Resolution 01599RESOLUTION O. 1599 A RESOLUTION ORDERING, CALLING, PROVIDIUS TOR, AND GIVING NOTIGE OP A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BT HELD IR THE CITY OF Lo 'DA, TIATE OF CALITORNIA, ON TUESDAY, TET TWENTYTHIND DAY OP JUNE, 1951, FOR THE PURPOSE 0? SUBMITTING 00 THE ONALIPTED ELECTORS OP SAID CITY ORDINANES NO. 472 N.S., RECIASTIENINN PHIP CERTAIN' PIECE OR PARCEL ao LAND LYING BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY LINE OE FERNSINE BOULEVARD AND THE TIDAL CANAL, AND EXTENDING FROM THE EASTERLY LINE OP VERSAILLES AVENGE 967.37 PEET EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE 011 • ?NRNSTDE BOULEVARD, CONTAINING 14.35 ACRES 0? LAND, MORE OR LESS, ?ROM A RESIDENCE DISTRICT, CLASS I, TO AD INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, CLASS VII. WHEREAS, an April 7, 1931, the Council of the Oity,of Alameda passed certain ordinance, entitled "Ordinance No. 472 New Series Reclbssifyiht Property (Fernaide Boulevard, between Versailles Avenue tnd dt5h Street)" reclassifying all that certain piece or parcel of lead sitaate, lying and beihE in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of Califorais, and more particularly described as follows: COMLENCING at the point of intersection of the northerly line of Fernside Boulevard (90 ft, in width) with,tha easterly 1.1iie oT: Versailles Aveaue (60 ft. in width) as said Boulevard end Avenue now oecist, ail'a running thence South 570001 East along sald northerly line 03' Fernside Boulevmrd 967.37 ft. to a poiht;,theaeo North 320.57 East 527.18 ft. to H point on the southerly lino of the United Stuttes Tidal Canal; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Tidal Canal the following courses and distances: North 45° 49' Neat 09.30 ft.; North 43° 47' West 100 ft.; North 50 45' .3000 ,100 ft.; North 52° 43' Wel 100 ft.; North 54' 41' West 100 ft.; North 56 391 West 100 ft.; North 58° 37' West 100 ft.;.North 60° 35' West 100 ft,; North 316 34' West 150.07 ft, to e point on the easterly lino of Versailles Avenue; thence South 26° 19' West along the easterly line of Versailles Avenue, 50.50 ft, to t point of Darya of a carve to the right with 2 radius of 630 ft.; thence southerly along the arc of said curve to the right sad the easterly line of Versailles Avenue, o distance of 139.35 ft. to e point of curve of • reverse ourva to the left with a radius of 2064.62 ft.; thence southerly • along the arc of said reverse calve to the left and the easterly line of Versailles Avenue, a distance of 420.84 ft., more or less, to the north- east corner of Versailles Avenue and Pernside Boule- vard 11113 1110 point of commencement. Containing 14.35 acres of land, more or less. from u Residence District, Goss 1, to mn Industrial District, Class VII; and WHEREAS, within thirty days from the Tinal passage of said ordinance, a petition, signed by not less than ten aer cent of the electors of said city, protesting against the passage of said ordinance, was presented to the City Councii, whereupon said ordinance was suspended from going into operation end, Apon siOaratien, said Council refused to repeal said ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, 33 the Council of the City of Alameda, as follows: Section 1. A arecial election isHoereby called and ordered to be held the City of Alameda, State of California, on Tuesday, June 23, 1931, .'or the purpose ef submitting Ordinance 13o. 472 H.S., to a vote of the electors or said city to determine whether sand ordinenao shell go into effect and become operative. Sec. 2. The special election hereby 13131103 1133 ordered to be held shall be held and conducted, and the votes thereat received and canvassed, and the re- turns thereof made, and the result thereof aseertained, determined end declared as herein provided, and 11, all asotioulars not recited herein, ia accordance with the laws of the'Otate of 01' 'r governing elections under the Aot of the Legislature entitled,An Act to arotLde for Direct Legislation by Cities and Towns, including Initiative and Referendum," approved Jenuery 2, 1912, und the subsequent amendments thereto. Sec. 3. The ballet to be used at said special election shall. be such 92 are required . by law to be used thereet end, in addition to er, other matter required by deem to be printed thereon, shall appear thereon the following: RTJ7.FRENDUMI: T o vote in fever of soil ordinance going into effect and becoming operative, stump n cross (X) in the voting square after the word "YES." To,vote egeinst said ordinance epees into effect and becoming operative, stamp a crose,(R) in the voting square after the word All marks except the crces (X) are forbidden. All distinguishlue irks'or erasures