ANAHOHIZEIG ALSTA9AD1TION OE :TARN HARAILEL ON SUDN'S 41)4D HOLIDAYS UblAT 4i 3) ON CEDETOR STREIT ERON ONYTHAI AVENUE TO LINCOLN AVEHUN WHEREAS, the Council of the dity of licApdp Eint) it necessary, tor tplftic sufety courecpnps to cause to be laced. 21',:a mainteleed, ca. DebsteD Street from. Central Arepoue to Lincoln. AtinDe toyehyfou. (241 'Park Parallel on. Supdeys ced Holidays Ouls siens, vueelve (221 to be sledded on ouch ande ut) dobsber 63tHeet between sold. loanAaries; now, there- fore,. BE AT RESOLVED, by thp Council. of the City of Alameda, thPt in peecuPance with SectiPn 3 of Oral:mance No. E57 N. 134, commonly knows. es the chlblEadm Traffic. Ordinepoo,,' She Chalpf of Police be, onA hp is hereby actlioriced and directed to. place end maintain twenty-four. (24) "rt-,:rk Implied_ or. Loplays and HAlidaye Oulu" oLgus on. Jobster Street from Chnthel Avenue to Lincoln Avonue,• twelve (12) of acid signs to bo pieced arc) suin- beined 011.Es,ch side of salE Eabster Stroot betwo13 p. said. bouutlaries, cout4 ta4pix the words "Esse: Pared:lel on Sundays and. Roliblays Only Police Dept.," or words to that effect: sua sins to Ia 0, epproximutely 1TI x 179,-1.11 dark blue or bleck lettere of not less thPA twp (91 inches in height., on a yellow fie)d. I, the upPersigned, hereby ceptify Vpnt tip foregoing Resolution was duly und rogobberly introCuced End adohtod by tho Cocppil of the Oity of Alameda, ie. regular meeting asoembled on tbo 17th coy ot hareh, 1961, by the following vote, to wht: ATESu Scuncilmon. DAelx:puxt, Salcutt, Itercing, Letham and Lices49: dont Schaefer, (5). LEE'S: Hone. elOSEUT: None. TESTAHAJE JhERE6T, I heve hereunto set miy hand and atAPppl the offleiel seal of cold city this 18th day of ilortTL 19314 "f 7 0 f Alasleaa) o'17,7f[:77Zais:— hereby certify thet thp foregoin is 2 full, true correct copy of IREDOLEHIOH HO. 1588 ,4 AUTHiCaIDADE. IBBNAELATIOU "PURE 'PARALLEL ObBSUHDAYS AND HOLIDAYS ONLY.", 6I6A113 OU WEBSTER STREET PRO AVENNTE TO LIN(...;cIr AUEUUE", passed. by the douapil of the Sity ef AloPeda in regular meetip.g. assembled on the 17th daz7 of March, 1931.