Resolution 01608RIEOLUTIRM MO. MCCE MTEHRRIZIEG MAYoa TO EMEEETE AM &CUERO= EPEC ditY 2C RERKELEY fOR ECTEIETTICHEardS) OP POLICE 212.10 COMMTHICA CITE 62ECEM. TRICREAS in the interest of -public cenvenlenme ant necessity it is deemed dd&isable to unite the territory within the (Scotties of ;lamed& snd Cortra Costs for the purpose of establishing. therein a ocmpleto bodice radio communication, system, awl aTIERRAS, the City of :Berkeley is willinm to ccastfuet a comffsa. ifecedoesinc station fo &cry& said counties tnd municiTelitips snit Counties, without discrimination; and without cost, and CHEREAS it is desifsble tact ths Gift of alsae Oa. be willidg to. co- operste oad ute thm ssid broadcesttag stotipn, and CHEREAS thm City Council of said a. of tefgeley has by Resolution No. 180271 N.S authorized. the exeoutica of am. agreement for the pupTose of establishing thereia. said. complete pelts& radio communication. system, 'NOW THERETTORE BE if RESOLVED that the Mtyor of the City of Alameda be and he is horeby adthoTied snd directed to execute, an assreemBat on, bshalf of the Oity of Alameda with the City of Belt slag', whereby the efores&id puspose will be effected. I, the undersigned, herety certify thst tho foregoimg Resolution tss duly sad. regularly introducled and odoated by th,e Conrail; of the City of Alfammde in regall&f meefing assembled OE the 16th, dcy of Cline, 1931, by tne following vote, topvit: AYES: Councilmen. Mredersca, SaCam(fer odd itaa(idont Idenadog, (El. :TOES: None. ABSERT: Coadoilaen. :Resta otos' gad; Mufray, (2). ITC T&STIMORY TEDME02, I asNe hereunto sot my hond cfla. a ffifed the official ssal sAta city this 17th dap of June, ( Cool of thvi Oity cf& Alameda) 4 )01-fi, 77i0 0 f: titlfr°3i tr. d 17:50- 13, TFT T. he.reby asicti.fy he t the ...iharehhe 1 Yee is a. :eula, true and correct dewy ,ITTION. 1COS AUCHORIZING MAYOR TO. ExEcum At; irs:RarTttEil.Tti! rir.17 cITY BERKEITICE FOR CORTABLICHLISER CET 4(»J 41 COMITERECATIOE. ;SYSTEM", passed ley' lehe Council of the .0ity of) Alameda ir refaslcir Assetibne s eemleied the do.y done, 1931..