are forbideen and make the ballot void. If you. wrongly stamp, tour or deface this ballot, retern it to the inspector of election and obtain another. Also said ballot shall have printed thereon the following: QUESTION Shell Ordinance No, 472 N.C., re- clessifeing that certain piece or parcel : of land lying between the northerly line : YES of Form:tee Boulevard and the Tidal Canal, : and extending from the easterly line of Vereeilles Avenue 967,37 feet easterly along the northerly line of Perneide Couleverd, containing 14.35 acres of lend, : more or'less, from a reeidenee dietrict, NO Class I, to en industriel dietriete °less VII, go into effect and become operetive? ▪ • Sample ballots containing the above matter required to be printed thereon, also a card stating location of the precieetepolling place of each eleetor„ also a printed cony of said ordinance, shell be supplied to each voter of said city by the City Clerk et least ten days prior to said election. Sec. 4, Any enalified elector of the Cite of Mlamede may vote at said. special election on the question herewith submitted. A arose (X) stamped in the voting square on the ballot after the word "Y32" shell be counted as a vote in fever of said ordinance going into effect end becoming operative, whereas a cross (X) stamped in the voting square after the word mr, shall be counted Se a vote againat said ordigencm goenee into effect and becomine oPeretive. S ec. 5. There shall be sixty-two election Precincts for the purpose of bolding said speeial eleotion,'which said precincts shall be the seem end have the same boundaries, respectively, es those established by the Board ei'Supervisers of the County of Alemeda, pursuant to the provisions of Pert 3, Title 2, Chepter IV of the Political Code of the State of California, and the location of the respec- tive polline places therein and names of the offieers hereby appointed to eonduct eaid epeciai election shall be the same as those ezteblished end appointed es per Resolution No. 1601 , adopted by the said Council Lay eeve, 1931. See, 6. At seid special election the tolls shall be opened t nix o'clock a.m., of the day of election and be newt open until seven o'clock p.m„ of the same day, whee the pone shall be cleeed, exceet as otherwime provieed in Section 1164 of the Political Code of the Stete of California, See, 7. The City Clerk is hereby directed to procure ell supplies that may be necessary to properly roner2y nd lawfully conduct slid election. S ec. 5. When the polls are closed the officers of election shall count the ballots eas t thereet, and canvass the votes east respectively for and agaiast the oueetion herein eulmitted, and nuke return thereof to the City Council of the City of Alameda in time, form and manner required for the counting, cenveesieg and returnin of vote cast at other municipal elections held in eau eity. -3eo. 9. If, at eaid special electien, it shall appear thet s mejority of the voters voting aeon seid eneetion heve voted in fever theeeef, eeid ordinance ellen go into effect end become. operetive. Sac. 10. This resoleton and publimetion thereof in the Alameda Times- Ster Shell le end constitute notice of said election. I, the underoigned, hereb y. certify thst the foregoing Resolution egoo dill nd regularly introduced Etta ea Opt e d„ by the Council of the City of Alameda, in regular ring Ds'Qemble3 on the 19th day of 303, 1931, by the t'olloveing vote, to wit: AYES Councilmen Bre de roe n, Le yde ulcer, Murray , 3oha rife, r and Ere idat Hennini, (5). NCES; None. ATBSENTA None, IN TESTEIONT 1233303, I have hereunto oot my hand end affixed the official sail of said city this 2011 deo of May, 1131. (Seel of the City of Alameda) W. E. VARC rIC o. 3 I hereby certify that the foregoing lo a 3311, true and correct copy of "RESOLUTION NO. 1599 — 2 RESOLUTION ORDERING, CALLING, PROVIDING POR AND GIVING NOT 100 13 2 S:i?301301 ELECTION TO BE HELD IN 200 CITY 03 ALATEEDA, Soso 02 OALINCRELL, ON TUESDAY, TEE TE33TY233I12D DAM OF ILENE, 1931, POR 0E3 PURPOSE 03 SUBMITTING TO THE 0121113IE2 ELECTORS 00 SAID CITY ORDIELITCE 30. 492 11E31100I73I23 TEAT 03091I11 PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING BETWEEN TIM 3035133333 DINE 03 33233I3E BOTTIMED AND TEE TIDAL 2.3341,, AND EXPENDLIG PROM 3113 EASTERLY 11)13 00 'VERSAILLES AVENUE 967039 PEET EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY 13:23 30 PERNSIDE BOULEVARD, CONTAINDIG 14.35 AORES 07 LAND, MORE OR LESS, BROM A RESIDENCE DISTRICT, CLASS I, TO AN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, CLASS VII.", passed by the Council of the City cif Alameda in resuler meetitic assembled on the 19th day of May, 1931. au, 3123c lit at elGo tac of Ale __TEL-